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Causes of Bloody Vagina After Sexual Relationship

Causes of Bloody Vagina After Sexual Relationship

Vaginal bleeding is not foreign to women. Every month we experience it in the menstrual period. Bleeding vagina is also common (though not always) the first time a woman loses virginity. But what about when blood comes out of the vagina after intercourse, even though you are no longer a virgin?

Some of the causes are often only mild things that need not be worried. But it also cannot be ignored, because there are several possible causes to watch out for.

What are the causes of vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse?
1. Cervicitis
Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix, located further down, the narrow end of the uterus and connecting to the vagina. Sometimes, there are no signs or symptoms shown when suffering from cervicitis. However, the symptoms found can be bleeding when you are not menstruating, and changes in the fluid that comes out of the vagina - like vaginal discharge. Other symptoms include pain during intercourse and bleeding from the vagina afterwards. Cervicitis can also occur when you have a sexually transmitted disease, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

2. Cervical extropion
A condition in which the inner lining of the cervix protrudes into the vaginal part. However, this is not identification as a condition that can cause cancer.

3. Cervical polyps
This polyp is a benign tumor with a small and long shape that grows on the cervix. Symptoms can include vaginal bleeding after intercourse, after menopause, and when you are not menstruating.

4. Dry vagina
This case can occur in women of all ages and ages. However, generally this is experienced by elderly women. Deficiency of the hormone estrogen is one of the triggers. Estrogen itself functions to help maintain healthy vaginal tissue, regulate vaginal vaginal lubrication, acidity and elasticity of the vagina. With a dry vaginal condition, it is very possible that friction during intercourse can cause bleeding.

5. Vaginitis
This is also an inflammation that occurs in the vagina, resulting in pain, itching, and abnormal discharge of fluid. The cause is in the form of an imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the vagina. Decreasing estrogen levels and menopause can also be the cause.

Another cause of vaginal bleeding after sex
There are several other causes that can cause bleeding after intercourse, such as:

Friction caused during sexual intercourse
Sexually transmitted infections, such as genital herpes and syphilis
Lack of lubrication in the vagina or skipping foreplay
Cancer of the cervix (cervix), vagina, or uterus (uterus)
When should I see a doctor?

You should see a doctor when bleeding persists. The doctor will conduct an evaluation and a series of tests, such as:

Women with irregular menstrual cycles can be asked to do a series of physical tests that emphasize the thyroid, breast, and pelvic area
Pap smear to determine the risk of cervical cancer
In premenopausal women, a pregnancy test is needed
A blood test to find out your blood count, if you experience excessive blood loss
Blood sampling test to evaluate thyroid, liver and kidney function
Blood test to determine the level of the hormone progesterone
Pelvic ultrasound is based on the woman's medical history

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Causes of Vulvodynia, Vaginal Pain That Doesn't Gone Missing

Causes of Vulvodynia, Vaginal Pain That Doesn't Gone Missing

If the vagina feels painful, doing all kinds of activities becomes uncomfortable. Starting from sitting, driving, until having sex. Unfortunately, vaginal pain can affect anyone indiscriminately. But what actually causes vaginal pain and how to overcome it? Consider the following answers.

Symptoms of vaginal pain
Pain in female genital organs is known as vulvodynia. You who have this condition may feel symptoms such as pain, pain, heat, or pain in the genital area. Some people also report itching that sometimes attacks.

However, not everyone experiences the same symptoms. Because, there are two types of vulvodynia that may attack women. Pay attention to the types and symptoms below, let's.

Vaginal pain in all places
Pain may be felt throughout the genitals, without exception. Or the pain moves, at different times. Even without being touched or pressed, the vagina can just hurt.

Vaginal pain in a certain place
Vaginal pain only appears in one area, for example the vaginal opening or labia (vaginal lips). Usually pain is followed by a painful sensation such as burning. This type of vulvodynia generally appears only if there is a trigger, such as having sex or sitting too long.

Causes of vaginal pain
Until now, there is no definite answer to the cause of vulvodynia or vaginal pain. According to experts in reproductive health, the pain that arises does not indicate the presence of sexually transmitted infections. In addition, experts also do not see signs of skin disease or cancer in women with vulvodynia. So, the cause of this condition is still being studied.

However, from various medically recorded cases, here are a variety of possibilities that can cause pain in the female genital area.

Nerve injury or injury
Muscle cramps
Allergy or irritation to certain chemicals
Hormonal changes
History of sexual violence
Inflammation in the vaginal area
Have vaginal rejuvenation surgery
Having had a sexually transmitted disease
Often get vaginal yeast infections
Physical activities such as cycling or riding a horse
Frequently taking antibiotics
Sit too long
Wearing clothes or tights
Can vulvodynia be treated?
Because the cause of vulvodynia has not been found with certainty, the treatment is only intended to relieve and prevent symptoms. In addition, the treatment offered to each woman may vary. This depends on the symptoms you experience.

So, you should immediately see a doctor to discuss the best treatment for you. Your doctor may prescribe special painkillers and ointments for the vaginal arena. If you feel it is necessary, you may also be given hormone regulating drugs.

Home care for vulvodynia

In addition to treatment from a doctor, you will also be advised to make some changes and treatments to prevent recurrence of pain. You should not use feminine cleansing soap and sanitary napkins containing perfume or hard chemicals. To make love, always use sex lubricants so that penetration does not feel painful.

So that the muscles and nerves around the genitals are not tense and stiff, relax with Kegel exercises. You can listen to the guide to doing Kegel exercises in this link.

If the pain recurs, compress with a gel or ointment specifically for pain relief. Washing your vagina with warm water can also make you feel better. Also avoid wearing tight pants or no air circulation.

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Relax, Often Having Sex Will Not Make Your Vagina Stretchy

Relax, Often Having Sex Will Not Make Your Vagina Stretchy

Have you ever heard the myth that women who have had frequent vaginal sex will loosen up? This belief has indeed been circulating since ancient times. This is because in ancient times knowledge about the way the vagina worked in the lay community was still limited. In fact, as often as anything having sex will not make the vagina stretchy.

The vagina is one of the strong and versatile female organs. So, you don't need to worry about vaginal stretches due to sex. Check out the following full review to find out why.

Is it true that too much love makes the vagina stretchy?
The myth that the vagina will stretch if you have sex often departs from a wrong understanding of this female organ. Many people believe that the vagina was initially very tight. However, when a woman has had sex for a long time the vagina will stretch because of multiple sex penetration. This is certainly a big mistake.

First, you must first understand how the vagina works. When a woman feels aroused, the vagina will stretch naturally. This serves to open the way for the penis. However, this is temporary. After sex, the vaginal opening will tighten back to normal.

No need to worry about vaginal stretches. Because the muscle tissues around the vagina are very flexible. This is because the vagina has been designed so perfectly to allow reproductive function, namely sexual penetration without destroying its original shape.

Then, what can make the vagina stretchy?
Sex does not make the vagina stretchy. However, several other things like aging and normal childbirth can make the vagina relax. When women enter menopause, estrogen levels in the body will decrease. Decreased estrogen causes various cells, tissues, and muscles around the vagina to weaken and cannot regenerate quickly. The cervix, vagina, and labia are no longer flexible so you will feel a sensation like a stretchy vagina.

Apart from the aging process, normal delivery can also make the vagina relax. This is because babies are born through the cervix and vaginal opening. The vagina will also open a path that is wide enough for the baby to pass. This process can take a long time so that the cervix and vagina must remain in a condition of stretching continuously. Therefore, you may need a few moments until the vagina returns to its original shape. If you don't meet again, you can try various ways to tighten the vagina such as Kegel exercises or laser therapy.

Can the shape of the vagina change if you have sex frequently?
Many women are worried that the vagina will stretch due to sex. In fact, if done wisely and safely, sex will not change the shape of the vagina at all. According to Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, an expert on reproduction and content from Yale Medical School, sex as often as anything will not have an impact on your female organs. The new vagina will be problematic if you are infected with venereal disease caused by unsafe sex.

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5 Symptoms of Trichomoniasis Gender in Women

5 Symptoms of Trichomoniasis Gender in Women

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite named Trichomonas vaginalis (TV). This disease is one of the most common types of venereal disease. This infection is not fatal, but can lead to complications, such as infertility, infection of the vaginal skin tissue in women.

Trichomoniasis can attack men and women, but sexually active young women are more susceptible to contracting, because this disease is transmitted through intimate relationships. Although it can be treated, trichomoniasis makes it uncomfortable and can cause further complications.

Early detection is the best way to control disease and get appropriate medical help. For women, knowing the symptoms can ensure proper and fast treatment.

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis?
Trichomoniasis often has no symptoms. The Center For Disease Control and Prevention reports that only 30 percent of people with trichomoniasis report symptoms.

In one study, 85 percent of affected women did not have any symptoms. These symptoms generally will appear on the fifth to 28th day after being infected. However, many people do not realize that they have been infected with this parasite so they do not take any care.

If you experience one of the symptoms mentioned and the symptoms are getting worse, immediately check with your doctor.

1. Unusual vaginal discharge
One of the first symptoms of trichomoniasis in women is unusual vaginal discharge, because vaginal fluid that appears can range from a soft to slightly foamy texture. The color is usually yellow, green or gray. These symptoms generally appear within a week of exposure.

2. Vaginal itching
Women with trichomoniasis may also experience itching in and around the vagina. Itching appears occasionally and is widespread. Itching can even occur in the folds of the labia (vaginal lips).

3. The vagina smells
Smell on the vagina infected with trichomoniasis, usually develops from mild to strong. Smell that arises such as fishy and rotten smell, especially after bathing or washing the genital area.

4. Vaginal irritation or injury
If your vaginal area is excessively itchy and you scratch it, this can cause inflammation or open sores that are painful and may be difficult to cure. In more advanced conditions, trichomoniasis can arise like a red lump under the skin. This can make your vaginal area more itchy, but you should try to refrain from scratching.

5. Lower abdominal pain
If trichomoniasis is entered in an advanced stage, usually occurs 20 days or more after exposure, a red lump can begin to spread on the inside of the vaginal wall. This is caused by the growing parasites. This lump can cause painful intercourse and lower abdominal pain. This abdominal pain generally subsides one or two days after treatment.

How to avoid contracting trichomoniasis
Like other venereal diseases, trichomoniasis can be prevented by not changing sexual partners. Make sure you also always use a condom during sex, if you are not sure your partner is clean of venereal disease.

In addition, it ensures your vagina is clean of bacteria and parasites that cause sexually transmitted diseases, clean the vagina with a special female cleanser after sex and during menstruation, where the vagina is most susceptible to infection. Avoid vaginal cleansers that contain soap because it can disrupt vaginal pH balance. If you want to eradicate bacteria completely, cleansers containing povidone-iodine can be an option.

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Tips for Caring for a Vagina According to Age Changes Every Woman Should Know

Tips for Caring for a Vagina According to Age Changes Every Woman Should Know

As with skin and hair that will change with age, women's sex organs are the same. Gradually, you may realize that the shape of the vagina is not the same as a few years before. So, for how to treat the vagina itself, is there a difference that must be considered?

How do you treat your vagina according to your age?
Vaginal changes usually begin when a woman has entered puberty. Stepping on this time, you are advised to be more diligent in maintaining the health of your vagina as a whole. Come on, find out about how to care for your personal organs!

How to treat your vagina in your 20s

The peak of female sex hormones - such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone - is increasing rapidly at this age. Especially for those of you who are married and actively having sex, the vagina is at risk of being attacked by various microbes that cause disease.

In order to keep your vagina healthy, you are encouraged to urinate regularly after having sex. The goal is to prevent bacteria, which can come and stick anywhere, such as hands, condoms, or penis. So, bacteria that might stick will be released through the urethra. Moreover, the location of the vagina which is close to the urethra so as to facilitate the spread of bacteria to other body parts.

In addition, as much as possible avoid vaginal douche and clean the vagina using betel leaf soap.

Instead, just wash with water. Although it can provide freshness, but there is still the risk of danger that follows afterwards. Because it will make vaginal pH unbalanced, which in turn increases your risk of infection.

No need to worry because actually the vagina has the natural ability to cleanse itself. This process involves vaginal vaginal discharge which is responsible for cleansing while protecting the vagina from irritation.

How to treat your vagina in your 30s

Entering this age, it is prone to hormonal changes that will cause the labia minora area to darken. The factor of ever giving birth also makes the vagina become more tenuous and loses some of its elasticity. In fact, not infrequently, the vagina sometimes feels dry as a sign of physical symptoms because the body begins to enter a period of temporary menopause.

Well, to work around this, try to start a balanced diet to maintain the health of your vagina. A director of women's sexual dysfunction treatment at the Stanford University Medical Center in California, Leah Millheiser, MD, said that probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt can help prevent infections and other problems that the vagina can experience.

On the other hand, Kegel exercises are believed to be able to help re-close the vagina after giving birth. Gymnastics that have a myriad of positive benefits play a role in strengthening your pelvic floor which can reduce intestinal, bladder, and make love sessions more enjoyable.

How to treat your vagina in your 40s

Menopause in women usually occurs in the age range of 45-55 years. Before entering the actual menopause, women will experience a pre-menopausal period first.

This condition is characterized by decreased estrogen levels in the body, making the vaginal wall drier than usual. The part of the labia in the vagina also appears to be looser due to reduced fat composition.

If this happens, you can talk to your doctor about using safe vaginal lubricants to deal with dryness. Also, try to slip more time into the warm-up session before having sex. You can also try various new positions when sex makes it easier for movement in the joints and muscles of the body.

But don't forget to keep doing kegel exercises regularly in your 40s. Health experts also recommend that you do a pap smear regularly every three years. In order to detect if there is a development of cancer cells in the cervix so prevention can be done immediately.

How to treat the vagina at the age of 50 years and above

After going through the transition period before menopause, now at the age of 50 years and over you may have really experienced menopause. This condition will affect the amount of estrogen in the body which results in the size of the vulva, vagina, and cervix becoming smaller and pale.

Vaginal fluid production will decrease with decreasing estrogen levels, making you less comfortable during sex. Vaginal care at this age is actually not much different from before, make sure you keep on routinely regulating a balanced diet, exercise, health checks especially those related to sex organs, urinating after having sex, and so forth.

You can also add several types of foods that can help treat vaginal dryness, such as soybeans, edamame, tofu, and tempeh. Margaret Nachtigall, MD, as a lecturer in gynecology at New York University, explained that these food sources contain isoflavones, which are compounds that resemble the hormone estrogen.

Regardless of changes in age level, you should consult further with the doctor regarding how to treat the vagina properly if you experience a complaint that is considered unusual in this genital organ.

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Find Out When You Are Ovulating, Based on Whitish Color

Find Out When You Are Ovulating, Based on Whitish Color

If you are trying to get pregnant, recognizing signs of ovulation through vaginal discharge can be a key factor in your success.

Ovulation is a fertile period where your body releases one or more eggs from the ovary. If the egg is fertilized and successfully implanted in the uterus, you can get pregnant. But if you go through that fertile period, you are not pregnant.

By learning to detect physical signs of ovulation through the stages of the vaginal cycle, you can schedule intimate relationships as accurately as possible and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Another way to find out when you are ovulating is with the Fertile Calculator that you can use by clicking on the image below:

When is the most ideal pregnancy time based on the color of vaginal discharge?
Days 1-5
Days 1-5 in your menstrual cycle are times where your menstruation is taking place. At this time, there will be a little vaginal discharge coming out. And if any, the color of vaginal discharge will not be so obvious because it is mixed with blood.

Day 6-8
There will be almost no vaginal discharge during the last days of your menstruation, because almost no estrogen activity supports it. But some of you may also notice the whitish color that is dark brown for a day or two after menstruation. There is no need to worry. Basically, brownish whitish spots are old blood, as a way the body cleanses the vagina after menstruation.

If you are trying to get pregnant, this is not the right time. The sticky whitish liquid blocks the movement of sperm. But if you're not trying to get pregnant, you still have to use protection during sex to be safe, and also to avoid infectious diseases, said Sheeva Talebian, M.D., a gynecologist at the Colorado Reproductive Medicine Center in New York City, reported from Women 's Health.

Days 9-12
As estrogen levels increase in the body in preparation for ovulation, the whitish color becomes milky white with a creamy soft texture and the amount will be much greater than after ovulation (days 1-8). This condition is not ideal for conception, but sperm can still reach the uterus. The egg may not have come down from the ovum (ovary), but sperm can stay there three to five days, waiting for the egg to come.

Day 13-14 (during ovulation)
This is ovulation day. The texture and color of your whiteness will be similar to egg white - bright transparent, wet, slippery and stretchy. If you are trying to get pregnant, this is the right time. This whitish condition is a favorable environment for sperm to swim up to the egg cell. Because of that, health experts refer to it as "fertile mucus".

Day 15-28
After ovulation passes, the liquid and whitish color become thicker and slowly recede because it is affected by the level of progesterone in the body, which dominates your hormones in the second half of your menstrual cycle. Sperm cannot swim in this condition, which makes it not ideal for fertilization.

Be aware if your vaginal discharge looks different than usual
Regardless of whether you are trying to get pregnant or not, always pay attention to what is happening down there. Remember, a little change is normal. But if you see unusual vaginal discharge - like if your vaginal discharge becomes yellow or green, bleeds, with textures like cottage cheese, or foul-smelling - go to the doctor.

Similarly, if you experience pain or itching in these times. You may get an infection, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, or yeast infections.

For extra protection from fungi, bacteria and parasites that cause vaginal infections, you can also use female-specific antiseptics containing povidone-iodine.

Vaginal infections can hinder your efforts to get pregnant. Therefore, make sure you maintain vaginal hygiene by regularly cleaning it after every urination and after sex. Take it easy, cleaning the vagina after sex will not reduce your chances of getting pregnant, it is important to prevent transmission of infection.

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8 Tips for Maintaining Vaginal Health If You Cycling Often

8 Tips for Maintaining Vaginal Health If You Cycling Often

You who often ride a bicycle may be familiar with the sensation of pain or numbness in your intimate area after cycling. Cycling can indeed make the vagina hurt, but that does not mean that this type of healthy exercise is not recommended for women. You can, prevent vaginal pain when cycling. Check out various tips to protect the vagina when cycling.

Tips to protect the vagina when cycling and afterwards
Before taking a walk or exercising on a bicycle, pay attention to things that can help protect the vagina due to the following cycling.

1. Adjust the saddle height
A 2012 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who cycled with saddle positions higher than bicycle handlebars were more prone to having vaginal pain when cycling.

So, adjust the height of the saddle so that the height is right. With the right position, you can also divide the body weight into your arms, not just the pelvis.

2. Choose a saddle that is rather wide
The smaller the saddle you choose, the higher the pressure placed on the pelvis and vagina. Try to choose a saddle that is rather wide but still proportional. A wider saddle will help deliver pressure from your body to parts other than the vagina.

3. Apply a soft cream before cycling
Friction in the vaginal area when cycling can make the vagina feel sore or painful. For that, before you start cycling you can apply soft cream like body lotion on the inner thighs and groin.

4. Avoid shaving or waxing pubic hair
Pubic hair or pubic hair have an important function of protecting the vagina from friction, bacterial infection, or injury. So, it's best not to shave or do pubic hair waxing before you cycle. Shaving can be a little bit done, but make sure you don't ride immediately afterwards. Especially if there are cuts or scratches after shaving.

5. Wear special cycling pants
Don't forget to wear women's cycling shorts that have a cushion. These pads are like sanitary napkins that stick to and blend with pants. Its function is to protect the vagina from excessive pressure or friction.

6. After cycling, immediately change pants and clean the vagina
Have arrived at the destination? Immediately change your pants and clean your vagina first. Rinse the vagina with clean water then dry it with a soft tissue or towel. Change with new underwear.

This still applies if you plan to go home and go on a bicycle. So, you should bring two sets of bicycle pants to replace. Do not use the same pants because many bacteria have gathered because the vaginal area becomes moist.

7. urinate after cycling
To prevent bacterial infections, try to urinate after cycling. Urination can also flush bacteria out of the urethra or vagina. This can also be an excuse to drink plenty of water after riding a bicycle.

8. Diligently eat yogurt
Foods that are high in probiotics like yogurt can help maintain a balance of bacterial colonies in your intimate organs. By adding good bacteria in the vagina, you also avoid the risk of fungal infections (yeast) and vaginal bacteria.

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Powder sowing on the vagina can trigger ovarian cancer?

Powder sowing on the vagina can trigger ovarian cancer?

Powder has been used for generations as a baby fragrance as well as to keep the skin dry and avoid rashes. Some women also use powder in the vagina as a way to keep the vagina dry and fragrant. But behind his gentleness, powder saves secrets that are more troubling.

Based on a series of scientific studies and research collected since the last few decades, health experts are increasingly pushing women to no longer sow powder to scent their intimate areas. They voiced firmly that this habit can increase the risk of ovarian cancer by 20-30 percent. How come?

What is contained in powder?
Talcum powder is widely used in cosmetic products such as baby powder and body powder, facial powder, and in a number of other consumer products. Powder is also often used by women as a way to keep the vagina cool, rough, and free of odors.

Classic powder on the market contains talcum. Talcum is a fine grain produced from the process of crushing, drying, and grinding talc clay minerals. In its most natural form, talcum as a result of the mining process also contains other minerals, such as magnesium, silicon and asbestos.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the WHO, classifies talc as "likely carcinogenic to humans" based on studies of use in the genital area. Meanwhile, asbestos is known to be a rare trigger for lung cancer, especially if inhaled.

How can powder on the vagina cause ovarian cancer?
Even though all commercial powder is guaranteed to be free from asbestos, this powder still contains super fine talcum fiber which takes years to dissolve. Scientists believe when powder is sprinkled into the genital area (into panties; or on the pantyliner surface), the fine grains are carried into the body via the vagina - through the uterus and along the fallopian tubes to the ovary, creating buildup and triggering inflammatory reactions similar to the effects asbestos carcinogens in the lungs.

The Cancer Prevention Research study, which involved nearly 2,000 women, found no direct relationship between how much powder was used and the risk of cancer: use ranged from every day to only occasionally.

This study supports a number of other studies, including a 2003 analysis that combined 16 studies that found an increase in the risk of ovarian cancer by 30 percent among women using powder.

However, individually, even if a woman is at risk of ovarian cancer, the possibility of an increased risk of using powder is fairly small. A woman's average lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is less than 2%, so a 30% increase will only slightly increase your risk.

On the other hand, many experts argue that research like this can be biased because it is more likely to rely on the relative memory of the respondents of the study of the history of the use of powder from previous years.

What can I do to avoid the risk of ovarian cancer?
Talc is widely used in many cosmetic and personal hygiene products, so it is important to determine whether the increase in risk is real. If you are worried about using products that contain talc, the best protection is to limit your exposure.

As suggested by the American Cancer Society, corn starch-based cosmetic powder products may be a safer alternative because until now there is no evidence linking cornstarch powder to the development of cancer.

If you have a problem with a moist vagina, especially when menstruating or experiencing vaginal discharge, do not use powder at all. Simply clean your vagina with warm water, at least twice a day, to expel germs and bacteria.

You can also use feminine cleansers containing povidone-iodine to prevent vaginal infections, especially during menstruation. After washing the vagina, do not forget to always dry it first before wearing back underwear.

To keep the vagina dry. If you are prone to sweating in the vaginal area, doctors recommend wearing cotton-based clothing and frequently changing clean underwear, avoiding wearing tight pants, or even removing panties during the night's sleep (to give your intimate area a chance to breathe).

Lastly, it is important to note that based on the above research, powder is not the only direct actor of cancer of any kind, but it is highly suspected that it can worsen the risks and symptoms. Every woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer is urged to consider the possible interconnectedness of the disease with a history of using powder.

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Can Menopause Women Still Reach Orgasm?

Women who will or have entered menopause often complain of some changes in their body. Besides being declining physical health, they also began to worry about their sexual lives with their partners. Some women feel afraid that later they cannot orgasm again if they have sex at menopause. Is that right? Consider the following facts.

Can I still orgasm if I have sex at menopause?

The menopause will indeed bring many changes to your sexual life and your partner. Starting from a decrease in libido, aka sexual arousal, losing interest in sex, to having difficulty orgasm.

This was revealed by Dr. Virginia A. Sadock, a psychiatrist and leader of the Program in Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy at New York University's Langone Medical Center.

As we get older, the levels of the hormone estrogen aka sex hormones in women will drop dramatically. This causes the vaginal lining to become thin (vaginal atrophy) and vaginal dryness.

This condition causes blood flow to the clitoris and vagina to become blocked, so that these two reproductive organs become less sensitive than before. That's why, most women often feel pain when having sex at menopause.

If you only have sex you feel sick, then you certainly can not enjoy the passion of sex, especially to reach orgasm. What's more, some menopausal women reveal that they experience shrinking of the clitoris, making it more difficult to reach orgasm, as quoted from the Huffington Post.

Even so, in fact not all women will experience a decrease in sex drive at menopause, you know. Because, some other women actually feel more excited when making love. In fact, the chance of an orgasm can be many times more than before you experience menopause.

Why can menopausal women still orgasm while making love?

Getting older, means you are getting more frequent and more experience in having sex with your partner. You both may have tried various positions, techniques, fantasies, using sex toys, to try various sex positions that are comfortable for you both.

The number of sexual experiences that make your sex organs become more easily aroused. So, it is not impossible for you to reach orgasm easily, even after menopause.

What's more, you also don't worry about having a pregnancy during sex. Unlike when you are still in childbearing age, sex sometimes makes you anxious about conceding and getting pregnant again. That way, you can have sex more freely, also more easily reach orgasm.

How do you reach orgasm even after menopause?

Having sex is one way for married couples to maintain household harmony. Not only provides its own happiness, sex can also strengthen your trust, you know.

Even though you are menopausal, you can still feel the pleasure of making love and achieving a great orgasm that is coveted. It's just that you may need some additional stimulation to reach orgasm itself.

Various easy ways that can be done to reach orgasm if having sex at menopause are:

1. Use the help of sex toys
Before penetrating, you can use a vibrator or sex toys to increase stimulation directly on the clitoris. You can also ask your partner's help to explore sensitive areas of your body to make it easier for you to reach orgasm.

2. Open each other with a partner
Even after menopause, try to keep having sex with your partner regularly. Because, this can help keep the vaginal muscles tight, supple, and satisfying when having sex.

Talk to your partner about foreplay techniques and sex positions that make you both comfortable. The more open you are with your partner, the easier it will be for both of you to reach orgasm.

However, actually satisfaction does not only have to pass through penetration, but it can also be through an exciting touch. So, if you or your partner are reluctant to have sex, both of you can still mutually cling to increasing intimacy. That way, you both can enjoy the time to make love to the maximum and exciting.

3. Regular exercise
Exercise can help smooth blood flow throughout the body, including blood flow to the genitals. The smoother the blood flow to the clitoris and vagina, the easier it will be for you to reach your dream orgasm.

Try to go back to regular exercise with your partner. For example by walking, swimming, or doing Kegel exercises for women and men. In addition to increasing sexual arousal in bed, exercise with your partner can also increase the harmony of your household.

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4 Causes Lumps Appear in Your Vaginal Hole

4 Causes Lumps Appear in Your Vaginal Hole

In addition to causing pain and discomfort, a lump in the vagina can reduce pleasure during sexual intercourse. Usually a lump in this vaginal opening has its own risks, and it will be a serious problem if you ignore it.

Causes of vaginal lumps
A lump in the vagina can be caused by an infection. Infection of the genital area is usually a sign of a serious problem, especially if left silent without taking medical action. Here are some possibilities that can occur:

1. Genital warts
In some cases, sometimes the warts also settle in your genital area. The form of this wart is usually a small lump, and the color resembles skin color. Genital warts can basically disappear by themselves, but not infrequently will also perch for a long time and cause infection.

Genital warts are caused by the genital human papilloma virus (HPV), and have been shown to often be associated with the presence of cervical cancer in women. If, you suspect signs of warts on your genitals, it's best to immediately contact the obygyn or genitals for further treatment.

2. Vaginal varicose veins
Varicose veins in the vaginal area is a condition in which the veins or blood vessels around your vulva swell. This varicose vein usually occurs in about 10% of women who are pregnant or experiencing menopause.

This form of vaginal varicose is a bluish lump due to swollen blood vessels around the labia minora and majora. You may not experience pain, but sometimes it will feel blocked, cause itching, or even bleeding.

There is no serious treatment that must be done for pregnant women who experience varicose veins. Because usually, these varices will disappear by themselves around 6 weeks after the birth period, and can occur again in the next pregnancy. But, there is no harm in also consulting a doctor to find out the exact diagnosis.

3. Genital herpes
Genital herpes is a venereal disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Usually characterized by a lump in the vaginal opening or runny bumps on the genitals, anus, or mouth. Genital herpes can spread by touch, but more often spreads through sexual intercourse.

4. Cysts
Cysts, with a yellowish round lump, can occur in your intimate area. Cysts in the vagina will feel like small balls or soft gravel that are easily moved. Usually caused by clogged hair follicles. If there are cysts in the vagina, you should immediately contact a doctor for further treatment

When should I see a doctor?
Although some of these diseases look less dangerous, sometimes they can turn out to be big problems, such as cancer. On average, the cause of a vaginal lump is caused by unclean sex, and the presence of a sexually transmitted infection.

It is best to see a doctor if you are unsure of changes in the vagina. Especially if you have a new lump that doesn't go away in a few weeks. The doctor will test for the possibility of other sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and hepatitis.

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3 Safe and Effective Ways to Close Your Vagina

3 Safe and Effective Ways to Close Your Vagina

One problem that is often experienced by women but shame is expressed is a vagina that is not as close as before. Actually, this problem is quite common and in most cases is a natural thing. However, a loosened vagina may make you not confident and not get maximum pleasure in bed. In addition, a vaginal tightness may cause conditions such as urinary incontinence. Well, you don't need to worry. With proper care and technique, the vagina can be rejuvenated again. There are various ways to close your vagina that you can try. The following is a complete review of each method.

1. Gymnastics to tighten the vagina
The vagina can relax due to various things. It could be because the lower pelvic muscles in your vaginal area are weakened or because the vaginal skin layer is loosened. If during sex you do not feel the sensation of a vaginal bite that is strong enough, it could be the cause is your pelvic muscles are weakened. This may occur due to normal labor or the aging process.

To tighten the muscles around the vagina, you can do gymnastics at home. One of them is Kegel gymnastics. See the guide to doing Kegel exercises in this link. Apart from Kegel exercises, you can do simple exercises such as hip exercises, squats, and lift your legs. Routine doing these exercises can be a powerful vaginal tightening method.

2. Laser therapy
If the cause of your vagina relaxes is the natural aging process, you can consider laser therapy. With laser therapy, your vaginal skin layer will be "shot" with a special laser beam. Lasers will trigger collagen production in the skin. That way, the layers of skin and vaginal tissue will come back tight and supple as before.

Therapy to rejuvenate these female organs does not require any surgery or surgery. The process is very fast, which is only about 15 minutes. The laser shooter will be inserted into the vagina for four to six centimeters. The laser is then turned on or shot inside the vagina. This laser flame will penetrate into the vaginal wall approximately half a millimeter. This depth is enough to reach the skin layer which is responsible for producing collagen. The warmth of this laser beam will support the production of collagen and elastin, which are two types of protein substances that function to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin layer.

3. Maintain a healthy diet
One way to close the vagina is quite easy is to maintain a healthy diet. As mentioned earlier, the vagina can become loose due to the aging process. This aging process is caused by reduced collagen and elastin. Meanwhile, levels of collagen and elastin in the body will decrease due to free radicals that damage cells in the vaginal skin layer. To ward off and prevent free radicals, you must increase your intake of foods that are rich in antioxidants.

Foods that are rich in antioxidants are vegetables and fruits that are strong in color, whether very dark or very bright. Other food sources rich in antioxidants include nuts, mushrooms, fish, and yogurt.

Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, foods containing hard chemicals or preservatives, and stop smoking. These are sources of free radicals that can interfere with levels of collagen and elastin in your female area.

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