In ancient times, the country of Egypt was led by a tyrannical and cruel king known as "Pharaoh," he enslaved his people and oppressed them, behaved arbitrarily on earth, and made the population divisive, oppressing a group of them and employing them with forced labor. Indeed, Pharaoh is among those who do damage.
These oppressed are the children of Israel; a people who came to them arrived at the Prophet Israel or Ya'qub aih Peace be upon him. The Children of Israel occupied the land of Egypt when Prophet Yusuf aih alaihissalam served as his minister.
One day Pharaoh dreamed that a fire had come from Baitul Maqdis and had set fire to the land of Egypt besides the houses of the Children of Israel. When he woke up, then Pharaoh was immediately shocked, then he gathered the fortune tellers and magicians to ask takwil for his dream, then they told him that a child from the Children of Israel would be born who would be the cause of the destruction of the Egyptian population. So Pharaoh was afraid of the dream, he also ordered to slaughter the sons of the Children of Israel for fear of the birth of that person [1].
The day passed, the months and years changed so that the native Egyptians saw that the number of the Children of Israel was getting smaller because of the killing of young boys, they were worried that if the adults died, their children would be killed there would be no more taking care of the land them, so they went to Pharaoh and told him about the problem, then Pharaoh thought again, then he also ordered to kill men in general and leave them in general.
Harun was born in the year when the children were not killed, while Moses was born in the year of the murder, so his mother was afraid that his son would be killed so he chose to put his child in a place far from the eyes of the Pharaoh's soldiers who were waiting for the children of the Children of Israel for his murder, God inspired him to suckle it and put it in a chest, then the chest was put into the river when the army of Pharaoh came. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said,
"And We inspired the mother of Moses; "Milk him, and if you worry about him, drop him into the river (Nile). And do not worry and do not (also) grieve, for indeed We will return it to you, and make it (one of) the apostles. "(QS. Al-Qasas: 7)
So he prepared a small chest tied to a rope and breastfeeded his child, and when the army of Pharaoh came, he put it in a chest and placed it in the Nile. When the army of Pharaoh left, he pulled back the chest. Until one day, the Prophet Moses' mother forgot to tie the chest with a rope, then the chest was carried away by the water and kept walking, while sister Musa was instructed to pay attention to him and walk beside him while looking at where the chest stopped. The chest remained floating above the river swaying right and left and moved by the waves, until then the chest was carried towards the Pharaoh's palace near the Nile. When sister Moses saw the chest leading to the Pharaoh's palace, she immediately told her mother to tell the matter so that Moses' mother's heart would be empty, she almost declared the true situation that Moses was her own child.
At that time, Asiyah was Pharaoh's wife as she usually walked in the palace garden and walked behind her servants, and Asiyah saw a chest on the edge of the Nile at the end of the palace, then told her servants to take it and they did not dare to open it until they put the coffin it was before Asiyah. Then Asiyah saw the chest and saw that there was a sweet baby child and God instilled in his heart a love for the child.
In addition, Asiyah is a barren woman, then she takes it and hugs her and is determined to keep her from murder and slaughter, then she takes her to her husband and says with great compassion, "(He) is the heart of the eye for me and for you. Do not kill him, hopefully he will benefit us or we will take him as a child. "(Qur'an, 9: 9).
What Asiyah pronounced was true, because the existence of Moses benefited him, in the world he gained guidance with him and in the hereafter he entered heaven with reason.
When Pharaoh saw his wife so strong in guarding this baby child, then Pharaoh agreed to his request and did not order to be killed and he was appointed as a child.
Return of Baby Moses to his mother
After a few moments, Asiyah was carrying baby Moses with excitement, but the mother of Prophet Moses wept bitterly, her heart was empty of world affairs other than Moses' affairs, the Asiyah felt the need for this child to be taken away, she immediately invited the milk mother to breastfeed and take care of it. so a number of mothers of milk came to the palace to breastfeed them, but the baby Moses refused all of them. This made the inhabitants of the palace busy thinking about it and this news was spread among the people, so sister Musa knew that, she went to the palace and met Pharaoh's wife Asiyah and told her that she knew the mother of milk suitable for this child, then Asiyah rejoiced and asked him to take the milk mother immediately to him.
Sister Moses went home and met her mother who was crying because she lost her child, then sister Musa told her what had happened between her and the wife of Pharaoh so that the mother of Moses was calm and relieved.
The mother of Prophet Moses also went with her daughter to the palace of Pharaoh. When he entered the palace and met the wife of Fir'au, then the mother of the Prophet Moses immediately offered her milk, the baby Moses immediately suckled until full. Then Asiyah asked Mother Musa to stay in the palace, but she refused because she had a husband and children that she needed to serve, so the Asiyah released the baby Moses with the mother who was none other than the mother of Moses himself.
His mother took her baby to the house where Moses was born with a heart full of happiness, besides he received wages from the palace, as well as living and other gifts, so Moses lived with his mother and father and sister. When Moses returned to the Pharaoh's palace, the family of Moses had educated him with good education, so that Moses grew up like a king's son and the government, namely as a strong, courageous and educated person.
At that time, the Children of Israel became more honorable, because of those who embraced Moses.
Moses in Adulthood
Thus the Prophet Moses aih Peace be upon becoming an adult as a strong and courageous person. So one day Moses walked in the city of Memphis and saw two warring people, one from among the people of the Children of Israel, the other from the native Egyptians, the unbelieving Qibthi. Then the children of Israel asked Moses for help, then Moses came and wanted to prevent the Egyptian from committing tyranny, he struck him with his hand so that the Qibthi fell to the ground and died.
Moses also felt that he was in trouble, even though his intention was not to kill him but to defend those who were wronged, then the Prophet Moses was sad, repented to Allah and returned to Him and asked for His forgiveness, (see QS. Al-Qasas: 15- 16).
However, the news turned out to be widespread in the city and the Egyptians looked for who the killer was to punish him, but they did not know it. The day passed and when the Prophet Moses walked in the city, he found the Children of Israel who had defended him again fighting with the Egyptians and asked for help again to the Prophet Musa peace be upon him, but Moses was angry with his request, he went forward to disperse the dispute, but the Children of Israel thought that Moses was going to come to him to beat him angry at him, he said, "O Moses! Do you mean to kill me, just as you killed a human yesterday? "
Hearing these words, the Egyptians also knew that the one who killed the Qibthi was Prophet Musa aih Peace be upon him. So the army of Pharaoh began to think about the punishment that must be imposed on him, then there was someone who came to Prophet Moses advising him to go from Egypt, then Moses came out of him in a state of fear if someone caught him while praying to God to be saved from people the wrongdoers (see Al-Qasas: 17-21).
Moses Leaves Egypt Towards Madyan
The Prophet Moses left Egypt, but he did not know where he should go, he hoped to God that He directed to the right place, and he kept walking until he reached a city called Madyan. When he arrived in the city of Madyan, the Prophet Moses came to a tree near the well then sat under it. He also found two women carrying the herdsmen goats, where both of them stood far from the well waiting for people to finish taking water.
Moses approached both of them and asked about because both of them stood far from the crowds, so they both told them that they could not drink their goats but after the people had finished drinking their goats. Both were forced to do so, because their parents were very old; unable to do this work, then the Prophet Moses went forward and lifted his own large stone which was usually lifted by ten people who covered the well, then gave them to drink goats.
After that, Moses returned to his original place under the shade of the tree to be able to rest after feeling the exhaustion of a long journey. Then he felt hungry and prayed, "My Lord, really I really need something good that you send me down."
When the two women returned to their parents, both of them told of the events they had experienced, so the old man was surprised by a stranger who was strong and had high manners. Then this old man told one of his children to come to him and invite him to meet his father for a reply.
Then one of the women came to Moses with shame and told him about his father's invitation, so Moses fulfilled the invitation and went to the woman's father by walking in front, while the woman walked behind while hinting at her path by throwing a small stone.
When he arrived at the place of the old man, he asked Moses about the name and matter that happened to him, Moses also told of the incident, then the old man calmed him down.
At that time, one of the two women asked his father to appoint Moses as a worker to help both of them because of his strong and trustworthy condition. So the old man offered Moses to marry one of his daughters with a dowry to work for him for eight years or ten years if Moses wanted. So the Prophet Moses agreed to the offer, and married one of the women. He also began herding goats for ten years. After that, Moses wanted to go home to meet his family in Egypt, then the old man agreed and gave him provisions during his return trip to Egypt.
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