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Those Who Die Then Live Again: The City of Dead Prospered Again (4/5)

The next story is about a dead city that lives again. A ravaged city; the walls of the building collapsed against the ground, the roofs fell covered with the walls of the buffer, the inhabitants became extinct, perished there was no life there, the imagination of humans could not guess, there was no way the dead city could come back to life. But Allah ﷻ, He is the one who, when he wishes, can just say, be !, then the situation changes.

Allah isahkan tells the miracle of His creation in the following verse:

أو كالذي مر على قرية وهي خاوية على عروشها قال أنى يحيي هذه الله بعد موتها فأماته الله مائة عام ثم بعثه قال كم لبثت قال لبثت يوما أو بعض يوم قال بل لبثت مائة عام فانظر إلى طعامك وشرابك لم يتسنه وانظر إلى حمارك ولنجعلك آية للناس وانظر إلى العظام كيف ننشزها ثم نكسوها لحما فلما تبين له قال أعلم أن الله على كل شيء قدير

Or do you (those who do not pay attention) through a country that (the wall) has fallen over the roof. He said: "How did God revive this country after it was destroyed?" So God killed the man a hundred years, then brought him back to life. God asked: "How long have you lived here?" He replied: "I live here a day or half a day." Allah said: "Actually you have lived here a hundred years; look at your food and drink that has not yet changed; and look at your donkey (who has become a bone); We will make you a sign of our authority for humans; and look at the donkey's bones, then We rearrange it, then We wrap it with meat. " So when it was revealed to him (how God brought to life the dead) he said: "I am sure that Allah is All-Powerful over all things." (QS: Al-Baqarah | Verse: 259).

The scholars say many opinions about the main characters in this verse. Some say he is Uzair. Others say Khidir or Khadir. Others claim Hazkil bin Bura (Arabic: حزقيل بن بورا), one of the prophets of the children of Israel. And Mujahid argues that this story is about, "A man from the children of Israel".

Masyhur stated that the dead city was Baitul Maqdis. When the person saw how severe the damage to Baitul Maqdis was. The roof that had settled, turned under the wall. Life is gone. Until it was not forgotten in his mind how the city could recover. He said,

"How did God revive this country after it was destroyed?"

Then Allah atkan recited it and brought it back to life 100 years later.

"Then God killed the man a hundred years, then brought him back to life."

The first body part that God turned on from that person was his eyes, so he could see how Allah ﷻ was able to revive his destroyed body. The body that has perished as is the city of Baitul Maqdis. Then through His angel, God asked him,

"How long do you live here?"

God forgives him in the morning, then 100 years later, He raises it in the afternoon. His eyes saw the yellow sun of the morning had changed to the afternoon line. He answered,

"I live here a day or half a day."

Besides still feeling the sun, he also saw his lunch was still perfect. Buah Tin has not wrinkled and become sour. Wine has not been moldy and rotten. And the juice has not disappeared and evaporated. But Allah, said,

"Actually you have lived here a hundred years; look at your food and drink that has not yet changed; and look at your donkey (who has become a bone). "

Look at your lagoon that has turned into bone, we will turn it back before you. And We made evidence to you for the truth of the resurrection day. The resurrection day is denied because they say impossibility. As you would expect, how can a city that is so devastated be immediately intact again.

"We will make you a sign of our authority for humans; and look at the bones of the donkey, then We rearrange it, then We wrap it with meat. "

70 years after his death (before he was resurrected), people came to Baitul Maqdis. They live there and enliven it with various activities. The buildings are back intact. The resident is here again. Human voices are heard again in markets and cities. He witnessed everything he had not imagined before. He felt something he thought was impossible.

Such is life after death. Now people belie, then their own eyes will witness. They deny the body will rise. So God will raise the body and soul together. They could not imagine how the sun was only a mile. God will give proof, and those who witness themselves. Humans are confused and ask how can the body sink into sweat on a vast expanse of fields. It could be they who are immersed in sweat.

There is a heaven of reward for those who fear. There is hell to punish those who live at will. There is pleasure that has never been seen. Never heard. Not even imagined. And there is also a cruel torment beyond measure. The pain is unbearable. And the pain won't pay off by regret.

This person said,

So when it was revealed to him (how God brought to life the dead) he said: "I am sure that Allah is All-Powerful over all things."

But on the resurrection day, this sentence is no longer accepted. The lesson has been delivered. An example has been given. We are left to take lessons.

O Allah ﷻ we ask you to practice what you love and bless. Steer clear of everything you forbid. You are the one who has power over everything.

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