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Best Muslim Hadith

Best Muslim Hadith

Having told us Harun bin Ma'ruf told us Abdullah bin Wahb had told me 'Amru bin Harith that Abu Yunus slave Abu Hurairah had told him of Abu Hurairah from the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam he said: "If it were not for (error ) Hawwa, surely a woman will not betray her husband forever. "

(Muslim Hadith : 1470)

Having told me Zuhair bin Harb had told us Isma'il bin Ibrahim of Abu Hayyan of Abu Zur'ah from Abu Hurairah he said, "One day the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam stood in our midst, then he mentioned ghulul and raising his case, then he said: "Let me not on the Day of Resurrection I find one of you coming carrying a camel that is moaning." Then he said, "O Messenger of God, help me!" I then replied: "I not the slightest power to help you. I have told you that. Don't come to the Day of Judgment, I find one of you coming by carrying a neighing horse. "Then he said," O Messenger of Allah, help me! "He replied:" I did not help you in the least. I never told you before. On the Day of Resurrection, I will not find any of you carrying on his neck a goat that roams. "Then he said," O Messenger of Allah, help me! "He replied:" I have no power to help you. I have told you that. Don't come to the Day of Resurrection, I will find one of you coming by carrying the person screaming in his neck. "Then he said," O Messenger of Allah, help me! "He replied:" I can't help you in the least. I have said that. On the Day of Resurrection, let me not find any of the sea of ​​you coming with me carrying a piece of cloth fluttering in his neck. "Then he said," O Messenger of God, help me! "Then he replied:" I have not the slightest power to help you. I have told you that. On the Day of Resurrection I shall not find any of you carrying gold and silver wealth in his neck. "Then he said," O Messenger of Allah, help me! "He replied:" I have no power to help you at all. I have told you that. "And having told us Abu Bakar bin Abu Syaibah told us' Abdurrahim bin Sulaiman from Abu Hayyan. (In another line mentioned) Having told me Zuhair bin Harb told us Jarir from Abu Haiyan and 'Umarah bin Al Qa'qa' all from Abu Zur'ah from Abu Hurairah like the Isma'il hadith of Abu Haiyan. " And having told me Ahmad bin Sa'id ibn Shakhr Ad Darami told us Sulaiman bin Harb told us Hammad - that is Ibn Zaid - from Ayyub from Yahya bin Sa'id from Abu Zur'ah bin 'Amru Jarir from Abu Hurairah he said, "the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam mentioned the Ghulul .... Then he continued the hadith. Hammad said," After that I heard Yahya tell him, then he told us as Ayyub told us. "And told us Ahmad bin Al Hasan ibn Khirasy told us Abu Ma'mar had told us Abdul Warits had told us Ayyub from Yahya bin Sa'id bin Hayyan from Abu Zur'ah from Abu Hurairah from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam like their hadith . "

(Muslim Hadith : 1831)

And having told us Qutaibah ibn Sa'id told us Hatim bin Isma'il from Musa bin Uqbah of Salim he said; If it is said that the Ihram was started from Al Baida ', then Ibn Umar said, "Al Baida' is a place that you have used to denounce the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam. He never started Ihram except from the side of the tree (contained in Dhulhulaifah), that is, when the camel stood there.

(Muslim Hadith : 1186)

And told us 'Abdul Jabar bin Al' Ala has told us Sufyan he said; 'Amru had heard Jabir say about Jaisul Khabath, "A man slaughtered three camels and then slaughtered three more camels, after which Abu' Ubaidah forbade them."

(Muslim Hadith : 1935)

And told me Muhammad bin Rumh; Have told us Al Laits; Likewise narrated from other lines, and has told us Qutaibah bin Sa'id and this is his property; Has told us Laits from Nafi 'that Abu Lubabah said to Ibn Umar that he open the door of his house so that he would go closer to the mosque. But suddenly some small children saw snake skin. So Abdullah said; "Search and join him! Then kill you!" Abu Lubabah said; 'Don't kill you, because the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam forbade killing snakes at home. '

(Muslim Hadith : 2233)

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