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The Stars

Muslimah, Having told us Khalid bin Makhlad told us Sulaiman bin Bilal said; having told me Salih, the son of Kaisan, from 'Ubaidullah bin Abdullah from Zaid bin Khalid radallahu' anhu, he said; "We came out with the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam during the war of Hudaibiyyah, one night it rained. After the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam led us prayers, he faced his face to the people while saying:" Do you know what your Rabb said? "The Companions answered:" Allah and His Messenger are more aware. "He said:" Allah said: "On this morning there are My servants who believe in Me and some who disbelieve in Me. Those who say:" Rain falls because the gift of God and His mercy, means that he has faith in Me and disbelieves in the stars, while those who say; "Rain falls due to this or that star, so he has faith in the stars and disbelievers in Me."

(Ahmad bin Hanbal Radliyallahu'anhu) said; I have read before Abdurrahman: Malik my father said; and told us Ishaq said; Having told us Malik from Shalih bin Kaisan from 'Ubaidullah bin Abdullah of Zaid bin Khalid Al Juhani said; The Prophet sallallaahu'alaihiwasallam prayed at dawn with us at Hudaibiyah after the rain that occurred on the night. When it was finished, he met with the people and said: "Do you acknowledge what Rab you have said AzzaWaJalla," they said; "Allah and His apostles know better." He said: "(Allah Azzawajalla) said, 'In the morning between my servants there are those who believe in me' Ishaq said:" and he denied the stars, on the contrary there are those who believe in the stars and deny me , people who say we get rain because of the grace of Allah and His mercy, those who believe in me and deny the stars, as for those who say 'We get rain because of this star and that person is the one who denies me and believes in the stars- star."

Having narrated to us Yahya bin Yahya he said, I read it before Malik; from Shalih bin Kaisan from Ubaidullah ibn Abdullah bin Utbah from Zaid bin Khalid al-Juhani he said, "The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam established prayer together with us at Hudaibiyah, after the rain that night. After the prayer, he turned to the Muslims while saying: "Do you know what your Lord has said?" The Companions answered, "Allah and His Messenger are more aware." Then he said: "Allah said: 'Among my servants, there are those who are believers and some who disbelieve. So whoever states, 'We are given rain by the virtue and mercy of Allah', then that person believes in Me and does not believe in the stars. On the other hand the person who says, 'We are given rain by this star or that star, then that person disbelieves in Me and believes in the stars'. "

Having told us Qutaibah he said; had told us Sufyan from Shalih bin Kaisan from 'Ubaidullah bin' Abdullah from Zaid bin Khalid Al Juhani he said; "At the time of the Messenger of Allaah 'Alaihi Wa Sallam, the rain fell, then he said:' Did you not hear the words of your Rabb last night? He said," I will not grant a favor to my servants but some of them are kufr with the favor, they said; `We were given rain because of this and that star. As for those who believe in me, he praises me for the water that I have sent down, so those who believe in me and kufr toward the stars. Whereas the person who said; 'We are given rain because of this star and that' is the one who kufr to Me and believe in the stars'. "

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