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The story of the Prophet Moses and Harun aih Alaihimasssalam Part 3

The Second Suppression of Pharaoh to the Children of Israel
Hearing the words of the magicians Pharaoh was even more angry, and the heretics of his people also encouraged Pharaoh to punish Moses and Aaron. At that time, Pharaoh issued his decree, namely killing the children of believers from the Children of Israel and allowing women. With this decision, Pharaoh succeeded in frightening the weak people of the Children of Israel and those who had illness in their hearts, they did not believe in Moses for fear of the threat, even those who believed until they did not enter Islam completely for fear of Pharaoh.

When Prophet Musa ‘alaihissalam saw his people feel a great deal of fear, then he said to his people," Ask for help from Allah and be patient; indeed the earth (this) belongs to God; He will destroy those whom He wants from His servants. And the good end is for those who fear. "

So the people of Moses said, "We have been oppressed (by Pharaoh) before you came to Us and after you came."

Musa replied, "Hopefully Allah will destroy your enemy and make you the caliph on earth - (Him), then Allah will see how you do." (QS. Al A'raaf: 128-129)

Pharaoh also began to look for ways to get rid of Moses, so one day he gathered his helpers and family and told him his proposal, which was to kill Moses. But in the midst of them there is one who hides his faith and says, "Will you kill a man because He declares," My Lord is Allah, "even though he has come to you with statements from your Lord. And if he is a liar, he is the one who bore (sin) the lie; and if he is a righteous person inevitably some (disaster) that he threatens to you will come upon you. "(QS. Al Mu'min: 28)

Then he invited the Egyptians to believe in Allah and warned them of the adherence of Allah, but Pharaoh turned away from him and did not want to hear his advice.

Disasters that are inflicted on the Pharaoh and its People and How Firaun Still Doesn't Want to Repent

The day passed, Pharaoh and his helpers continued to torture the Children of Israel and charge them with hard work, he also did not want to listen to the advice of Prophet Moses to let himself and his people leave Egypt, so that Allah inflicted on them drought and lack , where the waters of the Nile are receding, fruits are diminishing, and many people are starving, so they feel unable to face the trials of Allah 'Almighty. Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala also gave them various kinds of adzab in addition to those mentioned, such as floods which drowned their plants and houses, sending locusts that ate the rest of their plants and trees, as well as sending fleas (caterpillars) so that they ate food they save, send frogs to make it difficult for them to rest, and make the water that comes to them from the Nile, wells and springs that become blood.

All of this calamity befell Pharaoh and his people, while Moses and Aaron and those who believe with him did not get it. This is evidence of the truth of what was brought by the Prophet Moses and Prophet Harun aih alaihimassalam.

The day passed and the calamity continued, even as the days grew, the Egyptians came to Pharaoh proposing to him to release the Children of Israel while asking the Prophet Moses to pray to his Lord so that the Lord would remove the disaster from them. They said, "O Moses! Ask us to Tuhamnu with prophethood which Allah knows is on your side. Indeed, if you can remove the adzab and to Us, surely We will believe in you and We will let the Children of Israel go with you. "

But when God removed the adzab from them until the time limit they reached him, they suddenly denied it. (See Al A'raaf: 134-135)

Pharaoh also increased his opposition and disbelief to Allah and always belied all the verses brought by Prophet Musa peace be upon him, until finally Prophet Moses prayed to Allah that He release the Children of Israel from the clutches of Fir'an and punish the unbelievers with the adzab poignant. Prophet Moses said, "O our Lord, in fact You have given to the Pharaoh and the leaders of his people jewelery and wealth in the life of the world. O our Lord, as a result they are misleading (people) from the path of You. O our Lord, destroy their property, and the key to their hearts is death, so they do not believe until they see a painful torment. "(Surah Yunus: 88)

So Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala granted the prayer of His Prophet and His Messenger Musa aih alaihissalam and came an order from Allah to the Prophet Moses to bring the Children of Israel away at night and inform, that Pharaoh will catch up with them.

Moses' Peace be upon him Bringing the Children of Israel and Following Them by Pharaoh
So the Prophet Moses brought the Children of Israel at night and Moses went with the Children of Israel towards the sea, they walked to it, but the news of the departure of the Prophet Moses and the Children of Isaril was known to Pharaoh, the Pharaoh was angry and sent people to gather (army) to cities. Pharaoh said, "Actually they (the Children of Israel) are really a small group. And indeed they make things that cause our anger. And indeed we really are a group that is always on the alert. "

Then Pharaoh and his people came out in large numbers to pursue the Prophet Moses and the Children of Israel, until finally Pharaoh and his army could catch up with them at sunrise. The two groups saw each other, and at that time the followers of Moses said, "Surely we really will be overtaken." But Moses calmed them and reminded them, that Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala would help them, He said, "Once - will not be overtaken; in fact my Lord is with me, in the future He will guide me. "

Sinking of Pharaoh

Furthermore, Allah commanded the Prophet Moses to hit his staff into the sea, then with Allah's permission the sea was split, where every hemisphere was like a big mountain (Surat Asy Syu'araa: 52-63). At that time, the Children of Israel immediately crossed the sea until they reached the other side, while Pharaoh was on the edge before, and when Pharaoh saw the streets in the middle of the sea were always open, then he and his army passed the road to chase the Children of Israel. And when they arrived in the middle of the sea, the sea returned as usual so they all sank. And when Pharaoh had felt he would drown, he tried to save himself by saying, "I believe that there is no god who has the right to be worshiped but the God who is trusted by the Children of Israel, and I am among those who surrender (to Allah) . ”(See Jonah: 90)

However, the time to repent is no longer useful because life has reached the throat.

After Pharaoh breathed his breath, the sea waves carried his body and threw it to the shore to be seen by the Egyptians, so that it became a lesson for them, that the people they worshiped and obeyed were not able to resist the slightest death of themselves and a lesson for everyone who is arrogant again cruel.

This harvest of Pharaoh took place on the day of Ashura (10 Muharram). Ibn Abbas said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam arrived in Medina, while the Jews fasted on the day of Ashura, then He asked," What day do you fast this? "They replied," This is the day Moses defeated Pharaoh. "So the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said (to the Companions)," You are more entitled to the Prophet Moses than they are, so fast. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa'i in Al Kubra, Ibn Majah, and others).

After the Children of Israel crossed the sea, they walked to the holy land (Palestine), but in the middle of the journey, they saw people worshiping the statue, then they asked the Prophet Musa 'peace be upon him to make them offerings as they had, then Prophet Moses said, "Surely you are a people who do not know (the attributes of God)" - Surely they will be destroyed by the beliefs they adhere to and will cancel what they always did. "(Qur'an, Al-A'raaf: 138-139 )

Prophet Moses also said, "Should I seek God for you besides Allah, even though He has made you over all the people (at that time)." (QS. Al A'raaf: 140)

Some of God's Favors to the Children of Israel
Musa aih alaihissalam continued his journey in the hot sun which stung their faces, until finally they complained about the problem to him, so Allah subjected them to the clouds that walked above those who followed their journey so that they did not feel hot. And when they were thirsty, Allah revealed to Prophet Musa 'peace be upon him that he struck the stick he brought to stone, then there were twelve springs emanating according to the number of the tribe of the Children of Israel who were with him so that Prophet Musa peace be upon him for each tribe of a spring .

And when they are starving, they are also blessed by Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala, He gave them Manna (sweet food like honey) and Salwa (bird meat like quails), then they eat it, but they get bored quickly with food so they came to the Prophet Musa alaihissalam complaining about the food, they said, "O Moses, We cannot be patient (withstand) with just one kind of food. therefore beg for Us to your Lord, that He will bring out for us what the earth grows, namely the vegetables, the cucumbers, the garlic, the fennel beans, and the shallots. "

So the Prophet Moses said, "Will you take the low one as a better substitute? Go to a city, you will get what you ask for. "That is your request is not a difficult thing, even food is a lot in any city, if you come you will find it. (See Al Baqarah: 61).


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