Allah ﷻ says,
وإذ قال إبراهيم رب أرني كيف تحيي الموتى قال أولم تؤمن قال بلى ولكن ليطمئن قلبي قال فخذ أربعة من الطير فصرهن إليك ثم اجعل على كل جبل منهن جزءا ثم ادعهن يأتينك سعيا واعلم أن الله عزيز حكيم
And (remember) when Abraham said: "O my Lord, show me how you brought the dead to life". Allah said: "Are you not sure?" Ibrahim replied: "I have convinced him, but so that my heart remains steady (with my faith) Allah says:" (If so) take four birds, then chop them all by you. (Allah says): "Then put on each one hill one part of the parts, then call them, they will come to you immediately". And know that Allah is Mighty, Wise. (QS: Al-Baqarah | Verse: 260).
He is al-Muhyi, the Everlasting One. He has the power to make the arid fields become lush. Look at this dry season. Dead grass. Dusty soil, dry, cracked. Then the water comes down from the sky, the dried grass becomes fresh. The dust vanished then clumped and re-solidified into the ground. Cracks that look patched, disappear and become fertile. Allah ﷻ says,
ومن آياته أنك ترى الأرض خاشعة فإذا أنزلنا عليها الماء اهتزت وربت إن الذي أحياها لمحيي الموتى إنه على كل شيء قدير
"And among His signs (He) that you see the earth dry and barren, then when We bring down water on it, it will move and be fertile. Surely the Lord who brought it to life could surely bring to life the dead. Indeed, He is Almighty over all things. "(QS: Fushshilat | Verse: 39).
If you consider this normal, because you are accustomed to watching it, then Allah mengubah has changed the belief in the heart of Abraham to haqqul yaqin, a higher degree of belief. Not only the heart that believes, not also the eye that only witnesses, but haqqul yaqin is the level of one's confidence in the fruit of the sense of taste.
Allah ﷻ brought to life four birds that had been slaughtered, chopped, then placed randomly on different peaks of the mountains.
Imam Ibn Kathir narrated from Ibn Abbas that after Prophet Ibrahim aih alaihissalam chopped the bodies of birds, scrambled them, and set them on the top of the hill, he held their heads in his hands. Then Allah intahkan command to call the birds. Ibrahim aih alaihissalam calls them as Allah ﷻ commanded.
Miracles happen. Things that cannot be ignored by humans are only small things in the sight of Allah. God, He is the Knower of what has happened, what is happening, what is going to happen, and He knows something that cannot happen what happens.
Prophet Ibrahim saw the bird feathers flying. Gathering together perfecting. Spilled blood has met back to the appropriate level. Shreds and pieces of meat that have been slashed back together to form the body. Likewise each member of the bird's body, they returned to their original position. Connected to form a whole body.
After the organs are able to support the body, they stand upright, hastily walking toward Ibrahim to look for their heads. Allah ﷻ made their creation more than Prophet Ibrahim expected. So that his eyes watched. And other members of the body feel.
The birds came to pick up their heads in the hands of Prophet Ibrahim aih alaihissalam. If what they meet is not their head, they reject it. When they find the part that they hold their head, with the power of God ﷻ the body part is united. Indeed Allah is Almighty, Mighty, again Wise. Therefore, Allah ﷻ closes this verse with His words,
وَاعْلَمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ
"And know that Allah is Mighty, Wise."
He is Mighty, no one can defeat Him. He is Mighty, no one is able to respond to His will. And He is Wise in His words and actions.
Hopefully this series of five stories can soften our hearts to submit more to God. He has given the teaching that He is Almighty again has perfect ability.
He is able to revive the dead. Turn on the city to prosper again. Also liven up birds in an extraordinary way. Hopefully Allah will give us all for charity to get ready to pick up the day to rise.
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