Hafah binti Umar bin Khaththab is the daughter of the best man and knows the rights of Allah and the Muslims. Umar bin Khathab is a ruler who is just and has a very solemn heart. The Prophet's marriage with the Prophet was proof of his love for the widowed mukminah after being abandoned by her husband, Khunais bin Hudzafah as-Sahami, who had jihad in the way of Allah, had emigrated to Habashah, then to Medina, and died in the Battle of Badr. After her husband's husband died, feeling sad, Urnar turned to the Prophet to preach the fate of his widowed son. At that time Hafshah was eighteen years old. Hearing Umar's narrative, the Prophet gave him good news by saying that he was willing to marry Hafah.
If we call the narrative of Hafsa, our memories will be directed towards his great services to the Muslims at that time. He was the wife of the Prophet who first kept the Qur'an in writing on the skin, bones, and palm fronds, until it became a very great book.
Nasab and its Growth Period
The full name of Hafshah is Hafah binti Umar ibn Khaththab ibn Naf'al bin Abdul-Uzza bin Riyah ibn Abdullah bin Qurt bin Rajah bin Adi ibn Luay of the Arab tribe Adawiyah. His mother was Zainab bint Madh'un bin Hubaib bin Wahab bin Hudzafah, the sister of Uthman bin Madhun. Hafshah was born in a very famous year in the history of the Quraysh, namely when the Prophet. move Hajar Aswad to its original place after the Ka'bah was rebuilt after collapsing due to flooding. That year also was born Fatima az-Zahra, the youngest daughter of the Prophet of four daughters, and her birth was welcomed by her. A few days after Fatima was born, Hafshah binti Umar bin Khaththab was born. Hearing that the birth was a baby girl, Umar was very angry and anxious, as was the custom of the Arabian Quraysh when he heard the news of the birth of his daughter. At that time they assumed that the birth of a daughter had brought shame to the family. Even if at that time Umar knew that the birth of his daughter would bring good luck, of course Umar would be the happiest person, because the child named Hafsa would later become the wife of the Prophet. Inside the Thabaqat, Ibn Saad said, "Muhammad bin Umar said that Muhammad bin Zaid bin Aslam, from his father, from his grandfather, Umar said, af Hafah was born when the Quraysh built the Ka'bah, five years before the Prophet was sent to be an Apostle."
Sayyidah Hafshah radhiallahu ‘anha was raised by inheriting the character of her father, Umar bin Khaththab. In matters of courage, he is different from other women, his personality is strong and his words are firm. Aisha described that the nature of Hafsa was the same as her father. Another advantage possessed by Hafshah is its versatility in reading and writing, even though at that time the ability was not commonly owned by women.
Embracing Islam
Hafah was not included in the group of people who first converted to Islam, because when the beginning of the spread of Islam, his father, Umar bin Khaththab, was still the main enemy of Muslims until one day Umar was interested in entering Islam. When one day Umar learned about the Islam of his sister, Fatima and her husband Said bin Zaid, he was very angry and intended to torture them. When he arrived at his sister's house, Umar heard the Qur'an reading which was playing and in the house, and his anger peaked when he entered the house. He mercilessly slapped them until blood poured from his forehead. However, something unexpected happened, Umar's heart was touched when he saw blood pouring from his sister's forehead, then he took the Qur'an that was on them. When he briefly read the beginning of Thaha's letter, a miracle occurred. Umar's heart began to be illuminated by the light of truth and faith. Allah has granted the prayer of the Prophet who hoped that Allah would open the heart of one of the two Umar to Islam. What was meant by the Prophet with two Umar was Amr bin Hisyam or better known as Abu Jahl and Umar bin Khaththab.
After that incident, from his younger brother's house he immediately headed to the Messenger of Allah and declared Islam in his presence, Umar bin Khaththab was like a star that began to illuminate the Islamic world, and began raising the flag of jihad and da'wah until several years after the Prophet died. After declaring Islam, Umar bin Khathab immediately met his relatives to invite them to embrace Islam. All family members accepted Umar's invitation, including Hafshah who was only ten years old.
Married and migrated to Medina
Islam Umar brought great luck to the Muslims in the face of the cruelty of the Quraysh. Umar's Islamic news motivated the Muhajirites who were in Habasyah to return to their homeland after being abandoned for so long. Among those who returned were a young man named Khunais bin Hudzafah as-Sahami. The young man loved Rasulullah as much as he loved his family and hometown. He moved to Habasyah to save himself and his religion. Upon arrival in Mecca, he immediately visited Umar bin Khathab, and there he saw Hafsa. He asked Umar to marry himself to Hafshah, and Umar blessed him. Marriage between mujahids and noble believers took place. Their household is very happy because it is based on keirnanan and piety.
When Allah illuminated the people of Yathrib so that they embraced Islam, the Prophet found a new backrest that could help the Muslims. That is why he allowed the Muslims to migrate to Yathrib to safeguard their aqidah while protecting them and the torture and tyranny of the Quraysh. In this hijrah, Hafshah and her husband participated in Yathrib.
Trials and Rewards
After the Muslims were in Medina and the Prophet succeeded in uniting them in a strong line, it was time for them to confront the idolaters who had been hostile and took their rights. In addition, God's command to fight against the idolaters had arrived.
The first battle between Muslims and the Quraish polytheists was the Battle of Badr. In this war, God has shown victory for His sincere servants even though their numbers are still small. Khunais was one of the members of the Muslim army, and he suffered severe injuries upon his return from the war. Hafah was always by his side and healed his wounds, but God wanted to call Khunais a martyr in the first war against falsehood and tyranny, so Hafsa became a widow. At that time the age of Hafah was only eighteen years old, but Hafsah had patience for the trials that befell him.
Umar was very sad because his son had become a widow at a very young age, so that in his heart there was an intention to marry the Hafah with a pious Muslim so that his heart was calm again. For this reason, he went to Abu Bakr's house and asked him to marry his daughter. However, Abu Bakr was silent, not answering in the slightest. Then Umar met Uthman ibn Affan and asked him to marry his daughter. However, at that time Uthman was still in sadness because his wife, Ruqayah bint Muhammad, had just died. Uthman refused Umar's request. Facing the attitude of his two best friends, Umar was very disappointed, and he grew saddened by the thought of his daughter's fate. Then he met the Prophet with the intention of complaining about the attitude of his two friends. Hearing Umar's words, the Prophet said, "Hafsa will marry someone better than Uthman and Abu Bakr. Uthman will marry someone better than Hafahah. "Originally Umar did not understand the purpose of the Prophet's words, but because of his intellectual intelligence, he later understood that the Prophet would propose to his daughter.
Umar felt very honored to hear the Prophet's intention to marry his daughter, and joy appeared on his face. Umar immediately recognized Abu Bakr to express the intention of the Prophet. Abu Bakr said, "I did not intend to reject you with my words, because I knew that the Messenger of Allah had mentioned the name of the Prophet, but I could not open his secrets to you. If Rasulullah let him, of course I will marry Hafshah. "Umar only understood why Abu Bakr refused to marry his daughter. While Uthman's attitude was only because he was sad over the death of Ruqayah and he intended to edit his brother, Umm Kulthum, so that his nasab could continue to continue with the Prophet. After Uthman married Umm Kulthum, he was nicknamed Dhunnuraini (owner of two lights). The Prophet's marriage to Hafsa was more regarded as his appreciation of Umar, besides also because Hafshah was a widow of a mujahid and muhajir, Khunais bin Hudzafah as-Sahami.
Being at the House of the Prophet
At the house of the Prophet, Hafah occupied a special room, the same as Saudah binti Zum'ah and Aisyah bint Abu Bakr. Humanely, Aisha was very jealous of Hafah because they were of the same age, other than Saudah binti Zum'ah who considered Hafshah a noble woman of the daughter of Umar bin Khaththab, a dear friend of the Prophet.
Umar understood how high the position of Ayesha was in the heart of the Prophet. He also knew that the person who caused the anger of Ayesha was the same as causing the Prophet's anger, and who was pleased with Aisha meant being pleased with the Prophet. Therefore Umar advised his daughter to try to be close to Ayesha and love her. Apart from that, Umar requested that the Hafah guard his actions so that neither of them would have a dispute. However, it is indeed very human if there are still misunderstandings that arise from jealousy. In the midst of his chest the Prophet reconciled them without causing sadness among his wives. One example is the incident when Hafah saw Mariyah al-Qibtiyah come to meet the Prophet on a matter. Mariyah was far from the mosque, and the Messenger of Allah told him to go into the house of Hafshah who was going to his father's house, he saw the veil of his bedroom closed, while Rasulullah and Mariyah were inside. Seeing the incident, Hafsa's anger exploded. Hafshah cried with anger. The Prophet tried to persuade and defuse the anger of Hafshah, even he vowed to forbid Mariyah for him if Mariyah did not apologize to the Hafsa, and the Prophet requested that Hafshah keep the incident secret.
It is natural that the wives of the Prophet felt jealous of Mariyah, because he was the only woman who gave birth to the son of the Prophet after Siti Khadijah radhiallahu ‘anha. The incident immediately spread, even though the Prophet had ordered to cover up the secret. The news was finally discovered by the Messenger of Allah so that he was very angry. Some narrations say that after the incident, the Prophet divorced Hafshah, but a few moments later he referred back because he saw Hafshah's father, Umar, very troubled. While another narration mentions that the Prophet intended to divorce Hafah, but Gabriel came to him with the intention of ordering him to defend Hafshah as his wife because he was a firm woman of opinion. The Messenger of Allah also retained Hafshah as his wife, especially because of that Hafshah deeply regretted his actions by revealing the secrets and wrath of the Prophet.
Umar bin Khaththab reminded his daughter not to arouse the anger of the Prophet and always obey and seek his pleasure. Umar bin Khathab put the pleasure of the Prophet in the most important place that had to be done by Hafah. Basically, the Prophet married Hafshah because he saw the existence of Umar and felt sorry for the Hafah left by her husband. Allah revealed the following verse in anticipation of the issues that were spread.
"O Prophet, why do you forbid what Allah has justified for you, - are you looking for the pleasure of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful, for Allah has obliged you to free yourself and your oath; and God is your protector and He is Knower, Wise. And remember when the Prophet spoke secretly to one and his wives (Hafah) of an event. So when (Hafsa) told the incident (to Ayesha) and Allah told it (all the talks between Hafshah and Ayesha) to Muhammad then Muhammad told part (which Allah had told him) and hid some of the others (to Hafsa). Then when (Muhammad) tells the conversation (between Hafshah and Ayesha) then Hafah asks, "Who told you this?" The Prophet replied, "It has been told to me by Allah, the Knower, the Knower. If you both repent to God, then your hearts will be inclined (to receive goodness); and if you both help to trouble the Prophet, then Allah is his protector (likewise) Gabriel and the good people of the gods; and besides that angels are his helpers too. If the Prophet divorces you, it may be that his Lord will give him compensation with wives who are better than you, who obey, those who believe, those who obey, those who repent, those who worship, those who fast, those who are widows, and those who are virgins. " Surat At-Tahrim: 1-5)
Great Trial
Hafsa always asks the Messenger of Allah in various problems, and that causes anger to Umar to the Hafah, while the Prophet always treats Hafah softly and lovingly. He said, "Take care of you to women well." The Prophet was angry with his wives when they asked for additional income so that as soon as possible Umar came to the house of the Prophet. Umar saw the Prophet's wives gloomy and sad, it seemed that there had been a dispute between them and the Prophet. In particular, Umar called his daughter, Hafsa, and reminded him to stay away from behavior that could arouse his anger and realized that he did not have much wealth to give them. Angry, the Prophet vowed not to gather with his wives for a month until they realized his mistake, or divorced them if they did not realize the mistake. In connection with this, Allah says,
"O Prophet, say to your wives, if you want the life of the world and all the jewels, then come here, I will fulfill your wishes and I will divorce you well. And if you want (the pleasure) of Allah and His Messenger and (pleasure) in the Hereafter village, Allah will provide good servants among you great merits. "(QS. Al-Ahzab)
The Prophet stayed away from his wives for a month in a room called the treasure, and a slave named Rabah sat at the door of the room.
After the incident spread news that troubled that the Prophet had divorced his wives. The one who felt the most anxiety was Umar bin Khaththab, so he immediately met his daughter who was crying. Umar said, "It seems that the Prophet has divorced you." Sobbing Hafshah replied, "I don't know." Umar said, "He has divorced you once and referred to you again because of me. If he divorces you once again, I will not talk to you forever. "Hafahah cried and regretted his negligence towards his husband and father. After a few days the Prophet left alone, no one could confirm whether he divorced his wives or not. Impatient, Umar came to the treasure to meet the Prophet who was alone. Today Umar is meeting the Messenger of Allah not because of his son, but because of his love for him and feeling very sad to see his situation, besides indeed wanting to ensure the issue is spread. He felt that his son was the cause of his sadness. Umar also asked for an explanation from him even though on the other hand he was very sure that he would not divorce his wives. And indeed, the Prophet did not divorce his wives so that Umar asked permission to announce the good news to the Muslims. Umar went to the mosque and reported that the Prophet did not divorce his wives. The Muslims welcomed the news, and certainly those who were even happier were his wives.
After a month the Prophet left his wives, he returned to them. He saw remorse drawn from their faces. They returned to Allah and His Messenger. To be even more convincing, he announced their remorse for the Muslims. Hafah can be said to be the wife of the most sorry Apostle so that he draws closer to Allah with all his heart and makes it a ransom for the Messenger of Allah. Hafah reproduces worship, especially fasting and evening prayers. That habit continued until after the Prophet died. Even during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar, he followed the development of major conquests, both in the east and west.
Hafshah felt very lost when his father died at the hands of Abu Lu’luah. He lived until the time of the Uthman Caliphate, which at that time occurred a great slander between Muslims who demanded revenge for the death of the Caliph Uthman until the pembai'atan Ali bin Abi Talib as caliph. At that time, Hafsa was in the stronghold of Ayesha as he revealed, "My opinion is as Aisha's opinion." However, he was not included in the group of people who declared themselves loyal to Ali bin Abi Talib because his brother, Abdullah bin Umar, asked him to stay at home and don't come out to say goodbye.
Regarding the death of Hafsah, some narrations say that Sayyidah Hafshah died in the forty-seventh year of the reign of Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan. He was buried in Baqi ', next to the graves of the other Prophet's wives.
Owner of the First Manuscript
The great work of the Hafah for Islam is the gathering of the Qur'an in his hand after being abolished because he was the only wife of the Prophet who was good at reading and writing. During the Apostle, the Qur'an was preserved in the chest and memorized by the Companions for later written on palm fronds or sheets which were not collected in one special book.
At the time of the Caliph Abu Bakr, the Qur'anic memorizers were many who died in the battle of Riddah (war against apostates). Such conditions encouraged Umar bin Khaththab to urge Abu Bakr to collect the scattered Qur'an. At first Abu Bakr was worried that collecting the Qur'an in one book was something that was making it up because in the Apostle's day it had never been done. However, at Umar's insistence, Abu Bakar finally ruled Hafsa to collect the Qur'an, while saving and preserving it. The original Qur'anic manuscripts were in the house of Hafsa until he died.
May Allah's grace always accompany Hafah. and may Allah give him a proper place beside Him. Amen.
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