Umm Habibah is a woman who is married to the Prophet from a distance. Rasulullah in Medina, while he was in Africa, in Habasyah. How can? Check out the following story.
As we know, in Arabic the names that previously contained the words Ummu, Abu, Ibn, and bintu are called kun-yah. Likewise with Umm Habibah. This is chewing not a name. His name is Ramlah bint Abu Sufyan (Shakhr) bin Harb bin Umayyah ibn Abdusy Syams bin Abdu Manaf al-Umawiyah. He was born 25 years before hijrah. And died in 44 H.
His mother was Shafiyah bint Abi al-Ash bin Umayyah. His mother was the aunt of the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan radhiallahu ‘anhu.
Umm Habibah moved with her husband, Ubaidullah bin Jahsy, to Habasyah on the second hijrah. It was there that he gave birth to a child named Habibah. But unfortunately, the husband apostatized and embraced Christianity while on earth hijrah Habasyah. Of course this is a big disaster for Umm Habibah. He is overseas. Foreign countries are far from relatives. When he returned to Mecca's hometown, he was under threat. His father did not accept his Islam. Now he is truly alone after his husband lapsed. But he remained firm with his Islam (Ibn Sayyid an-Nas: Uyun al-Atsar, 2/389).
In Habasyah, Umm Habibah dreamed of a strange dream. Then this dream came true. He said, "In my dream I saw my husband Ubaidullah bin Jahsy looks very bad looking. I feel scared. From there the situation changed. In the morning my husband said, ‘Hi Umm Habibah, really I have never seen a better religion than Christianity. In the past, I embraced this religion. After that I embraced Muhammad's religion. Now I'm back to being a Christian. I told him, "For God's sake, there is no good for you." I told him about my dream. But he doesn't care. Finally he became a khamr addict until his death.
Position and Virtue
From the nasab side, Umm Habibah was a Quraysh woman who connected her nasab with the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam to Abdu Manaf. And no one of his wives he married remotely like Umm Habibah (Adz-Dzahabi: Siyar A'lam an-Nubala 2/219).
Another position, he was the daughter of a great figure in Mecca and its leader, Abu Sufyan bin Harb. Of course his Islam is very risky for him and embarrasses his father. He knows that embracing Islam is like offering yourself to great danger. Undoubtedly, he must have made his father angry. That's why he traveled a long and tiring journey with his husband to Africa far away. Move to Habasyah. The weight of the hijrah was felt even more because at that time he was pregnant with his child, Habibah (Ibn Saad: ath-Thabaqat al-Kubra 8/97). This is the struggle in the way of God. Proving sincerity and the depth of his faith in Allah Ta'ala.
The test for him didn't stop there. On the overseas, the husband apostates. And died in a state of suul khatimah. Kufur embraced Christianity. However heavy he felt, he remained strong. His kufr father, her apostate husband, his days of solitude did not shake his image.
Good news
On another occasion, Umm Habibah dreamed again. But the dream this time is a beautiful dream. There was someone who came to him and said, "O Ummah Believers." I was shocked. And kutakwil dream that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam invited me. After the end of my iddah, a messenger arrived at Ndasyi at the door. Request permission to meet. Apparently it was her slave girl whose name was Abraha. He was the one who took care of an-Najasyi's clothes and oiled himself. He entered my house and said, "The king advised you," Indeed, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam wrote me a letter to marry you to him. ' God gives you such good tidings, "continued the slave. He continued, "The king said to you to appoint the person who represents you to marry you off." Um Habibah sent Khalid bin Said bin al-Ash. He represented himself with Khalid. Then he gave Abraha two silver bracelets and two jewelry worn on his feet. And also the silver install was pinned to his toes. It is a form of gratitude for the good news he brings.
When it arrived in the afternoon, an-Najasyi ruled Ja'far bin Abu Talib to invite the Muslims to attend this wedding reception. An-Najasyi preached, "All praise is to God. The Lord, the Holy One, the Giver of salvation, the Most Gracious, the Guardian, the Mighty, and the Strong. I bear witness that there is no true worship except Allah. And Muhammad is His servant and messenger. He was the one reported by Isa bin Maryam. Amma ba'du. Indeed the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam wrote a letter to me to marry him to Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan. I also fulfilled the appeal of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. And I give 400 Dinars. Then I leave the Dinars to a group of people. "
Khalid bin Saad turned to speak, "All praise is to Allah. I praise Him, ask Him, and ask for His help. I bear witness not as true worshipers except God, there is no ally for Him. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. He sent it with instructions and true religion. So that the religion wins compared to other religions. Even though it made the idolaters hate. Amma ba'du. I have fulfilled the appeal of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. And he married me with Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan. May the blessings of Allah for the Messenger of Allaah be upon him, peace be upon him.
A number of the Dinars were handed over to Khalid bin Saad. Then he hugged him. Feeling the event was over, the guests began to leave. Khalid said, "Sit down. Indeed, among the sunnah of the prophets when they were married, they gave food dishes ". He also invited them to eat. Meals are eaten. After that, they go home.
Umm Habibah said, "When the dowry arrived in my hand, I gave it to Abraha who gave me good news. I told him, pernah I've given you what I gave at that time. Even though at that time, I didn't have a penny. There are fifty scholars (a number of assets). Take it and use it. ' He refused the treasure. Every time I give him, he always returns it to me. He said, ‘The king told me not to accept any of you. And I'm the one who takes care of his clothes and fragrances. Indeed, I have followed the religion of Muhammad the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him). And I have surrendered (to Islam) to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. The king instructs his wives to send you the fragrances they have. '
Umm Habibah said, "The next day I came to Gaharu, Waros, perfume seeds, zabbad (a type of fragrance). I put all that to the Messenger of Allah. He saw it and did not deny it. "
Abraha said, "My wish to you is only that you deliver greetings from me to the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam. Tell him that I have followed his religion. "Said Umm Habibah, Abraha always did good and served him. Every time he met Umm Habibah, he always reminded, "Don't forget you convey my wishes."
Umm Habibah said, "When I met the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam, I told him about the process of application and all the good deeds of Abraha to me. He smiled. And I convey greetings from him to him. The Prophet answered,
وَعَلَيْهَا السَّلامُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
"For him also salvation, mercy, and blessings from Allah." (Ibn Saad: ath-Thabaqat al-Kubra, 8 / 97-98).
Wedding Lessons
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam married Umm Habibah in the 7th year H. He married him for glorifying him and affirming his religion. We know how Umm Habibah lived. The ordeal of the father, husband, and circumstances have forged it. Not a few women who firmly hold onto the truth fell weak when her husband, who was originally a soldier, turned back. But not with Umm Habibah. He emigrated with his son. Feeling sad to leave the husband in a situation he desperately needed. The parents who should be the place to complain - after God - cannot be counted on. He lived alone in a place miles away from his hometown. But he remained patient with his situation. Stay firm in holding on to his religion. Then God comforted him by marrying him to His Messenger sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. And make it the mother of those who believe.
Pay attention! How was the attention of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam towards the Muslims. Even though they were in a far country in Habasyah, he kept up with their news. Even news of their individual development. Among them about Umm Habibah. Rotating trials come to him. He remained firm with his faith and religion. He is patient. And Allah repaid his patience by marrying him to the best human that ever existed.
His love for the Prophet
It is reported that Abu Sufyan came to Medina. His arrival in order to lobby the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam to make peace. After they themselves, the Quraysh, canceled the Hudaibiyah Treaty. After the Prophet refused his request, Abu Sufyan tried another way. Namely lobbying the Prophet through his daughter who was the wife of the Prophet, Umm Habibah radhiallahu ha anha.
When Abu Sufyan was about to sit on the bed of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, Umm Habibah immediately folded it. Abu Sufyan said, "My daughter, (I don't understand) is this bed not suitable for me (because you want better). Or am I not fit to sit on the bed? "Um Habibah said," This is the mattress of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. While you are an unclean polytheist. I don't like dad sitting on his bed the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam. "Abu Sufyan said," My daughter, you became evil after parting with me. "" (No) even God pointed me to Islam. And you - father father - are figures and magnates of Quraysh, how can you escape from embracing Islam. -As a big person- You even worship a rock that doesn't hear also see ?! "Abu Sufyan went to leave his daughter (Ash-Shalihi ash-Syami: Subul al-Huda wa ar-Rasyad, 5/206).
The love of Umm Habibah radhiallahu ‘anha to the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam was also illustrated in the following history:
"O Messenger of Allah, marry my sister, daughter of Abu Sufyan." The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied, "Are you happy about that?" Um Habibah replied, "Right, I don't just want to be your wife, and I want my sister join me in obtaining goodness ". The Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam said, "Your sister is not lawful to me. Umm Habibah said, "We heard the news that you wanted to marry Abu Salamah's daughter?" He said, "Abu Salamah's daughter?" Um Habiibah replied, "Yes." He said, "If he was not my stepdaughter in my care, he still did not lawfully marry me, because he was the daughter of my brother from an intercourse, that is, me and Abu Salamah were both breastfed by Tsuwaibah (Mawla Abu Lahab). Therefore, do not offer your daughter or sister to me. "(Narrated by Bukhari, no. 5101 and Muslim, no. 1449).
Some say that the word of Allah Ta'ala:
عَسَى اللَّهُ أَنْ يَجْعَلَ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَ الَّذِينَ عَادَيْتُمْ مِنْهُمْ مَوَدَّةً قَدليرٌ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ
"Hopefully Allah will cause affection between you and the people you oppose among them. And Allah is Almighty. And Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful. "[Quran Al-Mumtahanah: 7].
This verse goes down related to Abu Sufyan. The Prophet married his daughter, Umm Habibah radhiallahu ha anha. Then it became the connecting rope of the relationship of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam with Abu Sufyan (Ibn Kathir: Interpretation of the Koran al-Azhim, 8/89).
After the Prophet's death
After the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam died, Um Habibah remained the same person. He is still the old woman, who is firm in holding onto the truth. When the news of his father's death came, he asked for perfume. (After being brought in), he rubbed it on his two hearts as he said, "Actually I didn't need this perfume if I hadn't heard the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam say,
لا يحل لامرأة تؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر أن تحد على ميت فوق ثلاث ليال, إلا على زوج أربعة أشهر وعشرا
"It is not lawful for a woman who believes in Allah and the last day of mourning for a minor more than three days, except for her husband, for four months and ten days." (Narrated by Bukhari, no. 5335 and Muslim, no. 1491)
During his 33 years of continuing his life after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam, Um Habibah passed many great events with the Muslims. When there was a catastrophe in the time of Uthman, the rebels became increasingly violent. Someone said, "If you meet one of the believers' ummah. Hopefully they stop from Uthman. They met Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan. I (the narrator, Hasan al-Basri) saw that he was in the sack above Bagal (a white breed with a donkey). People took him to Uthman's residence. But the rebels turned their heads. They refused. (Adz-Dzahabi: Siyar Alam an-Nubala, 4/569).
Umm Habibah radhiallahu ‘anha also kept good relations with her sisters and wives of the Prophet. From ‘Auf bin Al-Harith, he heard Ayesha radhiyallahu ha anha said," Um Habibah once called me when he was about to die. He said, ‘Between us there must have been a problem. May Allah forgive me and you from whatever happened between us. "Ayesha also said," God forgive you for all your mistakes and justify it all. "Um Habibah then said," You have made me happy, may Allah also give you happiness. "Um Habibah also stated to Um Salamah like that too. (Ibn Saad: ath-Thabaqat al-Kubra, 8/100).
His death
Umm Habibah died in the city of Medina in 44 H. At that time he was 86 years old. He wa fat during the reign of his brother, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan. May Allah bless them all (Ibn Hajar: al-Ishabah fi Tamyiz ash-Shahabah, 7/653).
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