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Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X

Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X

High-Wire Artist Performs Germany 1946

High-wire artist performs above the ruins of Heumarkt in Cologne, Germany in 1946.

Central Park 1933

Central Park, NYC, 1933

Steven Spielberg Jaws 1975

Photo Legend History

Steven Spielberg lying in the mouth of "Bruce the shark" on the set of Jaws, 1975

Pele World Cup 1958

A 17 year-old Pele in Stockholm before the 1958 World Cup

Mascot Holywood Film Studio MGM

Alfred Hitchcock serving tea to Leo the Lion (the mascot for the Hollywood film studio MGM), 1957

Led Zeppelin in Melbourne, Australia, 1972

Led Zeppelin in Melbourne, Australia, 1972

3 Japan Archers

Three archers, Japan, ca.1860-1900.

Joseph And Magda Goebbels 1931

Joseph and Magda Goebbels on their wedding day. Best man- Adolf Hitler, 1931.

Pyramid New York 1918

Pyramid of captured German helmets, New York, 1918

Soviet Soldiers in Berlin 1945

Soviet soldiers take a break to watch an acrobatic show on the march towards Berlin 1945.

Head Of Statue Liberty 1878

Head of the Statue of Liberty on display  at the World's Fair in Paris, 1878.

Brazil Winner World Cup 1958

Hilderaldo Luiz Bellini, here holding the 1958 World Cup trophy after Brazil beat Sweden.

Hoover Dam turbine construction, 1933-1935 -

Hoover Dam turbine construction, 1933-1935 -

The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

1967 - The Beatles' shoot for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Bananas Norway 1905

1905 - Norway's first ever shipment of bananas.

London Milkman 1940

A London milkman sticking to his schedule despite the German bombing raid in 1940.

U.S. Military on Iwo Jima 1945

U.S. military raising the American flag on Iwo Jima in February, 1945.

Japanese Family 1945

A Japanese family returning home from a relocation center camp in Hunt, Idaho on May 10, 1945.

Royce Car 1904

The first Royce car in Cooke Street 1904. Photo courtesy Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust.

Bob Dylan Show 1963

Bob Dylan playing in Greenwood, Mississippi, 1963.

German Kids Playing With Stacks 1923

German kids playing with stacks of German Marks. Due to hyperinflation, this was probably worth less than $1, 1923.

Boxing Bear 1949

In 1949 an official boxing match between a bear and a man was held. The bear won.

Rollingstone First Photo 1962

The first photo ever taken of the Rolling Stones, 1962

Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali 1973

Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali, 1973

Stephen King & Drew Barrymore 1984

Photo Legend History 

Stephen King & Drew Barrymore at the premiere of Firestarter, 1984

Hollywood 1923

1923 - The Hollywood sign right after it was built.

1862 Abraham Lincoln - Photo Legend History

Photo Legend History 

1862 - Abraham Lincoln and General George McClellan.

Iranian Princess Fatemeh Khanum

The real story behind the viral photo of Iranian Princess Fatemeh Khanum “‘Esmat al-Dowleh- recently a photo of Princess Esmat circulated by claming that "she was considered the ultimate symbol of beauty in Persia during the early 1900s. So much in fact, a total of 13 young men killed themselves because she rejected their love" -
However, @victoriamartinezwriter wrote 'The only part of the meme that has a grain of truth to it is that there was indeed a period in Persian history when ‘Esmat’s appearance – namely, her “mustache” – was considered beautiful.' and that 'The primary figure in this history is Princess Fatemeh Khanum “‘Esmat al-Dowleh”[1] (1855/6-1905), a daughter of Nasar al-Din Shah Qajar (1831-1896), King of Persia from 1848-1896, and one of his wives, Taj al-Dowleh. The photograph circulating is indeed ‘Esmat, not an actor, and was taken by her husband circa the mid- to late-19th century. This information alone, readily available online and in print, contradicts the claim that ‘Esmat was “the ultimate symbol of beauty… in the early 1900s.” Since the photo of ‘Esmat was taken years before then, and she died in 1905, it’s a stretch to make her an icon of a period she barely graced'

Photo Wilt Chamberlain 1962

Wilt Chamberlain running high school track in 1962

Photo Red Army Berlin 1945

Red Army soldiers hoisting a hammer-and-sickle flag over the Reichstag in Berlin, 1945.

Statue of Liberty 1909 - Photo Legend History

Photo Legend History

1909 - Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty.

Los Angeles 1926

Photo Legend History

Los Angeles, 1926 – Alerted by the smell of a broken bottle of liquor, Federal Agents inspect a “lumber truck”.

The Beginning of the Terrible Vietnam War

War is a physical and non-physical action that takes place between two or more human groups, to dominate in the disputed area. Ancient warfa...




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