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Reasons for the reasons for the Prophet Muhammad polygamy

Reasons for the reasons for the Prophet Muhammad polygamy 

1. Khadijah binti Khuwailid

He was the first wife of the prophet Muhammad. Before marrying the Prophet, he had been the wife of Atiq ibn Abiddan Abu Halah bin Malik and had given birth to four children, two with her husband named Atiq, namely Abdullah and Jariyah, and two with her husband Abu Halah namely Hindun and Zainab. Various histories explain that when Muhammad s.a.w. married to Khadijah, Khadijah's age was 40 years old while the Prophet was only 25 years old. But according to Ibn Katsir, a figure in the fields of interpretation, hadith and history, they marry in their age. Prophet Muhammad SAW. with him as husband and wife for 25 years, 15 years before receiving the first revelation and 10 years after that until Khadijah's death, about 3 years before moving to Medina Khadijah died when he was 50 years old. He is the wife of the prophet Muhammad s. which was never combined, because all of his wives were married and married after Khadijah's death. In addition, all the children of the Prophet except Ibrahim were the biological children of Khadijah. Kasawin from the prophet Muhammad s. as many as 20 bakrah and the wedding ceremony was held by his father Khuwailid. Another history states, the ceremony was carried out by his brother Amr bin Khuwailid.

The motive of the Prophet Muhammad married Khadijah because of the feeling of love or biological law. Khadijah himself expressed love to Muhammad because of his good character and could advance his business. The Prophet Muhammad also understood this so that he received love from Khadijah.

2. Saudah binti Zam'ah

The Prophet married Saudah after Khadijah's death that same month. Saudah is an old widow. His first husband was al-Sakran bin Amr. Saudah and her husband al-Sakran were among those who had migrated to Habsyah. When her husband passed away after returning from Habsyah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) took her to become a wife to protect her and give her husband high respect. The wedding was conducted by Salit bin Amr. Another history states that the ceremony was carried out by Abu Hatib bin Amr. The winner is 400 dirhams.

The motive of the Prophet Muhammad to marry Saudah for helping the widow and giving a great appreciation to the widow whose husband is a sahid in the war. This is very valuable in Arab culture, especially the heroes in war.

3. Aisyah bint Abu Bakar

The marriage contract was held in Mecca before Hijrah, but after the death of Khadijah and after the Prophet Muhammad married Saudah. At that time Aisha was 16 years old. The Messenger of Allah was not with him as a husband and wife but after emigrating to Medina. At that time, Ayesha was 19 years old while the prophet Muhammad was 53 years old. Ayesha was the only wife of the Messenger of Allah who was still a girl at the time of marriage. The ceremony was carried out by his father Abu Bakar with a dowry of 400 dirhams

The motive of the Prophet Muhammad married Aisyah bint Abu bakar because of politics. Because the Prophet Muhammad Post was abandoned by Khadijah no one accompanied and served at home so he was offered by Abu Bakar to marry Aisyah when he was enough. Besides that it also strengthens the strength of Muslims with family values ​​so that they can be spared from children or other people who want to destroy the power of Islam. Marrying with political motives can be justified because Arab culture at that time was a way to protect and strengthen a people.

5. Umm Salamah

Salamah, an elderly widow had 4 children with the first husband named Abdullah bin Abd al-Asad. Her husband was martyred in the Battle of Uhud and his cousin was also martyred during the war and the prophet Muhammad proposed to him. At first the application was rejected because he realized his old age. The reason for age was also used when rejecting Abu Bakar and Umar al Khattab's applications. The second time the Prophet Muhammad received the application with a dowry, a bowl of flour flour

The motive of the Prophet Muhammad to marry Umm Salamah for helping the widow and giving a great appreciation to the widow whose husband is a sahid in war. This is very valuable in Arab culture, especially the heroes in war.

6. Ummu Habibah bint Abu Sufyan

Ummu Habibah is a widow. His first husband was Ubaidillah bin Jahsyin al-Asadiy. Ummu Habibah and her husband Ubaidullah had migrated to Habsyah. Ubaidullah died when he was migrated and Umm Habibah who was in Habsyah lost his place of dependence. Through al Najashi, the prophet Muhammad proposed to Umm Habibah and the wedding ceremony was carried out by Khalid bin Said al-As with a marriage of 400 dirhams, paid by al Najashi to the prophet.

The motive of the Prophet Muhammad married Ummu Habibah for helping the widow and giving a great appreciation to the widow whose husband was a sahid in the war. This is very valuable in Arab culture, especially the heroes in war.

7. Juwairiyah (Barrah) bint Harits

Juwairiyah's father was the chairman of the Bani Mustaliq group who had gathered his troops to fight the prophet Muhammad in the War of Al-Muraisi 'After Bani al-Mustaliq was killed and Barrah was captured by Thabit bin Qais bin al-Shammas al-Ansariy. Thabit was about to be doomed with 9 threes of gold, and Barrah complained to the prophet. The Messenger of Allah was willing to pay for the miracle, then marry him.

The motive of the Prophet Muhammad married Juwariyah because of political motives and forms of help with Juwariyah because of being held captive by Thabit bin Qais bin al-Shammas al-Ansariy. So as to raise the dignity of women.

8. Zainab bint Jahsy

Zainab was the wife of Zaid bin Harithah who had become a cult and later became the adopted son of the prophet Muhammad, after he was freed. A husband and wife relationship between Zainah and Zaid was unhappy because Zainab, of noble descent, was not easily obedient and not on par with Zaid. Zaid had divorced him even though he had been advised by the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. The wedding ceremony was carried out by Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib with a marriage of 400 dirhams, paid for by the prophet Muhammad s.

The motive of the Prophet Muhammad married Khadijah because of Zainab or the biological Law. In addition, it is also against Arab culture that prohibits marrying adopted children. Allah blessed the marriage of Prophet Muhammad with Zainab.

9. Asma 'bint al-Nu'man al-Kindiyah

Asma 'was married to the prophet Muhammad s.a.w.but divorced by the Prophet and escorted back to his family before living together because Asthma suffered from hair disease

10. Umrah bint Yazid al-Kilabiyah

Prophet Muhammad SAW. married Umrah when Umrah had just converted to Islam. Umrah has been divorced and returned to his family.

11. Zainab bint Khuzaimah

Zainab bint Khuzaimah passed away when the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. still alive.

12. Maria al-Qibthiya

Maria al-Qibthiya was the only wife of the Prophet from Egypt and the only one with whom the Prophet obtained a child other than Khadijah, Ibrahim, but unfortunately died at the age of 4

The motive of the Prophet Muhammad married Mary because of political motives. The culture of the King of the world that gives gifts in the form of slaves or women is common as part of building allies or relations between countries. So the Prophet Muhammad married Mary for da'wah and received a gift from the King of Egypt so that relations between countries could be good and Islam could develop.

It was concluded that the Prophet Muhammad married an Arab woman had rational considerations and could be accounted for. The position of the Arab woman is patriarchal or marginalized or underestimated even sold. So that by marrying is an attempt to elevate the status of women in the current conditions. Even the King of the King at that time had a wife of more than 50. Khalid bin Walid had more than 50 wives. Or other Arab societies. Because culture has a wife showing a lot of status and position. There is no motive for lust or hypersex disorder such as the Orientalist accusation against Islam. The marriage of the Prophet Muhammad to Khadijah lasted for 25 years. After Khadijah passed away the Prophet Muhammad because the conditions of struggle and promote Islam became logical because the motive was to protect widows, to elevate women's status and political motives or to change the wrong Arabic culture so that they could be accounted for.

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