Allah mentioned the story of Yusuf bin Ya'kub 'alaihis greetings in a complete letter. In it there are many lessons and benefits that are more than 1000 pieces. This noble prophet was tested by God with a very difficult test, but he was patient. And so that's the condition of righteous people. Finally, the mihnah (exam) turned into a Minhah rabbaniyah (God's gift). Here's the story:
Ms. Yusuf `alaihis salam named Rahil. He has eleven brothers. His father loved Yusuf `alaihis salam. That was what later resulted in the envy of his other brothers. Because they are one group, one congregation. However, the father was so in love with Joseph and his brother Bunyamin. What happens next? They asked the father to let Joseph go with them. They pretended to show the desire for Joseph to shepherd with them, even though they hid something from it, which only Allah is omniscient. So they took Joseph, and they threw him into the old well. Then came the group of travelers. They lowered the bucket into the well and Joseph clung to it. Joseph was then sold to a king in Egypt. He was bought with only a few dirhams. (1) Then what happened next? God said, "And the woman (Zulaikha) that Joseph lived in his house tempted Joseph to bow himself (to him) and he closed the doors, saying, 'Come here'. Joseph said, "I take refuge in Allah, truly my master has treated me well." Surely the wrongdoers will not be lucky. Indeed, the woman had intended (to do this) with Joseph, and Joseph also intended (to do) with the woman had he not seen the sign (of) his Lord. Thus, so that We turn away from it evil and abomination. Indeed, Joseph is including our chosen servants. "(Joseph: 23-24).
Allah mentioned the temptation of the king's wife to Yusuf `alaihis salam, and his request to Joseph was something that was inappropriate with his position and position. Namely the woman is at the peak of beauty, femininity, position and still very young. He then closed all the doors for only two. He was ready to surrender himself by wearing oversized clothes that were very beautiful. Even though he was a king's wife. Whereas Yusuf `alaihis greetings at that time was a handsome and beautiful young man, in puberty, still a virgin and no one could replace him. He is far from his family and hometown. Whereas people who live in the midst of their families and friends will certainly be ashamed if they are known to have committed their abuses, so that their honor will fall in their view. However, if he is in a foreign country, then the obstacle is gone. Moreover, he was in the position of being asked, so the problem of the man who usually offered himself was lost, and his fear of not greeting was lost. And the woman is in her personal power and home, so she knows exactly when the time is right, and in a place where no one can see.
However, no matter what the opportunity is, Yusuf `alaihis salam actually keeps himself from being forbidden, Allah keeps it from doing evil because he is a descendant of the prophets. God keeps it from the deceit of the women. And Allah also replaced it with power on earth, wherever he wanted. God gave him the kingdom. Then, to her came the woman who had humbled herself before, asked and begged her to marry him lawfully, so Joseph married her. When the first night, Joseph said to him, "This is really better than what you used to want."
O Muslims, meditate on it! How after he left the forbidden, Allah then replaced it with something better than him. Therefore, Yusuf `alaihis salam is the prince of the seven (classes) of the righteous and very noble princes. As mentioned in Shahihain from the closing of the prophets, sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, from God all heaven and earth,
سبعة يظلهم الله في ظله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله: إمام عادل, ورجل ذكر الله خاليا ففاضت عيناه, ورجل قلبه معلق بالمسجد إذا خرج منه حتى يعود إليه, ورجلان تحاب في الله اجتمعا عليه وتفرقا عليه, ورجل تصدقا بصدقة فأخفاها حتى لا تعلم شماله ما تُنْفِقُ يُمِيُنُهُ ، وَشَابٌّ نَشَأَ فِي عِبَادَةِ اللهِ ، وَرَجُلٌ امْرَأَةٌ ذَاتُ مَنْصِبٍ وَجَمَالٍ فَقَالَ: إِنِّيْ أَخَافُ الله (رواه البخار ي ومسلم)
"There are seven (groups) who get the shade of God, when there is no shade except His shade; a just ruler, a man who remembers Allah alone then tears run down, a man whose heart is tied to the mosque when he comes out of it until he returns again, two people who love each other for Allah, they gather and separate because of Him, the man who hid his alms, so that his left hand did not know what was issued by his right hand, the young man who grew up (always) worshiped Allah and the man who was invited by a woman of rank and beauty (but) he said, 'Truly I fear of God '. "
(1) This is a summary of the story of the noble Prophet. Anyone who wants to know it in full should read and meditate on Joseph's letter by referring to the interpretation of bil ma'tsur, especially the interpretation of Ibn Kathir and his date. Wallahu A'lam.
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