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Face with a smile

Face with a smile

Having told us Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al Uwaisi told us Malik from Ishaq bin Abdullah bin Abu Talha from Anas bin Malik he said; "I walked with the Prophet sallallaahu'alaihi wa Sallam, when he was wearing a cloth (blanket) Najran which had a thick edge, then there was a badui Arab (hamlet) who met him. He immediately pulled the Prophet strongly, Anas continued;" Until I see the surface His shoulders made an imprint due to the tip of the blanket due to the rough pull of the Arabian bedouin. The Arab Bedouin said; "O Muhammad gave me from the treasures Allah gave you", then he turned to him with a smile and told one of his friends to give something to him. "(Bukhari)
Having told us Yahya bin Bukair told us Al Laits from 'Uqail from Ibn Shihab from' Abdur Rahman bin 'Abdullah bin Ka'ab bin Malik that' Abdullah bin Ka'ab bin Malik -Abdullah bin Ka'ab was one of the the son of Ka'ab who accompanied Ka'ab when he said, 'I have heard Ka'ab bin Malik tell about his events when he was left behind from the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam in the Tabuk war. ' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'I have never been left behind with the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam in the wars he followed except the Tabuk war, but I was also left behind in the battle of Badr. Only the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam never denounced a Muslim who did not participate in the battle of Badr. That is because at the beginning the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam and the Muslims only wanted to intercept the unbelievers of Quraysh who were on their way by riding a camel until Allah brought the Muslims together with their enemies without the time agreed before. At that time I participated with the Prophet on the night of Aqabah when we promised to defend Islam. In my opinion, participating in the battle of Badr was not comparable to participating in the night of Aqabah, even though the battle of Badr was more popular with most people. Among the stories when I did not participate with the Prophet in the Tabuk war were as follows; 'My stamina has never really been fit and has a lot of wealth than when I did not participate in the Tabuk war. For God's sake, before I did not prepare two animals riding at all in various battles. But in this Tabuk war, I was able to prepare two animals to ride. It has become a tradition of him sallallaahu'alaihiwasallam, he never did a war other than he kept the purpose of his war secret, until the time of this taboo war, which he declared the purpose of the war was vulgar (blatant). Finally the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam went to war Tabuk when the weather was very hot. It can be said that he traveled a very far and full of risk and faced a large number of enemies. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam explained to the Muslims what they would face with him. Therefore, he ordered the Muslims to prepare enough war provisions. At that time, the Muslims who accompanied the Messenger of Allaah alaihi were immensely numerous without being appointed by letter of duty to fight. Ka'ab said; 'There is a man who does not appear because he wants to not participate in the war. He suspects that the disobedience will not be known by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam - as long as there is no revelation that comes down about him from Allah Azza Wa Jalla -. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam went to war to fight the taboo when the fruit harvest was very satisfying, so I had to turn my attention away from the harvest. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Muslims who participated were preparing and I immediately went to find supplies with them. Then I went home without getting any supplies at all. I say to myself; 'Ahh, I can prepare supplies at any time. I am always in a puzzle between yes and not until people are getting ready. ' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam departed with the Muslims, while I have not prepared supplies at all. Finally I left, then I went home without preparing anything. I was always in such vacillation between participating in war or not, until the Muslim forces had rushed to leave and the war had raged. Then I wanted to follow the battlefield - but it was only a wishful thinking - and finally I was destined not to take part in the battlefield. After the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam went to the battlefield, the taste began sadly enveloping me. When out to the surrounding community. I realize that there is nothing I can meet except those who are in hypocrisy or weak people who are given by Allah Azza Wa Jalla. Meanwhile, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam did not remember myself until he arrived at Tabuk. Then, when he was sitting in the midst of friends, he suddenly asked; 'Why is Ka'ab bin Malik not participating with us? 'A friend from Bani Salimah answered; 'O Messenger of Allah, it seems like Ka'ab bin Malik is more selfish than this struggle? 'Hearing the words of the friend, Muadz bin Jabal said; 'Hi friend, how bad is that saying! By Allah, Rasulullah, I know that Ka'ab bin Malik is a good person. ' Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam was silent. When he was silent like that, suddenly he saw a man wearing an iron helmet that was difficult to recognize. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:' You must be Abu Khaitsamah? 'It turned out that the person was indeed Abu Khaitsamah Al Ansari, a friend who had given one sha' date when he was reviled by the hypocrites. Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'When I heard that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam was preparing to return from the Tabuk war, I was filled with sadness. Then I began to design reasons for lying. I say to myself; 'What reason can save me from the anger of the Prophet? 'To deal with this, I ask help from families who can give advice. When someone says to me that the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam almost arrived in the city of Medina, there was a reason to lie from my mind. Finally I realized that I could not lie a bit to the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam. Therefore, I also have to say honestly to him. Soon the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam arrived in the city of Medina. As usual, he went straight to the mosque - as was his tradition when he arrived from traveling to an area - to pray. After performing the sunnah prayer, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam immediately mingled with friends. After that, there came a number of friends who did not have time to participate in fighting with the Muslims while giving various reasons to him by swearing. It is estimated that those who did not participate in the battle were about eighty more people. It turned out that the Messenger of Allah accepted the intensity of those who did not participate in warfare, pledged them, begged them for forgiveness, and gave up what they hid in their hearts to Allah. After a while, I came to see the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam. After I greeted him, he smiled like a smile of an angry person. Then he said; 'Come here! 'Then I walked up to him until I sat right in front of him. After that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam asked:' Why did you not participate in fighting with us hi Ka'ab? Have you not promised to give up your soul for Islam? ' I answer; 'O Messenger of Allah, for God's sake if I sit near someone other than you, surely I am sure that I will be released from his anger because of the reasons and arguments that I convey. But, for God's sake, I know that now I tell you a lie that is full of lies that makes you not angry, surely God is what makes you angry with me. If I say to you, the Messenger of Allah, my reason is right and honest, then you will scold me for that reason, so I will accept it with pleasure. Let God punish me with my honest words. For God's sake, there really is no aging which makes me not participate in war. For God's sake, I was powerless at that time even though I had a very loose chance to join in fighting with the Muslims. ' Hearing that sincere confession, the Messenger of Allah said: 'This person has said truthfully and truthfully. Therefore, stand until God gives you a decision. "Finally I stood up and moved from his side. Soon, there were a number of people from the Bani Salimah joining me while saying: 'O Ka'ab, for the sake of Allah, before us do not know that you have done something wrong / sin. You really did not make an excuse to the Messenger of Allah as the reason stated by other friends who did not participate in war. Verily, only the Messenger of Allah is for you who erased your sins. ' Ka'ab bin malik said After that; 'By Allah, they always revile me so I want to go back to the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam and then I lie to myself. ' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'Are there others who have been facing the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam like myself? 'The people of Bani Salimah answered; 'Yes. There are two more people like you. The two men said to the Messenger of Allah what you have said and the Messenger of Allah answered it like an answer to you. ' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'Then I asked; 'Who are these two people, dear friends? 'They, the Bani Salimah, answered; 'The two men are Murarah bin Rabi'ah Al Amin and Hilal bin Ummayah Al Waqifi.' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'Then they mentioned two good friends who participated in the battle of Badr and both deserved to be good examples. After that, I passed when they mentioned the two people to me. ' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'A few days later, the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam forbade Muslims from talking to the three of us who did not participate in the Tabuk war. Since then, the Muslims have begun to stay away from and change attitudes towards the three of us until the earth feels strange to us. Apparently, this earth is not the earth that I had inhabited before and it lasted fifty nights. ' Two of my friends who did not participate in the Tabuk war were now sadly at home while crying, while I was a strong and tough young man. I still behave naturally and carry out daily activities as usual. I stayed out of the house, went to the mosque to attend the congregational prayers with other Muslims, and walked in the market even though no one was willing to talk to me. Until one day I approached the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam while giving greetings to him when he was in his seat after prayer. I ask myself; 'Will the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam move his lips to answer the greeting or not? Then I prayed near the Messenger of Allah while stealing views on him. When I was ready to pray, he looked at me. And when I turned to him, he also looked away from me. ' After a long period of isolation from the association of the Muslims, I went for a walk until I arrived at the Abu Qatadah garden fence. Abu Qatadah is the son of my uncle (my cousin) and he is the one I like. Arriving there, I also greeted him. But, for God's sake, he did not answer my greetings at all. Finally I ventured to ask him; 'O Abu Qatadah, I swear to you in the name of Allah, do you not know that I really love Allah and His Messenger? 'It turned out that Abu Qatadah was silent. Then I repeated my words by swearing like the first time. But he still remained silent. Then I repeat my words and he answers; 'Verily Allah and His Messenger know more about this.' Hearing his words, my tears flowed and I returned home while walking through the garden. When I was walking in the Madinah market, there was a man from the land of Sham who sold food in the city of Medina asking; 'Who can show me where Ka'ab bin Malik is? 'Then the people showed me until the person came to me while giving me a letter from King Ghassan. Because I can read and write, then I understand the contents of the letter. Apparently the contents of the letter are as follows; 'We heard that your friend (that is, the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam) has isolated you from public relations, while your own God does not waste you like that. Therefore, join us, we will surely help you. ' After reading the letter, I said; 'Actually this letter is also a disaster for me.' Then I put it in the fire and burn it to the point of disappearing. After forty days of general isolation, it turned out that God's revelations did not go down. Until one day, a messenger of the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam came to me while delivering a message; 'O Ka'ab, indeed the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam ordered you to avoid your wife. ' I ask; 'Do I have to divorce or what? 'The envoy answered; 'You don't need to divorce. But, enough you avoid it and do not approach it. ' Then I say to my wife; 'O dinda, you should go home first to the house of your parents and stay together with them until God gives a clear decision on this matter. ' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'Soon the wife of Hilal bin Umayyah went to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam while asking; 'Yes the Messenger of Allah, Hilal ibn Umayyah was old and weak and had no help. Therefore, let me take care of him. ' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam replied:' No. You better not have to accompany him first and he can't be close to you for a while. ' Hilal's wife still insisted and said; 'By Allah, Rasulullah, now he doesn't have the spirit to live anymore. He always cried, since getting this problem until now. ' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'Some people from my family said; 'You should ask the Prophet for permission first in this matter of your wife. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam himself had given permission to Hilal bin Umayyah to care for her husband.' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'I will not ask permission from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam in the matter of my wife. Because, however, I will not know how the Messenger of Allah will answer if I ask permission from him while I am young. ' Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'It turned out that it lasted for ten nights until it was complete for fifty nights for us to count since the Muslims were forbidden to speak to us. Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'Then I did the morning prayer on the fiftieth night at the back of the house. When I was sitting in the prayer, I was filled with remorse and sadness. It seems like this vast earth feels narrow to me. Suddenly, I heard someone shouting with a pierce through the horizon; 'Hi Ka'ab bin Malik, be happy! 'So I fell down and learned that I was free from my problems. Ka'ab bin Malik said; 'Then the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam announced to the Muslims after the Prayer that the Allah Subhanah (Bukhari) had told us Manshur bin Abu Muzahim; Has told us Ibrahim, Ibn Sa'ad; Likewise, it was reported from another route, and had told us Hasan Al Hulwani and 'Abad bin Humaid both said; 'Century said; Have told me; and said Hasan; Has told us Yaqq, namely Ibn Ibrahim bin Sa'ad; Have told us my Father from Salih from Ibn Shihab; Having told me 'Abdul Hamid bin' Abdur Rahman bin Zaid, Muhammad ibn Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqash Has told him that his father Sa'ad said; "Once upon a time Umar bin Khaththab asked permission from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to visit him at that time there were several women of Quraysh who were talking to him at length and in a loud voice. After Umar asked permission to enter, the people the woman immediately stood up and hid behind the curtain (hijab). Then the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam invited Umar to enter with a smile on his lips. Umar said; "What makes you smile ya Rasulullah!" Rasulullah sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam replied: "Hi Umar, actually I myself was surprised by the women who were with me earlier. Because, when they hear your voice, they immediately hide. "Then Umar said, Actually you are the one they are more entitled to be afraid of." Then Umar turned to the veil of the women and said; "O people who are their own enemies, do you feel reluctant to me and do not hesitate to the Messenger of Allah?" The Quraysh women answered; "Yes, because you are harder than the Messenger of Allah!" Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam also said; "For the sake of my soul that is in His hands, there really is no shock that passes you in a way, O Umar, but the devil will turn to another path to avoid your path." Has told us Harun bin Ma'ruf; Having told us about him 'Abdul' Aziz bin Muhammad; Has told me Suhail from his father from Abu Hurairah that 'Umar bin Al Khaththab came to the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam who at that time there were several women of Quraysh talking to him in a loud voice. After Umar asked permission to enter, the women immediately stood up and hid behind the curtain (hijab) - as Hadith Az Zuhri. (Muslim)

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