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The Law of Origin of Worship, Haram Until There Is a Proposition

The Law of Origin of Worship, Haram Until There Is a Proposition

Some people argued that when a worship which had no argument was contradicted, "Can we worship, why is it forbidden?" Actually people who put forward this kind of understanding do not understand the method outlined by the scholars that the law of the practice of worship is haram until the existence of the argument. In contrast to worldly matters (such as cellphones, FB, internet), the original law may be until there is a prohibited argument. So, these two methods must not be confused. So for those who make a practice without guidance, we can ask, "Where is the argument that commands?"
There is a fiqh method which is quite good among the scholars,
الأصل في العبادات التحريم
"The law of worship is haram (until there is a argument)."
Our teacher, Shaykh Sa'ad ibn Nashir Asy Syatsri - may Allah preserve and bless his age - say, "(With the above method) it is not permissible for a person to worship Allah with a worship unless there is a proposition from the Shari'at that shows that worship order. So that we cannot make a new service with the intention of worshiping God with it. It could be that the designed worship was purely new or already existed but new procedures were made which were not guided in Islam, or it could be devoted to a specific time and place. These are not guided and forbidden. "(Al Manzhumah Shariah As Sa'diyah fil Qowa'idil Fiqhiyyah, p. 90).

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