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Valuable Lessons from the Story of Prophet Hud aih Alaihissalam

Allah Ta'ala sent Prophet Hud aih peace be upon him to the nation ad Aad, the first generation who lived in the Ahqaf region in the Hadhramaut region (Yemen), when their crimes and arbitrariness increased against the servants of Allah Ta'ala. They say, as in verse,

"Who is more powerful than us?" (Fushshilat: 15)

In addition, the people of ‘Aad also made a show of Allah Ta'ala and a lie against the apostles. So, Allah Ta'ala sent the Prophet Hud (peace be upon him) in the midst of them to invite them to give up all worship only for Allah Ta'ala the only one and forbid from the act of shirk and arbitrariness towards the servants of Allah Ta'ala.

He invites his people in all ways and reminds them of the various blessings that Allah Ta'ala has given in the form of world goodness, excess fortune, and physical strength. But they refused the appeal and showed an arrogant attitude, unwilling to welcome the call of Prophet Hud ‘alaihissalam. They even say, as Allah Ta'ala said,

"O Hud, you did not bring us real evidence." (Hud: 53)

They have made a lie with this statement. Because there is no single prophet, Allah Ta'ala has given the verses, which is supposed to be with that verse, everyone will believe. If there were no such verses (signs of truth) of the apostles except the teachings of the religion they brought themselves, that would be enough to become the most important argument or proof that this religious teaching originated from the side of Allah Ta'ala.

Besides being sturdy and systematic for the benefit of mankind, when and anywhere, according to the situation and condition, the truth of the news in this religion in the form of an order to all goodness and prohibition of all evil, also becomes evidence of the truth of the apostles. Also each of the apostles justified the apostle who had come before and witnessed the truth of his mission. At the same time justify and be a witness for the apostles who will come afterwards.

Prophet Hud aih alaihissalam alone in preaching. He considers the dreams of his people as foolishness and declares them astray, and denounces their worshipers. While the people of Prophet Hud aih alaihissalam are people whose bodies are very strong and like to act arbitrarily. They scare Hud ‘alaihissalam with their worshipers. If you do not stop preaching, Prophet Hud, peace be upon him, according to their threat, will be afflicted with madness and ugliness. But Prophet Hud aih alaihissalam actually blatantly cast a challenge on them and said,

"Indeed, I made God as my witness and witnessed to you that in fact I am free from what you associate, from other than Him. For this reason, exert all your tricks against me, and do not give me respite. In fact, I put my trust in Allah, my Rabb and your Rabb. There is no creeping thing but He is the one who holds his head. Truly my Rabb is on the right path. "(Hud: 54-56)

So, which verse is greater than the challenge of Prophet Hud aih alaihissalam to his enemies who strongly opposed his call in various ways. When their crimes had exceeded the limit, Hud aih alaihissalam left and threatened them with the descent of Allah Ta'ala. Then came the doom spread throughout the horizon. They were hit by a severe drought that badly needed rain water.

As they were delighted to see a thick cloud above them and say,

"This is the cloud that will bring down rain." (Al-Ahqaf: 24)

Allah Ta'ala also said,

"(Not)! Even that is the punishment that you ask to come immediately. "(Al-Ahqaf: 24)

That is, you ask to be hastened by your words, "Bring what you promised us if you are the right person."

Allah Ta'ala said,

"(That is) a wind which contains a painful punishment, which destroys everything." (Al-Ahqaf: 24-25)

Namely, destroying everything in its path. Allah Ta'ala said,

"God sent the wind on them for seven nights and eight days continually. Then you see the people of ad Aad at that time dead in a circle as if they were stumps of palm trees that were empty (decayed). "(Al-Haqqah: 7)

"So they have nothing to see except (traces) of their residence. Thus We reward the sinners. (Al-Ahqaf: 25)

All of that happened when they were always laughing happily, in perfect glory, the luxury of the world abounding, all the tribes and the surrounding areas submitted to them. Then suddenly Ta'ala sent them very strong winds in a few days continuously so that they felt humiliating torment in the life of the world. Even though the end of the punishment is more humiliating, while they are not given help.

"And they are always followed by a curse in this world and (so too) on the Day of Judgment. Remember, truly the people of ad Aad are disbelievers to their Rabb. Remember, destruction to the people of ad Aad (ie) his people Hud. "(Hud: 60)

Allah Ta'ala saves Prophet Hud aih Peace be upon him and those who believe with him. Indeed, in this story there really is a verse (evidence) that shows the perfection of the power of Allah Ta'ala and His glorification of the apostles and their followers, the help of Allah Ta'ala to them in the life of the world and on the day of the witness- witness (doomsday).

Also the verse (sign) about vanity is shed, and the end is very bad and terrible. In it there is evidence of life after death and the gathering of all humans.

Important Lessons from the Story of Prophet Hud aih Alaihissalam

As also in the story of Noah aih alaihissalam, in this story there are several similar lessons to all the apostles, including:

1. Allah Ta'ala with His wisdom tells the story of the people who are neighbors with us in the Arabian Peninsula and its surroundings. The Qur'an has mentioned the highest method of giving lessons or warnings. Allah Ta'ala has also explained various lessons with truthful information. Surely there is no doubt that in other regions farther away from us, in the east or in the west, Allah Ta'ala sent an apostle to them.

Likewise, it has been explained how welcome, rejection, or glorification and the consequences they receive. There is not one people but Allah Ta'ala sent to them an apostle.

2. It is very useful for us to remember the condition of the area around us and what we receive from generation to generation. Also what can be witnessed from their relics whenever we pass their former settlement. We can also understand the language and their character closer, comparing with our character. Of course this benefit is very large and more appropriate for us to remember than describing the state of the people we have never heard of them, who do not know their language, and do not reach us their situation as God Ta'ala told us.

From this it can be concluded that reminding people with something that is closer to their understanding, more in accordance with their circumstances and easier to get, will be more beneficial to them than others. Certainly it is more appropriate to be mentioned in another way even though it also contains the truth. But the truth is multilevel. A teacher or educator, if he goes through this method, and strives hard to spread knowledge and goodness to humans with the roads they know, does not make the people run away from da'wah. Or with a more appropriate method for enforcing evidence against them, it will certainly be useful.

Allah Ta'ala has hinted at this at the end of the nation's story ‘Aad. The Word of God Ta'ala,

"And indeed We have destroyed the lands around you, and We have made signs of Our greatness over and over." (Al-Ahqaf: 27)

Namely We have mentioned various kinds of verses or signs of our power,

"So that they will come back (repent)." (Al-Ahqaf: 28)

That is to make it easier to get lessons.

3. Making large and magnificent buildings as a matter of pride, arrogance, and jewelry and oppressing Allah Ta'ala's servants arbitrarily is a very despicable act and is a legacy of generations that transgresses. As explained by Allah Ta'ala in the story of the nation ‘Aad which was denied by Prophet Hud aih alaihissalam,

"Do you build buildings on each high ground to play with?" (Ash-Syu'ara: 128)

In general, buildings for palaces, forts, houses and other buildings; may be used as a place to live because it is really needed. Needs are themselves diverse and vary in degree. All of this is a moor (permissible) case and it becomes a wasilah (means) to the good when accompanied by a right intention.

Or it can also be used as a stronghold from enemy attacks and maintaining the security of an area, or other benefits for the Muslims. This also includes a series of jihad in the way of Allah Ta'ala, relating to the command to be careful of the enemy.

However, it could all be utilized for the sake of arrogance and cruelty towards the servants of Allah Ta'ala, or the waste of property that can actually be used on a beneficial path. This, of course, is something that is highly criticized by Allah Ta'ala for the nation ‘Aad or others.

4. Another lesson that the mind or intelligence and that supports all of that and the results or influences that are caused, however large and broad, will still not be beneficial to the owner unless he balances with the faith in Allah Ta'ala and His apostles .

Whereas people who oppose the verses of Allah Ta'ala, deny the messengers of Allah Ta'ala, even though they have the opportunity or are given a respite to enjoy the life of the world, the end that he will face later is very bad. Hearing, sighting, and reason will not be able to defend it in the slightest if Allah Ta'ala's decision comes. As Allah Ta'ala mentions in the story of ‘Aad,

"And verily We have confirmed their position in matters which We have never confirmed your position in that matter and We give them hearing, sight, and heart; but their hearing, sight, and heart are of no use to them, because they always deny the verses of Allah and they have been overwhelmed by the torment that they always mocked. "(al-Ahqaf: 26)

In another verse,

"Therefore, there is not the slightest benefit to them a offering which they exclaim besides Allah, in the time of the punishment of your Rabb coming. And the worship does not add to them except destruction. "(Hud: 101)

Wallahu A'lam.

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