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Imam Abu Hanifah An-Nu'man, Proof of Smart and Intelligence
One time Abu Hanifah met Imam Malik who was sitting with several of his friends. After Abu Hanifah came out, Imam Malik turned to them and said, "Do you know who he is?" They replied, "No." He said, "He is Nu'man bin Thabit, who if said that the pillar of the mosque was golden, he would say being used by people as an argument. "
It is not said to be an exaggeration of what Imam Malik said in describing Abu Hanifah himself, because he did have the power to achieve, fast capture, be smart and sharp in his insight.
Historical books and stories very much illustrate the strength of his argument in dealing with his interlocutors when fighting arguments, as well as when confronting opponents of the faith. All of them proved the truth of Imam Malik's praise: "If he said that the land in your hand was golden, then you would justify it for the right reasons and follow his statement." What if the truth is maintained, and arguments to defend the truth? "
As evidence, there was a man from Kufah who was misled by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. He is a respected person and is heard by his talk. The man accused in front of the people that Uthman bin Affan was originally a Jew, then embraced Jews again after his Islam.
In order to hear the news, Abu Hanifah rushed to meet him and said, "I came to you to propose your daughter named fulanah to a friend of mine." He said, "Congratulations on your arrival. People like you are not worthy of being denied the need, Abu Hanifa. However, who is the suitor? "He replied," A prominent and rich man in the midst of his people, generous and light-handed, memorized the Book of Allah, spent the night with one bow and often cried out for fear and fear of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. "
The man said, "Wow ... wow ... enough, O Abu Hanifah, some of what you mentioned was enough for him to propose to a daughter of Amir al-mu'minin." Abu Hanifah said, "It's just that there is one thing you need consider. "He asked," What is that? "Abu Hanifah said," He is a Jew. "Hearing this, the man was startled and asked:" Jew ?! Do you want me to marry my daughter to a Jew, O Abu Hanifah? For God's sake I will not marry my daughter with her, even though she has everything from the beginning to the end. "
Then Abu Hanifah said, "You refuse to marry your daughter with a Jew and you deny it violently, but you spread the news to the people that the Messenger of Allah sallalla‘ alaihi wa sallam married his two daughters to Jews (ie Uthman)? "
As soon as the person trembled then said, "Astaghfirullah, I beg God for forgiveness for the bad words I say. I repent of the foul accusation I made. "
Another example, there was a Khawarij named adh-Dhahak ash-Shari who had come to see Abu Hanifa and said,
Adh-Dhahak: "O Abu Hanifa, repent you."
Abu Hanifah: "What do you believe in?"
Ad-Dhahak: "From your opinion that justifies the establishment of the tahkim between Ali and Mu'awiyah.
Abu Hanifah: "Will you discuss with me on this issue?"
Adh-Dhahak: "Okay, I'm willing."
Abu Hanifah: "If we later disagree, who will be the judge among us?"
Adh-Dhahak: "Choose as you like."
Abu Hanifa turned to another Khawarij who accompanied the man and said:
Abu Hanifah: "You are the judge between us." (And to the first person he asked :) "I am willing to be your friend to be a judge, are you also willing?"
Adh-Dhahak: "Yes, I am willing."
Abu Hanifah: "How is this, you accept tahkim for what happened between me and you, but reject the two companions of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam who are blessed? "
So the man died of fleas and was unable to speak a word.
Another example is that Jahm bin Sofwan, frontman of the misguided Jahmiyah group, disseminator of Bid'ah and heresy on earth once visited Abu Hanifah while saying,
Jahm: "I came to talk about some of the things that I have prepared."
Abu Hanifah: "Dialogue with you is blasphemous and dissolves with what you are talking about means a burning hell."
Jahm: "How can you sentence me to that, even though you have never met me before and haven't heard my opinions?"
Abu Hanifah: "It has come to me the news of you who have argued with unworthy opinions coming out of the mouth of the Qibla (Muslim) expert."
Jahm: "Do you judge me unilaterally?"
Abu Hanifah: "General and special people already know about you, so that I may punish you with something you have been told about you.
Jahm: "I don't want to talk or ask anything except about faith."
Abu Hanifah: "Do you not yet know about the problem until you need to ask me?"
Jahm: "I really understand, but I doubt one part."
Abu Hanifah: "Doubt in faith in kufr."
Jahm: "You must not accuse me of kufr before hearing about what caused me kufr."
Abu Hanifah: "Damn asking!"
Jahm: "It has come to me about someone who knows and recognizes God in his heart that He has no allies, no one equals Him and knows His attributes, then that person dies without verbalizing, this person is punished by believers or infidels ? "
Abu Hanifah: "He died in an infidel state and became a dweller of hell if he did not declare with his tongue what his heart knew, while there was no barrier for him to say it."
Jahm: "Why is it not considered a believer when he really knows Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala?"
Abu Hanifah: "If you believe in the Koran and want to make it as proof, then I will continue talking. But if you do not believe in the Qur'an and do not use it as proof, then it means that I am talking to people who oppose Islam. "
Jahm: "I even believe in the Koran and make it into proof."
Abu Hanifah: "Surely Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala makes faith in two joints, namely by heart and verbally, not just one of them. Kitabullah and the hadith of the Prophet clearly stated this:
"And when they hear what is revealed to the Messenger (Muhammad), you see their eyes shed tears because of the truth (the Qur'an) that they have known (from their own books); while saying, kami Our Lord, we have believed, so record us with those who are witnesses (for the truth of the Qur'an and the prophethood of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). Why are we not going to believe in Allah and the truth that comes to us, even though we really want our Lord to put us into the group of righteous people? 'So Allah gave them a reward for the words they spoke, (ie) heaven rivers flow in it, while they abide therein. And that is the reward (for) those who do good (who are sincere in their faith). "(QS. Al-Maidah: 83-85)
Because they knew the truth in their hearts and then stated it verbally, then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala put it in heaven where there were rivers flowing because of the statement of his faith. Allah Ta'ala also said:
"Say (O believers): 'We believe in Allah and what was revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Ishaq, Ya'qb and his descendants, and what was given to Moses and Isa and what given to the prophets of his Lord. We do not discriminate between them and we only submit to Him '. "(Surat al-Baqarah: 136)
God told them to say it verbally, not only with ma'rifah and science alone. Likewise with the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam:
"Say, Laa ilaaha ilallah, surely you will be lucky."
So it is not said to be lucky if it is only known and not confirmed by words.
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said:
"Will be expelled from hell whoever speaks laa ilaaha illallah ..."
And the Prophet did not say, "Will be expelled from the hellfire whoever analyzes Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala,"
If only oral statements were not needed just enough with knowledge, the devil would also be a believer, because he knew his Rabb, knew that Allah created him, He also turned him on and off, and who would raise him up, knowing that Allah misled him. Allah Ta'ala said when imitating his words:
"I am better than that:" You created me from fire while he created you from the ground. "(Surah Al-A'raf: 12)
"Satan said: anku My God, (if so) then give respite to me until the day (mankind) is raised '." (QS. Al-Hijr: 36)
Also the word of Allah Ta'ala:
"Satan replied," Because you punished me for being lost, I will truly (obstruct) them from the path of Your righteousness. "(QS. Al-A'raf: 16)
If what you say is true, surely there will be many unbelievers who are considered believers because they know their Rabb even if they deny their oralities.
The Word of God Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"And they denied it because of injustice and pride (their) even though their hearts may be (the truth)." (QS. An-Naml: 140
Even though they were not called believers despite believing in them, they were considered infidels because of their verbal falsehood.
Abu Hanifah continued to attack Jahm bin Shafwan with strong hujjah-hujjah, sometimes with the Qur'an and sometimes with traditions. Finally the person was overwhelmed and there was a look of contempt in his face. He scuttled in front of Abu Hanifah while saying, "You have reminded me of something I have forgotten, I will return to you." Then he left not to return.
Another case, when Abu Hanifah met with atheists who denied the existence of al-Khaliq. He told them:
"What do you think, if there is a ship loaded with goods, full of goods and loads. The ship sailed injury. The waves are small, the wind is calm. But after the ship arrived in the middle suddenly a big storm broke out. Strangely, the ship continued to sail calmly so that it arrived at its destination according to the plan without shaking and turning directions, even though there was no captain who drove and controlled the course of the ship. Does this story make sense? "
They said, "It's impossible. It is something that cannot be accepted by reason, even by imagination, O Shaykh. "Then Abu Hanifa said," Subhanallah, you deny the existence of ships that sail themselves without a driver, but you admit that the universe which consists of oceans stretches, a sky full of stars, and celestial bodies and flying birds without the perfect Creator of His creation and arranging them carefully ?! Woe to you, then what makes you deny Allah? "
Thus, Abu Hanifah spent all his life spreading dienullah with the power of the arguments that al-Khaliq bestowed on him. He faced opponents with the right argument.
When he died picking him up, he found a will that told him to be buried in good land, far away from all the places with the status of syubhat (unclear) or the results of ghashab.
When the will was heard by Amir al-mu'minin al-Manshur he said, "Who else is cleaner than Abu Hanifa in his life and death."
In addition, he also advised that his body would later be bathed by al-Hasan bin Amarah. After carrying out his message, Ibn Amarah said, "May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala bless you O Abu Hanifa, may Allah forgive your sins because of the services you have done, really you have never broken shaum for thirty years, not argue when you sleep for forty years, and your departure will make the fuqaha sluggish after you. "
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