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Saturday, told us Humaid bin Mas'adah told us Sufyan bin Habib from Thaur bin Yazid from Khalid bin Ma'dan from Abdullah bin Busr from his sister that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Do not fast on Saturday unless God requires fasting on that day, if on that day you do not find except a grape or a tree then chew it ". Abu 'Isa said, this is a hasan hadith. The purpose of fasting on Saturday is if he dedicates fasting on Saturday, because the Jews glorified Saturday. (Tirmidhi)
And told us Abu Kuraib and Washil bin Abdul A'la both said, told us Ibn Fudlail from Abu Malik Al Asyja'i from Abu Hazim from Abu Hurairah from Rab'i bin Hirasy from Hudzaifah both said; The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Allah misled those who were before us about Friday. For the Jews it fell on Saturday, and for the Christians it fell on Sunday. Then Allah appointed us on Friday. Therefore , there were three consecutive days of gathering (big days), namely Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Last Day, they will follow us too, we are the last to the world, but we are the first to be tried before the other people . " While in the history of Washil; "Those tried between them." Having told us Abu Kuraib had told us Ibn Abu Za`idah from Sa'd bin Thariq had told me Rib'i bin Hirasy from Hudzaifah he said; The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "We are shown by Friday, while Allah has misled the people before us from him." And he also mentions the hadith which is similar to Ibn Fudlail's hadith. (Muslim)
Having told us Abdul Malik bin Shu'aib, told us Ibn Wahb, he said; I heard Al Laits tell from Ibn Shihab that if he mentioned to him that he forbade from fasting on Saturday Ibn Shihab said; this is the hadith of Himshi. Having told us Muhammad bin Ash Shabah bin Sufyan, had told us Al Walid of Al Auza'i, he said; I still hid it until I saw it spread. What he meant was Abdullah bin Busr's hadith who spoke about fasting on Saturday. Abu Daud said; Malik said; this is a lie. (Abu Daud)

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