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Muhammad bin Waasi (Abid Bashrah and Ornament of Jurists)

We are in 87 H. When the Islamic hero and commander in chief Qutaibah bin Muslim al-Bahili led his formidable army from the city of Marwa to Bukhara, wanting to take control of the rest of the country on the other side of the river. He also wanted to fight on the outskirts of China and withdraw jizyah from them.

Not to mention the Qutaibah bin Muslim forces crossing the Seihun river, suddenly the inhabitants of Bukhara saw the Muslim forces. They beat drums in all directions and asked for help from neighboring countries such as Suged, Turkey, China, and so on. Then groups of soldiers flocked various skin colors, languages ​​and religions so that their numbers multiplied compared to Muslim forces.

After that, they immediately blocked all roads of the Muslim army and surrounded all the gaps that could be closed. To the extent that Qutaibah bin Muslim could not smuggle special forces to investigate and search for news about the condition of the enemy, nor could it infiltrate spies into the opposing camp.

So Qutaibah and his army were sandwiched near the city of Bikand, unable to move forward or backward. While the enemy always guerrilla with small groups of troops, then they fight throughout the afternoon. When dusk goes down, they disappear into the base and its strongholds. This condition lasted for two consecutive months. Qutaibah became confused to take a stand whether to stop or move forward.

Not long after, this news ended spreading throughout the Muslim area. They were worried about the fate of the tough troops that had never been defeated and whose commander had never been subdued. The governors in the regions were ordered to call on the people to pray for the safety of the fighting forces in the country across the river. Now, every mosque is full of prayers for them. From the towers there was a cry of plea to Allah and the priests read the qunut prayer at each prayer. Eventually an auxiliary force was formed, a formidable force consisting of volunteers from all over the country. The movement was spearheaded by the famous Shaykh Tabi'in, Muhammad bin Waasi 'al-Azdi.

It is said that Qutaibah bin Muslim had a non-Arab spy known for his clever tactics and expertise named Taidzar. The enemy managed to persuade these spies with the lure of a large treasure so that he would influence the Muslim leader. The strategy that is carried out is to give a description that the condition of the Muslim forces is very weak compared to the enemy forces with great strength. And try to get Islamic forces to leave the country without war.

Taidzar entered to accompany Qutaibah bin Muslim who was talking with the main officers and other military figures. He approached by the side of Qutabibah, then whispered: "O Amir empty this room if you want."

A moment later, Qutaibah signaled all those present to leave except for Dzizar bin Hushain who was asked to remain in his place. After that Taidzar said, "I bring news to you O Amir." Qutaibah said, "Say." Taidzar said, "Indeed the Amir al-mu'minin in Damascus has fired Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats-Tsaqafi and some of his followers, while you are one of his men. He also replaced them with new leaders in his armed forces. Many of them have now been sent to new posts each and your replacement will come at any time of day or night. In my opinion, it's better for your troops to be withdrawn from this country and you return to Marwa to rethink a strategy that is far from the battlefield. "

Not to mention Taidzar stopped his chatter, Qutaibah called his bodyguard named Siyah then he said, "Wow Siyah, cut off the traitor's neck!" Then Siyah cut off Taidzar's neck, then returned to his original place. Qutaibah turned to Dzirar bin Hushain and said, "On this earth no one else has heard of new news except you and me. I swear by the name of the Most High and the Great, if this news reaches the ears of others before the war is over I will bring you to this cheap traitor. Therefore, if you still love yourself, take care of yourself, keep your tongue. Know that if this news is spread to our troops, it will drop their fighting spirit. "

People are called back. When they saw Taidzar lying in blood, they gasped in amazement. Qutaibah said, "What surprised you from the death of a traitor and liar?" They said, "We thought he was a defender of Islam." Qutaibah said, "Even he is a traitor to the Muslims, then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala avenged his betrayal. "Then he shouted loudly," Now you are going to destroy your enemies. Face them with new hearts and determination. "

Obediently the troops carried out the orders of their commander, Qutaibah bin Muslim. They stand guard against the enemy on the boundary. It's just that, when the two camps were confronted, the Islamic forces saw the number of enemies and their complete weapons, so the fear began to spread. Qutaibah can feel what is raging in the hearts of his soldiers. So he immediately traveled from one company to another to arouse their enthusiasm. Then he looked to the right and left while asking, "Where is Muhammad bin Waasi 'al-Uzdi?" They replied, "He is in the right hand row, O amir." Qutaibah said, "What is he doing?" They said, " Leaning on his spear, laying forward while pointing his finger at the sky to pray. Do you want us to call him? "

Qutaibah, "No need, leave him alone. For God's sake, his index finger (his prayer) I like more than a thousand selected swords drawn by a thousand young men. So let him pray, we know that his prayer is fulfilling. "

War also raged, two large forces lunged at each other like lions who were about to pounce on their prey. The two forces met like two waves of flood that collided with each other. Then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala lowered the calm in the soul of the Islamic forces and helped with the spirit of His strength.

Islamic warriors continued to invade the enemy all day, until when the night went on, Allah shook the enemy's feet and a sense of trepidation enveloped them until they finally gave up. The Mujahideen can easily cripple them, some fall apart and run away in turmoil, others are successfully captured. So, they gave up and asked Qutaibah to make peace by making a ransom.

Among these prisoners there are bad people and hobbies provoking their people to be hostile to Islam. He said, "I want to redeem myself O Amir!" Qutaibah said, "What is the price of the ransom?" The prisoner replied, "Five thousand pieces of Chinese silk fabric are worth one too."

Hearing that answer, Qutaibah turned to his friends, "What do you think?" They said, "In our opinion, the property will increase the number of ghanimah for Muslims. In the meantime we also have not worried about its actions and the like after the big victory that we achieved. "

Qutaibah turned to Muhammad bin Waasi al-Uzdi and asked, "How do you think, O Abu Abdillah?" He replied, "O amir, the aim of the Muslims out of jihad is not to gather ghanimah or accumulate wealth, but out for the sake of Allah He is on earth and destroys His enemies. "Qutaibah said," Jazakallahu khairan, may Allah repay your kindness O Abu Abdillah, for Allah's sake I will not let such people scare Muslim women after this. Even though he wants to redeem himself with the treasure as big as this world. "Then he ordered that the prisoner be killed.

Muhammad bin Waasi's relationship with the leaders of the Umayyads was not limited to Yazid bin Muhallab and Qutaibah bin Muslim al-Bahili, but extended to the guardians and other emirs. These included the guardian of Basrah, Bilal bin Abi Burdah. Many impressive events with this one governor.

Once upon a time Muhammad bin Waasi came to this emir wearing a robe from a rough cloth. He was asked, "Why are you wearing this kind of clothes, O Abu Abdillah?" He pretended not to hear and commented a word so the guardian Basrah asked again:

Bilal: "Why don't you answer my question, O Abu Abdillah?"

Muhammad: "I do not like to say that this is zuhud, because it means I pride myself. And hate to say it as wickedness, because it shows that I am not grateful for the grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, even though in fact I have been pleased. "

Bilal: "Do you need anything, O Abu Abdillah?"

Muhammad: "O amir, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will not ask His servants about qadha and qadar on the Day of Judgment. But He will ask about their charity. "

So the Bashir guardian was silent because of shame.

Muhammad bin Waasi 'is still on the governor's side when lunch time arrives. The Wali Basrah invited him to eat together, but he refused with various pretexts. Until Bilal became offended and said, "Do you not like to eat our food, O Abu Abdillah." He said, "Don't say that, O amir. For God's sake, what is good for you amirs is that we love more than our own children and family. "

Many times Muhammad bin Waasi was asked to become qadhi, but he always refused firmly and sometimes made him face the risk of it.

He was summoned by the Basrah police chief, namely Muhammad bin Mundzir. He said, "The Iraqi governor ordered me to give up the position of qadhi to you." He replied, "Keep me from that position, may Allah give you prosperity." The request was repeated two or three times but he refused.

Because he was rejected, the police chief was angry and said threateningly, "You accept that position or I will whip you 300 times without mercy!" He said, "If you do that then you are acting arbitrarily. Know that being tortured in the world is better than having to be tortured in the hereafter. "The police chief became embarrassed, then allowed Muhammad bin Waasi to return home respectfully.

Muhammad bin Waasi's Assembly at Basrah Mosque is the main objective of the claimants of knowledge, wisdom seekers and heart life. History records a lot about the news in the assembly. For example, when someone said to him: "O Abu Abdillah, give me a will." He said, "I testify to you to be king in the world and in the hereafter." The questioner was surprised and said, "How can I make it happen?" said, "Never be greedy for the contents of the world, surely you will be king in the world, while in the Hereafter be king with victory over merits that are beside Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala."

Another example, when someone said, "O Abu Abdillah, I love you." He said, "May Allah love you because of your love." He said, "May Allah love you because of your love." Then he went while muttering, "O my God take refuge in you if I am loved for you, even though you are angry with me. "

Every time he heard the praise and adulation of the people for his piety and worship, he said, "If only the sinful act had produced a foul odor, surely none of you would approach me."

Muhammad bin Waasi 'always reminds his students to always hold fast to the Book of Allah and live under the auspices of the Koran. He said, "The Koran is a garden for every believer, every time he fulfills a part of it means he has stopped in his garden."

He also advised that people reduce their portion of food, because those who reduce eating will undoubtedly be sharp in their thoughts and understanding, to be gentle and clean in their hearts. As for too full in eating, it will burden a person to realize his desires.

The degree of takwa possessed by Muhammad bin Waasi ’reached a high peak. A story says that he was once seen on the market to sell his donkey. People who want to buy it ask, "Have you been willing to sell it to me, O Shaykh?" He replied, "If only I would be willing for myself, I would not sell it."

Throughout his life, he was always afraid of his sins, afraid of being examined by his Lord. Because of that, every time he was asked, "How are you, O Abu Abdillah?" He replied, "It is getting closer to my point, but away from my ideals. How bad I did. "When he saw the questioner in amazement, he said," What do you think of someone who walks to the hereafter every day? "

When Muhammad bin Waasi ’suffered pain which seemed to be causing his death, people came to him flapping to his house so crowded with people coming in and out, sitting and standing. When he saw it, Muhammad bin Waasi ’complained to the person who was on guard by his side," What is their presence, for me, if I am later sued from the crown to the soles of my feet. What is the use of them for me if I will be put into the fire of hell. "

After that he prayed, "O Allah, I ask for Your forgiveness for all the conditions and evil that I have done, in the place where I have sinned there, at the door of evil that I entered and from evil that I came out of and every bad deed I'm working on, from the bad words I say and I'm talking about. O God, I beg Your forgiveness for all that. Forgive me, I repent to you, so forgive me so that I can meet you safely before being taken away. "

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