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Alert! Infectious Syphilis Sexually Transmitted Diseases Also Stalk Babies

Alert! Infectious Syphilis Sexually Transmitted Diseases Also Stalk Babies

Infectious sex such as syphilis aka the king of lions is usually very vulnerable to occur in people who do not have sex safely or mutually spouse. Although it is indeed experienced by many adults, in fact this infectious disease may occur in infants. In fact, the little one has been infected since he was still in the womb. This happens because the mother has syphilis to infect her fetus. This condition is called congenital syphilis. So, how dangerous is congenital syphilis for the baby? Can it be cured?

Congenital syphilis, a life threatening infection
Congenital syphilis is a serious infection that can result in lifelong disability and death in newborns. Pregnant women infected with Treponema pallidum can transmit the bacteria to the fetus through the placenta into the body of the fetus.

Congenital syphilis is a life-threatening infection because it can attack various organ systems in the developing fetus's body. Syphilis infections can affect various organs of the body including the brain, lymphatic system to bones.

Pregnant women are very likely to transmit infection to the fetus, especially if the disease is not treated and occurs in the second trimester. This infection can also increase the risk of low birth weight, premature birth, miscarriage, or stillbirth.

Symptoms experienced by babies

Initially, a live-born baby from a mother who has syphilis may look healthy and fine. But over time some symptoms can arise. Usually babies under 2 years who experience congenital syphilis will experience:

Bone disorders
Enlarged liver
Did not experience significant weight gain compared to the weight at birth
Often fussy
The skin breaks around the mouth, genital and anus
A rash appears on the skin
Cannot move arms and legs
Frequent discharge from the nose
In infants and children, the symptoms of congenital syphilis can be:

Tooth growth abnormalities
Impaired bone
Blindness or interference with the cornea
Hearing loss to deafness
Impaired nasal bone growth
Swelling of joints
Skin disorders around the mouth, genital and anus.
How can congenital syphilis be recognized?
Early detection of disease in pregnant women can be done by conducting various blood tests such as Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed tests (FTA-ABS), Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) and Venereal disease research laboratory test (VDRL). Detection and treatment as early as possible will be very useful to prevent transmission to the fetus.

In a newborn, if a syphilis infection is suspected, placental examination can be carried out accompanied by a physical examination of the baby for symptoms in the organs of the body. Physical examination of the baby includes:

X-rays in bones
Eye examination
Microscopic examination of syphilis bacteria
Blood test (same as for pregnant women).
How to deal with cases of congenital syphilis in infants?
In pregnant women, treatment will only be effective if syphilis infection occurs in the initial phase by administering penicillin-specific antibiotics by a doctor. The treatment of advanced syphilis will be very dangerous for the fetus so that it can cause a reaction to spontaneous abortion.

If the baby has been born, handling the infection also uses specific antibiotics by the doctor as early as possible in the first 7 days after birth. The antibiotic drug administration regimen will also depend on the condition of the baby's weight and the history of infection and treatment of the pregnant woman.

The final symptoms in elderly infants to children prescribed antibiotics may also be needed with a gradual reduction of antibiotic doses and also accompanied by specific treatment for other organs that may be affected by infections such as the eyes and ears.

Can this congenital syphilis be prevented?
Congenital syphilis infection is very dependent on the condition and history of infection in pregnant women. Applying safe sexual behavior before the conception period can prevent you from infection and the risk of transmitting syphilis. If you feel at risk of experiencing a syphilis infection, immediately consult a doctor. Treatment as early as possible can avoid syphilis infection in the advanced phase.

Examination in pregnant women should also be done as early as possible in the first trimester of pregnancy. Examination must also be done again if the pregnant woman is diagnosed by other sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy.

Opportunities for recovery for mothers and babies avoid infection are very large if syphilis is detected and treated early. In some cases, syphilis treated during the late pregnancy can eliminate infection in pregnant women but symptoms of syphilis infection can still be seen in newborns.

4 Causes of the appearance of red spots on the skin

4 Causes of the appearance of red spots on the skin

Skin is a part of the body that is often exposed to foreign substances, and even becomes a place for discharge from the body in the form of sweat. That is why the skin is susceptible to many disorders, such as red spots on the skin. The skin disorder feels itchy and is also very disturbing. What causes red spots on the skin that you can experience now? Consider the following review.

Causes of red spots on the skin
Although both cause red spots on the skin, the causes of these symptoms can vary. Therefore, understanding the symptoms can help you be aware of conditions that might require the doctor's treatment. Some causes of red spots on the skin, namely:

1. Prickly heat
Prickly heat or miliria not only occurs in infants, but also in adults. Especially when the weather is hot. This condition is caused by sweat trapped under your skin. Signs and symptoms vary, from rashes in the upper layers of the skin, sometimes the rash is fluid or causes lesions. These skin disorders usually heal by themselves, but can get worse and spread. This depends on how you treat the affected skin.

Because the main cause is sweat, you should avoid activities that make you sweat, wear clothes that are loose and absorb sweat, and make sure the room temperature remains cool. If you are really bothered by this prickly heat, you should check with your doctor.

2. Fungal infections (candidiasis)
Various types of bacteria or fungi live and grow on the skin, but most are not dangerous. These various organisms are indeed needed to balance the skin. However, when the growth is out of control, this can cause fungal infections. Candida fungus is a fungus that has the potential to cause fungus (candidiasis), cause red spots on the skin, itchy, and feels sore.

Generally this condition occurs around the folds of the skin, such as the armpit area, groin, under the breast, the corners of the mouth, or between fingers. usually this condition occurs in people who lack personal hygiene or other underlying conditions, such as diabetes. This skin disorder is actually not contagious, but people with weakened immune systems can experience this condition when they touch the skin of an infected person.

Doing treatment at home can help cure the skin from this condition. For example, by maintaining cleanliness of the body, using antifungal drugs, and reducing consumption of high-sugar foods and drinks.

3. Scabies (scabies)
Scabies is caused by lice Sarcoptes scabiei var. living hominis and laying eggs on the skin. The most common symptoms are usually itching and red spots resembling zits. These spots can spread rapidly from the skin to the skin or objects used on crusty skin. However, if it is not on the skin, this parasite will not last long. In someone, scabies can live for 1-2 months, but when moving to another person's body through an intermediary will last in 2 or 3 days. This condition can be cured with drugs that kill the parasites and their eggs on the skin.

Scabies will not survive if the surrounding temperature is 50 degrees Celsius. For this reason, when washing clothes, blankets, towels and other objects, soak them in hot water and rinse thoroughly.

4. Syphilis
Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by Treponema pallidum through sexual activity, be it oral or anal sex or infected person's body fluids about open wounds of healthy people. Symptoms that appear are red spots become small wounds, but not painful. This will appear on the genitals or around the mouth and will heal in six weeks without treatment and leave scars. However, it can also develop on the palms or feet.

Because symptoms on the skin are almost like other diseases, syphilis will make the affected person have warts around the groin, white spots in the mouth, swollen lymph nodes, fever, and weight loss. Quoted from WebMD, if the infection is not treated, it can proceed to a stage characterized by problems in the heart, brain, and nerves that can cause paralysis, blindness, dementia, deafness, impotence, and even death.

Superheroine Tera Pink

Superheroine Tera Pink

3 Harmful Bacteria That Cause Sex Problems in Your Vagina

3 Harmful Bacteria That Cause Sex Problems in Your Vagina

As you already know, venereal disease is a disease that attacks a person's sex organs. This type of disease is usually transmitted by sexual activity, so it is called a sexually transmitted disease. The effects vary, from starting itching, pain to causing infertility or infertility.

Of course this is very unpleasant for everyone who experiences it, given the very importance of genitals for humans for reproduction. However, do you know what causes venereal disease?

Most causes of venereal disease are bacteria
There are various types of organisms that are the cause of venereal disease, namely fungi, viruses, and bacteria.

However, in general, bacteria are the main cause that attacks a person's sex so that it can cause disease. Bacteria that cause venereal disease vary, causing different symptoms.

As you know, bacteria are the smallest organisms that can only be seen through a microscope. Bacteria will attack the body's cells so that they can double their numbers. The cells that are attacked will lose their function and cause symptoms and signs of disease in the genital tissue.

What are the bacteria that cause venereal disease?
1. Chlamydia trachomatis causes chlamydia

Chlamydia trachomatis causes chlamydial disease. Chlamydia trachomatis belongs to the genus Chlamydia and has an irregular shape. He needs a host in other living cells, so that these bacteria cannot live outside the body of living things. This is why these bacteria like to attack column epithelial cells in the cervix (cervix), urethra, and rectum in humans.

This bacterium infects 131 million people globally per year. This number is only a rough estimate, because chlamydia generally does not produce typical symptoms. This causes people not to know whether they have been infected with this disease or not.

Even if symptoms arise, they are often misunderstood as other common diseases such as genital pain, vaginal discharge or discharge from the penis.

Other symptoms that can be caused by chlamydia are fever, vaginal or testicular swelling, lower abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal fluid, abnormal discharge from the penis, pain when pee, and pain during intercourse.

Remarkably, chlamydia not only infects the genitals, but can also infect the eye and cause inflammation of the lining of the eye (conjunctivitis). This occurs if the infected vaginal or sperm fluid is affected by the eye.

These bacteria can only be infected through sex and not because of other reasons, for example using public toilets or using towels of people who are infected.

2. Neisseria gonorrhae causes gonorrhea or gonorrhea

Neisseria gonorrhae is a bacterium that causes gonorrhea or commonly called gonorrhea. These bacteria include the type of gram-negative bacteria that are shaped kokus or round. Usually, these bacteria attach to two-two so called diplococcus.

These bacteria can easily multiply on mucous membranes such as in the mouth, throat and anus and in genital organs such as the cervix, fallopian tubes and uterus.

People with gonorrhea can have signs and symptoms such as pain or heat sensation when urinating, gonorrhea, sore throat, pain in the genitals to swelling or redness in the male pee hole.

3. Treponema pallidum causes syphilis or lion king

Treponema pallidum is a kind of spiral negative gram bacteria. This bacterium causes syphilis or commonly called the lion king. Like the other two types of bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases, these bacteria are also gram negative bacteria. The bacterium that causes syphilis was discovered initially in 1912 in Japan by Hideyo Noguchi.

Syphilis or the lion king has long been feared by people, because its widespread effects can even cause permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and heart. In addition, syphilis can also be transmitted from mother to child in her womb. This is called congenital syphilis.

The initial symptoms of this disease are ulcers in the genitals, anus, or mouth, but not painful. These ulcers will usually heal within five weeks. Then fever, headache, own pain, sore throat, swollen lymph glands in the armpits, thighs or neck appear a rash on the penis, vagina or mouth and palms and soles of the feet. This stage can last for years.

Then, over the next 10 to 40 years, syphilis does not produce typical symptoms until damage to the brain and heart arises. Of course this can be fatal if not detected at the beginning. How to prevent it immediately consult a doctor if a rash appears in your groin area.

How to protect the vagina from bacteria that cause venereal disease?
Bacteria can live and develop in the vagina. Your vagina is a place that is suitable for bacteria because of its humidity.

One way to prevent the transmission of bacteria that causes venereal disease is to always have sex when your partner uses a condom. Condoms are the only contraceptive that can prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

It is also important to keep your genital area clean after sex.

The vagina is a place that supports the proliferation of bacteria, especially during menstruation. Therefore, you can use a female cleanser containing povidone iodine to clean the outside of the vagina. With the content of Povidone-Iodine 10%, this liquid effectively kills bacteria that cause venereal disease.

Superheroine GHKP 46 Saint Force Return of Holy Woman 2

Superheroine GHKP 46 Saint Force Return of Holy Woman 2

Detect Diseases from Your Vaginal Fluid Type

Detect Diseases from Your Vaginal Fluid Type

Vaginal fluid is one of the most important elements in the health of a woman's sex organs. However, many women are still ashamed or reluctant to learn more about the various types of liquids produced by the vagina and their meanings. In fact, only from vaginal fluids you can detect the possibility of certain diseases. Come on, find out the types below!

What is normal vaginal fluid like?
Normal fluid is often referred to as vaginal discharge. Its function is to cleanse the genitals of various types of bacteria and dead skin cells. This discharge of vaginal discharge means your vagina is still healthy and functioning properly.

The characteristics of normal fluid in the vagina are clear or white, odorless, thick and sticky, and not too much volume. Usually these characteristics change according to a woman's menstrual cycle. For example, the volume of fluid increases when you enter the fertile period.

This whitish liquid is still natural as long as the color, texture, and volume do not change. If there is a change, this may indicate a certain disease.

Vaginal fluid is cloudy
If the colored vaginal fluid is more turbid than usual and accompanied by a fishy or stinging odor, you may have a vaginal bacterial infection. This fluid will usually become more after having sex or before and after menstruation. This infection can be treated with special ointments and antibiotics from the doctor.

In addition to bacterial infections, cloudy fluid with a very thick texture that looks like a lump may indicate vaginal yeast infection. Infection caused by this fungus usually also causes the vagina to feel itchy and sore. This disease can be cured with vaginal antifungal ointment and oral medication.

Vaginal discharge is cloudy yellowish
If the liquid that comes out is cloudy yellowish, followed by pain in the vaginal area and difficult to hold urine, you may have gonorrhea. Usually this disease is also characterized by vaginal bleeding when you are not menstruating. Doctors generally prescribe antibiotics or other drinking drugs to treat gonorrhea.

Other diseases that might attack you are chlamydia. Like gonorrhea, you may feel pain when urinating or having sex. This yellowish turbid liquid also gets a lot more. To treat chlamydia, you also need antibiotics.

Vaginal liquid is greenish yellow
Foaming liquid with a greenish yellow color and unpleasant smell indicates trichomoniasis. Other symptoms that may appear are the vagina feels itchy and sore. To overcome this, you need treatment with antibiotics.

In addition to trichomoniasis, yellowish vaginal fluid accompanied by an unpleasant odor can be a symptom of genital herpes. Diseases caused by viral infections are usually also characterized by wounds or pus around the vagina. To relieve symptoms, the doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs.

Reddish or tanned vaginal fluid
The vagina that secretes reddish or brownish fluid is usually caused by the collapse of the uterine wall. This can occur during the puerperium in mothers who have just given birth. This condition is also called lokia.

However, if you often experience vaginal discharge mixed with blood or bleeding when you do not menstruate or outside the puerperium period, immediately consult a doctor. You may show symptoms of endometrial cancer (uterus).

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Superheroine GHKP 46 Saint Force Return of Holy Woman 1

Characteristics of You Having Vaginal Yeast Infection

Characteristics of You Having Vaginal Yeast Infection

You need to know the symptoms of yeast infection or vaginal yeast infection to distinguish it from other causes that make your vagina itchy. Yeast (yeast) is a mushroom that is naturally present in the vagina. Usually, this yeast is in the vagina in small amounts. If you have a vaginal yeast infection, it means that there are too many yeast cells in your vagina. This infection is very common. Although it is annoying, this infection is usually not serious. In addition, treatment for vaginal yeast infections is very easy.

What are the causes of vaginal yeast infection?
Yeast infection can occur due to various reasons. Some women get this yeast infection during menstruation or during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Some birth control pills can also increase the risk of yeast infections.

Yeast, or with the Latin name Candida, is a fungus that can live almost anywhere. This mushroom is naturally present in your body, but your immune system still controls so that the fungus does not multiply uncontrollably.

Many factors can cause loss of the balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina, which causes vaginal yeast infections. The following includes:

You take antibiotics that help kill the lactobacillus bacteria. These bacteria are good bacteria that control the amount of yeast in your vagina. If these bacteria do not control yeast enough in your vagina, then what happens is that the yeast in your vagina increases until it causes infection.
Health conditions that affect your immune system, such as sexually transmitted diseases.
Women who have diabetes, whose blood sugar is not well controlled are also prone to vaginal yeast infections. This is because the high sugar content helps to multiply the yeast.
Symptoms of yeast infection in your vagina
The following are signs if you have a vaginal yeast infection:

Your vagina feels itchy often.
Your vagina produces a liquid that is white, thick, lumpy, but does not smell.
Your labia is red like irritation.
Pain when you urinate, due to urine that touches irritated skin.
Vaginal pain during intercourse.
How do you treat yeast infection?
Mostly if there is a problem with your health, the first thing you do is look for drugs. The following drugs can treat vaginal yeast infections:

1. Anti-fungal cream or suppository
Medicines without a prescription to treat vaginal yeast infections are usually packaged in the form of creams, ointments, or suppositories. You can get these medicines at the pharmacy or at the supermarket. Some of these drugs can usually cure vaginal yeast infections in one day, but some also take three days to seven days. Follow the instructions printed on the drug packaging and do not stop using the drug in accordance with the provisions even if you feel your vaginal yeast infection has healed. Usually, these drugs are effective for those who get this infection mildly or those who don't get yeast infections often.

2. Treatment that can be done at home
Even though drugs sold by pharmacies are methods that are almost certain to cure you, however, there is nothing wrong with trying natural remedies in your home. The following includes:

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from the tea tree, or in Latin called Melaleuca alternifolia. This oil has the ability to kill fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Some studies also show that incorporating tea tree oil as one of the suppositories for your vagina can help cure vaginal infections. Tea tree oil is also believed to help bacteria to balance yeast in your vagina.

Boric acid
Boric acid is a chemical that has an anti-bacterial element. This acid is often used as a suppository drug for yeast infections, which are usually used once a day for seven days. This boric acid is usually applied when other anti-fungal treatments cannot cure this yeast infection. However, boric acid can irritate the skin, and is toxic when taken or applied to open wounds. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor first before trying this method.

Yogurt contains good bacteria, commonly called probiotics. Some of them, these bacteria also exist in the vagina, for example asacidophilus. As with lactobacillus, asacidophilus also plays a role in balancing the amount of yeast in your vagina. Therefore, scientists argue that eating yogurt, or supplements containing probiotics, can help balance the number of good bacteria that control the amount of yeast in your vagina.

How to prevent yeast infection?
No matter you have had a vaginal yeast infection or not, here are the precautions you can take to avoid vaginal yeast infections:

1. Wear cotton underwear
Tight underpants, or made of nylon and polyester, can hold moisture. Yeast usually grows in a dark and damp place. Therefore, experts recommend that women wear wearing cotton, or at least cotton underwear in the groin area. Cotton can make more air flow to your genital area.

2. Avoid fragrant products, soap, and detergents in your vagina
Products such as sanitary napkins added with fragrances, certain types of soap, and detergents can irritate your vagina, which causes an imbalance of bacteria in your vagina. Use a product that does not add perfume and cleanser that is intended for the vagina. Also avoid using powder or perfume spray into your genital area.

3. Maintain cleanliness in your vagina
The American College of Obstetricians ang Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that women avoid using water spray on your vagina. This is because it can kill good bacteria in your vagina, which helps balance yeast in your vagina. Conversely, women are encouraged to clean the vagina with soap and water slowly.

When should I see a doctor to treat yeast infection?
Do not diagnose yourself if you have a vaginal yeast infection. Keep consulting your doctor first even though you will carry out self-medication at home. It could be that you are infected with something else, not a yeast infection. Also talk to your doctor if home remedies or medicines without a doctor's prescription cannot cure you. Maybe you need a medication that must be prescribed by a doctor.

Superheroine GHKP 46 Saint Force Return of Holy Woman

Superheroine GHKP 46 Saint Force Return of Holy Woman

Dry Vagina After Childbirth? Here's how to deal with it

Dry Vagina After Childbirth? Here's how to deal with it

Dry vagina after giving birth is normal. Indeed, this makes you uncomfortable or feels sick when having sex again with your partner. However, hormonal changes that occur after you give birth also cause vaginal dryness to occur. A dry vagina may not be avoided by some women, but you can overcome it.

What causes vaginal dryness after giving birth?
Normally, the vaginal wall is lubricated with liquid. Lubricating fluid on the vaginal wall is affected by the hormone estrogen. In addition, the hormone estrogen is also needed for sexual arousal because it helps increase blood flow to the genitals. This makes you feel comfortable and not sick when having sexual relations.

However, after you give birth, the hormones estrogen and progesterone drop dramatically. Moreover, if you breastfeed, the hormone estrogen will decrease further because high estrogen can interfere with the production of breast milk in the body. This decrease in estrogen levels causes vaginal dryness.

Vaginal tissue can also be thinner, less elastic, and more easily injured. The vagina can become inflamed, so you feel the vagina like heat and itching. Having sexual intercourse when vaginal dry can cause you to feel pain, it can even cause vaginal bleeding.

How do you deal with vaginal dryness after giving birth?
Dry vagina is a disturbing thing if you want to have sexual relations with your husband. However, don't worry because you can do things like below to deal with vaginal dryness.

1. Use lubricants when you have sex
Because your vagina does not produce enough natural lubricants after giving birth, you need a lubricant to deal with vaginal dryness. Lubricants are very helpful during sexual intercourse when your vagina is dry. Penetration when you don't use lubricants can cause you to feel pain, discomfort, and injury to the vagina.

Choose lubricants that are water-based because they are safe for your body. If your partner uses a condom, you should avoid petroleum based lubricants because they can damage the condom. Also, avoid using petroleum jelly or lotion as your vaginal lubricant. These products usually contain perfumes and chemicals that can cause serious infections in your vagina.

2. You can also use vaginal estrogen cream
The use of vaginal estrogen creams, such as conjugated estrogen or estradiol can help you deal with vaginal dryness. However, before deciding to use it, you should discuss it first with your doctor.

3. Avoid using douches and special vaginal scented soap
The use of douche (pubic cleansing spray) and scented soap to clean the vagina can actually irritate sensitive vaginal tissue. The chemical content in these ingredients can interfere with natural chemicals in your vagina. The use of a vaginal cleansing spray containing vinegar or baking soda is actually not good for vaginal health. Simply clean your vagina with warm water and soap without perfume.

4. You can do foreplay longer
A few weeks after you give birth, your body may take longer to produce natural lubricants in the vagina. Therefore, longer foreplay may be needed to produce more natural lubricants in the vagina. This of course can help relieve your dry vagina. In addition, you can try different techniques and positions to provide comfort when you have sex.

5. Keep hydrating your body by drinking lots of water
Nursing mothers need more water. If you only consume a little water when you are breastfeeding, you will be more likely to experience dehydration. Dehydration can make vaginal dryness worse because the body prioritizes the distribution of fluids to important organs. Therefore, you should keep your liquid intake at least 8-10 glasses per day or it may also be more dependent on your needs. Follow the signals given by your body, drink when you feel thirsty.

6. Consume foods with balanced nutrition
Eating foods with balanced nutrition can help you increase the production of natural lubricants in the vagina, so that it can help overcome vaginal dry problems. High intake of fatty acids is highly recommended for you. Fatty acids can help produce vaginal natural lubricants. You can get fatty acids from the consumption of fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel), sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds.

In addition, you are also advised to consume lots of foods that contain isoflavones. Isoflavones can help regulate hormone levels, so they can also overcome vaginal dry problems. You can find isoflavones in cherries, apples, nuts, soybeans, celery, and flaxseed.

7. Increase your vitamin intake
Some vitamins play an important role in maintaining vaginal flexibility and relieving dry vagina. Instead, try to always meet the needs of vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin B complex in an effort to deal with vaginal dryness.

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Happy Watching.. :)

Tips for Choosing Safe Vaginal Lubricants for Women

Tips for Choosing Safe Vaginal Lubricants for Women

When having sex, sometimes couples need a little help. Not necessarily the penetration process runs smoothly and smoothly. This is where you need vaginal lubricants, so that the penetration process runs smoothly without pain, because not all women can be fully aroused, and produce enough fluid to lubricate her vagina.

That needs to be considered when having a vaginal lubricant
There are two things that must be considered in choosing a lubricant that is safe for the vagina:


Comfort here means referring to the pleasure and comfort that is obtained after using the lubricant. Texture, how to use, how many products you have to wear, can make a difference for you. Most importantly, don't let vaginal lubricant make you experience an allergic or uncomfortable reaction.


This is related to your health. For example, oil-based lubricants cannot be used when your partner uses latex condoms, because latex condoms cannot function properly when they meet oil lubricants. You also need to know which lubricants are good and harmful to the body.

Good and bad vaginal lubricants based on the type

1. Water-based lubricants, containing glycerin
Water lubricants containing glycerin are lubricants that are commonly found in the market. This type of vaginal lubricant has a slightly sweet taste because it contains glycerin. When you use this lubricant and start to feel dry, it is recommended not to add the lubricant again. Try wet with water or saliva to increase slippage.

Pros: Easy to find, inexpensive, safe to use with latex condoms, does not cause stains.
Disadvantages: Quick dry, easily sticky, glycerin can trigger fungal infections in allergic vulnerable vagina.
2. Water based lubricants, without glycerin content
If you often experience fungal infections in the genitals, this lubricant is declared suitable for that type. Lubricants without glycerin will not trigger fungal infections.

Strengths: Can reduce the danger of genital irritation, safe if used with latex condoms, does not cause stains, is more recommended for use of anal sex.
Disadvantages: Feels bitter (because it does not contain glycerin), is rather difficult to find on the market, contains parabens and glycol propelin which can irritate the skin.
3. Silicone lubricants
This vaginal lubricant is one type of lubricant that is durable and is widely recommended for women who have vaginal dryness or pain during penetration. Silicone material is different from silicon for implants, silicon is not dangerous.

Advantages: This type of silicone lubricant cannot penetrate the skin pores and does not cause allergies to its users.
Disadvantages: This lubricant is quite expensive from water based lubricants, not sold on the market (can be found in sex shops or online stores), if you use too much silicone lubricant, you should clean it using soap and water.
4. Oil based lubricants
This oil-based lubricant can damage condoms made from latex. However, it is safe to use condoms made from nitrile, polysoprene and polyurethane. You can also find these lubricants with traditional ingredients around you, for example, vegetable oil, butter, or even baby oil.

Pros: Safe to massage on the genitals, safe for consumption (except baby oil), cheap and easy to obtain.
Disadvantages: Can damage latex condoms and cause stains on the fabric.

Superheroine GHKO - 80 Sailor Crescent

Superheroine GHKO - 80 Sailor Crescent

Can Vaginal Washing After Having Sex Prevent Pregnancy?

Can Vaginal Washing After Having Sex Prevent Pregnancy?

Some women think that immediately washing or rinsing their vagina after intercourse can prevent pregnancy. Hmmm ... myth or fact? see the following explanation.

Washing the vagina after sex, what is the effect?
Please note when washing the genitals, we only wash the outside of the vagina such as the outer labia, inner labia, and around the anus. Not to the inside of the vagina. The hole to the cervix is ​​very small. Therefore, it is difficult for water to penetrate the cervix. But it is not difficult for sperm to penetrate the cervix because sperm is a very small microscopic.

Washing the vagina with water, or urinating after intercourse, will not be able to prevent or stop sperm from going to the egg after the penetration process. Vaginal washing is done solely to clean the vulva from semen after intercourse, not as a way to prevent pregnancy.

Sperm is a great swimmer. When you rush to the bathroom after having sex to wash your vagina, you can't beat the movement of sperm to the egg. However, vaginal washing after having sex with water or even douching, is not one way to prevent an effective pregnancy.

So, how to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse?
The best way to prevent the risk of unwanted pregnancies among sexually active women and men is to use birth control or contraception correctly and consistently. Here are some ways you can do to prevent pregnancy.

1. Condoms
This type of contraception is the most popular so it is most widely used. Condoms made of elastic rubber are installed on the penis to prevent sperm from entering the vagina.

Female-specific condoms can also be used in women, by inserting condoms in the vaginal mouth eight hours before sexual intercourse. But this is very rarely used because women who use condoms claim to feel uncomfortable in the vagina.

2. Birth control pills
Contraception is also commonly used as an effort to prevent pregnancy. Taken every day, the use of contraception is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when used appropriately in accordance with the instructions.

There are two types of birth control pills: combination pills and mini pills. Combination pills work by combining the hormones estrogen and progestin to prevent ovulation (which causes pregnancy). In using combination type birth control pills, careful use is needed. While the mini pill is used for women who are sensitive to estrogen, because this pill only contains the hormone progestin taken daily.

3. Hormone-based contraceptive methods
The use of hormonal contraceptives includes the use of patches, implants, vaginal rings, and injections. This method is 91% - 99.95% effective when done according to the doctor's instructions.

4. Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
A doctor will insert a small T-shaped device (spiral) into the woman's womb. There are two types: copper and hormonal (progestin). This tool serves to prevent sperm from meeting the egg. This tool is more than 99% effective when used correctly.

5. Vaginal barrier
Some contraceptive products are made to limit the sprema to the uterus. Apart from condom use, several methods that can be used are sponge contraception, diaphragm, and cervical cap.

6. Sterilization
Some surgical procedures can be done to prevent pregnancy. Women can perform tubal ligation (tubectomy), which is the cutting and binding of the fallopian tubes, so that the egg does not come out of the ovary. In addition, women can also do a hysterectomy or removal of the uterus. While men can do a vasectomy, surgery is done to prevent sperm mixed with semen when ejaculating. Tubal implants, hysterectomy, and vasectomy are permanent methods to prevent pregnancy.

7. Spermicide
Spermicide is shaped like a foam or gel that can kill sperm. Women can apply it directly into the vagina.

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How Can You Affect Vaginal Fungal Infections?

How Can You Affect Vaginal Fungal Infections?

An itchy, red and smelling vagina can be a feature of your vaginal yeast infection. Not only on the skin, yeast (yeast) or mushrooms can indeed be found in human genitals, including in the vagina of a woman.

You can recognize the characteristics that start from the appearance of itching, there is a white liquid that comes out of the vagina, irritation to the labia (outside the vagina), even when you have sex. This infection is very common, although it does interfere with daily activities.

What causes vaginal yeast infections?
All women are at high risk for vaginal yeast infections. Be inflamed, this is caused by the use of antibiotic drugs that kill healthy bacteria in the vagina. This vaginal bacteria also has a function to protect the vagina. But, without bacteria, your vagina will be easy to grow with mold.

Another risk factor that can make you more prone to vaginal yeast infections is if you:

have diabetes
is pregnant
You are currently using birth control pills
You are on steroid therapy in the long term
excessive watering of the vagina
less nutritious food
lack of sleep
weak immune system.
How do vaginal yeast infections spread?
Generally, you can get vaginal yeast infections in two ways. There can be contracted through sex, there are also those who are infected due to lack of maintaining vaginal hygiene. Generally, fungi in the vagina can also spread through your partner, you know!

Yes, fungal infections in the vagina can spread when you have oral sex. If one of you has canker sores or your partner has a fungal-infected penis, it can increase your risk of fungal infections.

Moreover, if you are women often change sex partners. This can cause vaginal pH to change, and eventually many fungi or bacteria are left in the vagina.

In the end, your vagina can become infected with fungus. Also recommended, after having sex, women are required to urinate immediately. In fact it can help other bacteria or fungi not remain in the vagina.

How do you prevent vaginal yeast infections?
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) encourages women to avoid spraying water directly into your vagina. That's because it can kill good bacteria in your vagina, which helps balance yeast in your vagina. Conversely, women are advised to clean the vagina with feminine cleaning products containing Povidone-iodine.

Also, if you like wearing tight panties, or those made of nylon and polyester, it can hold back the moisture of the vagina. As a result, yeast or mushrooms can grow in a dark, damp place in your agina. Therefore, experts recommend that women wear wearing cotton, or at least cotton underwear in the groin area. Cotton can make more air flow to your genital area.

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7 Easy Ways to Overcome Leucorrhoea at Home

7 Easy Ways to Overcome Leucorrhoea at Home

Every woman must have experienced vaginal discharge in her life. Although vaginal discharge is normal, this condition may often make you feel uncomfortable and restless. Especially if your vaginal discharge is large enough to interfere with activity. So, how do you deal with vaginal discharge? Find out the answers in this article.

How to deal with vaginal discharge at home
Vaginal discharge is discharge from the vagina. This condition cannot always be interpreted as an infection or a health disorder in the vagina. Because the vagina is designed to be able to cleanse itself by removing vaginal discharge which brings dead cells and bacteria.

Normal vaginal discharge is generally odorless and is milky white or clear. Usually a woman will be more likely to experience vaginal discharge if she is stressed, ovulating, pregnant, breastfeeding, or sexually aroused. In many cases, normal vaginal discharge does not require special treatment provided you always maintain good vaginal hygiene.

There are several ways to deal with vaginal discharge that you can do yourself at home, including:

Gently wash your female area with warm water. Then dry using a soft tissue or towel and pat gently until dry. Remember, don't rub or rub your vagina too hard because it can cause irritation.
If there is a lot of vaginal discharge, you may need to change your underwear more often. This is done so that vaginal moisture can be maintained properly.
Avoid using scented soap, gel, antiseptic, and douching because it can affect the pH balance and bacteria in the vagina. If you want to use soap, choose plain soap without fragrance.
If your vaginal discharge is caused by a fungal infection, then you can treat it with an antifungal drug that is inserted into the vagina in the form of a cream or gel. Consult first before you use antifungal drugs to treat vaginal discharge.
Use condoms or delay sexual intercourse for up to a week after treatment.
Take yogurt if you are on antibiotic treatment to reduce the risk of developing a fungal infection.
If abnormal vaginal discharge lasts more than a week after doing the methods above, immediately consult your doctor.
Beware of abnormal vaginal discharge
Even though vaginal discharge is a normal condition, abnormal vaginal discharge can be an indication of certain medical conditions. Usually abnormal vaginal discharge is caused by bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections.

Abnormal vaginal discharge is characterized by arising a pungent, itchy and reddish odor in the vaginal area, a more sticky liquid texture, yellowish or greenish, brownish or reddish spots appearing outside the menstrual period, and causing pain or itching.

If you experience one of the signs mentioned earlier, immediately consult a doctor. Because, vaginal discharge can cause various complications if not treated properly.

Effective ways to prevent abnormal vaginal discharge
To avoid the occurrence of abnormal vaginal discharge, here are some preventative steps you can take:

Wash hands before or after touching the vaginal area.
After urinating, always wash your vagina from front to back to prevent bacteria from entering the vagina and causing infection.
Make sure the vagina is wet enough before you have sexual intercourse to prevent infection.
Use unscented detergent to wash your clothes. Also, make sure you rinse the clothes until they are completely clean.
Use cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting clothing.
Avoid using tissue with fragrance, perfumed soap, or powder on the vagina because it can irritate the skin and disturb the balance of natural bacteria in the vagina.

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Endometriosis Makes Women More Frequent Alternating Pissing. Why?

Endometriosis Makes Women More Frequent Alternating Pissing. Why?

Endometriosis is a condition of thickening of the uterine wall tissue that makes menstruation feel very very painful and irregular. But apparently, there is one more symptom of endometriosis which is often underestimated because it is considered natural. In some women, endometriosis can cause them to urinate more often - especially during menstruation. I wonder why?

Frequent urination can be a symptom of endometriosis

Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue that is supposed to grow in the womb grows outside.

When menstruating, the lining of the endometrium in the uterine wall should be shed and come out as menstrual blood. But in the case of endometriosis, the blood is actually trapped and cannot come out because it is outside the uterus.

As a result, this causes irritation and inflammation of the female reproductive organs. That's why most women will experience unbearable menstrual pain.

It should be noted that not all women will experience the same symptoms of endometriosis. There are those who experience severe menstrual pain, but there are also those who don't even feel any symptoms. Because the pain due to symptoms of endometriosis is affected by the location where the endometrial tissue grows.

If the abnormal endometriosis tissue actually grows in the urinary organs, then you may experience problems when urinating. Usually, you become more frequent urinating every day and even experience bloody urine.

Why is that?

A director of the Center for Gynepathology Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Linda Griffith, PhD said that endometrial tissue most often grows in the bladder area. This endometrial layer will suppress the bladder and give rise to the sensation of wanting to urinate. In medical terms, this condition is called endometriosis bladder.

A study from the journal Urologia Internationalis in 2012 revealed that 30 percent of women who experience bladder endometriosis often experience no symptoms. Even if they feel pain and the sensation of wanting to urinate continuously, they only consider this a symptom of a urinary tract infection, not a symptom of endometriosis.

Judging from the signs and symptoms, people with bladder endometriosis will usually experience:

Frequent urination
Pain in the bladder when it feels full
Burning sensation and pain when urinating
Bloody urine
Pelvic pain
Back pain or pain in the lower back
Well, it appears that these symptoms are commonly experienced by people with urinary tract infections. The difference is, women with endometriosis usually also experience other common symptoms of endometriosis, such as:

Abdominal cramps and menstrual pain
It hurts during sex
Severe bleeding during menstruation (menorrhagia)
Severe fatigue
Diarrhea or constipation
How do you ensure the symptoms of endometriosis?

To ensure the cause of frequent urination that you experience, you should immediately consult your nearest doctor. First of all, the doctor will ask you about the symptoms of endometriosis bladder that you have experienced so far.

After that, the doctor will examine your vagina and bladder to see the possibility of abnormal tissue growth through ultrasound. You may also be asked to do a urine test to see the possibility of blood in the urine, one of the symptoms of bladder endometriosis.

In addition, the doctor will also do a cystoscopy to see the inside of the bladder and urethra (the bladder connecting channel). Based on the results of the examination, then the doctor can ensure the presence or absence of endometrial tissue in your bladder.

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Can you clean the vagina with ordinary bath soap?

Can you clean the vagina with ordinary bath soap?

Every woman would want to have a clean and healthy vagina. Therefore, many women routinely clean the vagina with bath soap. However, is cleaning the vagina using ordinary bath soap a healthy way?

Why should bath soap not be used to clean the vagina?
Many women who are not confident about their vaginal odor. Therefore, it is not uncommon to use bath soap, so that Miss V is fragrant and clean.

In fact, using ordinary soap to clean the vagina is not a good thing. Because, ordinary soap can make the vagina get infected, irritation, even bacterial vaginosis. Why?

The vagina is the body part that has the most bacteria after the intestine. So, in the area around your Miss V there are many bacteria. Although surrounded by bacteria, you do not need to worry, because these bacteria are not harmful to Miss V and actually play a role in protecting and maintaining your feminine health.

The good bacteria in the vagina, known as lactobacilli, have several roles, namely:

Keeping the Miss V area remains acidic and has a low pH of less than 4.5. This is so that no other organism can grow in your female area, so miss V is not easily infected.
Produces bacteriocin, a natural antibiotic that can kill other types of bacteria that enter the vagina.
Produces substances that can stop the growth of other bacteria inside the vaginal wall.
Well, if you use ordinary soap to clean the vagina, then what is there, these bacteria will die. And miss V You have no more protection to prevent infection due to bad bacteria.

In addition, the pH of a bath soap is usually around 8, aka alkaline pH. When the pH in the vagina is disrupted and changes, the risk for infection is quite high. This provides an opportunity for bad bacteria to stay and grow around miss V. Not to mention, soap has a strong scent that is not really needed by your vagina. In fact, this fragrant aroma will make miss V irritable and inflamed.

Then, how do you clean the vagina properly?
Actually the vagina has the ability to cleanse itself. But, that does not mean you do not clean the vagina. This is so that you should not clean the inside of Miss V, but the outer part is sure to keep you clean

Female areas that are not routinely cleaned can still cause infection and irritation. Moreover, if you are entering a period or after sexual intercourse. At that time, your pH miss V is disrupted due to blood and semen that has an alkaline pH which is above 7.

Because ordinary bath soap has a pungent aroma and has an alkaline pH, it is not recommended to be used to clean the vagina. Instead, you can use a special cleanser in the feminine area that has no fragrance, has a pH corresponding to miss V, and most importantly has a povidone-iodine content. Povidone-iodine is a substance that has been proven to overcome bacteria, fungi, and evil parasites that cause itching and mild irritation in the vagina.

And remember, when washing your vagina, just clean the outside, yes.

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