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Tabiin: Ahnaf bin Qais, Studying with Umar al-Faruq

We entered the early period of khilafah Umar bin Khaththab. The moment when the heroes and figures of Ahnaf bin Qais, namely Banu Tamim, competed to spur their mighty horses with their drawn swords glittering. From his houses in Ahsa and Najd they went out to Basra, to join the Muslim forces who had gathered there, under the leadership of Utbah bin Ghazwan. They want to confront Persia, jihad fi sabilillah and expect mardhatillah. In their midst was a young man named Ahnaf bin Qais.

One day Utbah bin Ghazwan received a letter from the emir of the Faithful Umar bin Khathab asking that ten of the main soldiers of his army be sent who had contributed to the war. Amir al-mu'minin wants to know about Islamic forces and wants to ask for their consideration.

The order was immediately carried out by Utbah. He sent ten of his best soldiers to Amir al-mu'minin in Medina, including Ahnaf bin Qais. Then they went to Medina.

On arrival the envoys were welcomed by Amir al-mu'minin and were welcome to sit in his assembly. They were asked about their needs and the needs of all the people. They said, "About the needs of the people in general you know better because you are a leader. Then we only speak on our own personal behalf. "Then each of them asked for his needs.

Incidentally Ahnaf bin Qais had the last chance to speak because there were the youngest of them. He praised Allah and flattered Him, then said, "O Amir al-mu'minin, actually the army of the Muslims who were sent to Egypt, they lived in a verdant fertile area and a luxurious place inherited from Pharaoh. While the troops sent were luxurious relics of Pharaoh. While the troops sent to the land of Sham, they lived in a comfortable place, lots of fruits and gardens like a palace. As for the troops sent to Persia, they lived around the river which overflowed with fresh water, as well as fruit gardens left by the emperors.

But our people who were sent to Basrah, they lived in a dry and barren place, not fertile land nor growing fruit. One of the edges of the salty sea, the other edge is just a barren stretch. So pay attention to their distress, O Ameer the Faithful, improve their lives and command your governor in Basra to make the river have fresh water that can feed livestock and trees. Improve their condition and their families, lighten their suffering, because they make it a means for jihad fiabil sabililah. "

Umar was amazed to hear his statement, then asked another envoy, "Why don't you do what he did? Indeed he (Ahnaf) - for Allah - is a leader. "Then Umar prepared their supplies and prepared supplies for Ahnaf. But the Ahnaf said, "By Allah O Amir al-mu'minin, we have not gone far to meet you and hit the camel's stomach for days to get supplies. I have no need other than the needs of my people as I have told you. If you grant it, that is enough for you. "Umar's amazement grew and he said," This young man is the leader of the people of Basrah. "

After the assembly was over and the envoys went to the place of stay that had been provided. Umar bin Khathab cast his views on their belongings. From one of the bundles wrapped up a piece of clothing. Umar touched it while asking, "Whose is this?"

Ahnaf replied, "Belongs to me, O Amirul the Faithful," and at once he felt that Umar considered the item too luxurious and expensive. Umar asked, "What is the price of this shirt when you bought it?" Ahnaf said, "Eight dirhams." Ahnaf never found himself lying except this time. He bought the clothes for twelve dirhams.

Umar looked at him with a look of affection. He smoothly said, "I think for you just one piece, the excess assets that you have should you use to help other Muslims." Umar said to all. "Take for those of you who are needed and use the excess of your treasure in its place so that you lightly burden and get a lot of reward." Ahnaf bowed shyly to hear it and he could not say anything.

Then Amir al-mu'minin gave permission to the envoys to return to Basrah. But Ahnaf was not allowed to return with them, he was asked to stay with Umar for a full year.

Umar Radhiyallahu ‘anhu observed that the young Bani Tamim had more intelligence, were fluent in speech, were of great spirit, were high spirited, and rich in knowledge. Therefore Amir al-mu'minin intends to develop it so that it becomes a useful Muslim cadre by learning a lot to the friends and following in their footsteps in pursuing the religion of Allah. He also intends to examine deeper about the personality of the Ahnaf before giving him social duties. Because Umar was most worried about people who were skilled and skillful in speaking. Such people, if good, can fill the world, and if they are damaged, their intelligence will be disastrous for humans.

A year had been Ahnaf with Umar, then Umar said, "O Ahnaf, I have tested you, it turns out that what I found in you is only good. I see your body is good, so I hope your mind will be like that. "

Then he sent Ahnaf to lead troops to Persia. He advised the commander, Abu Musa al-Asy'ari: "Then join Ahnaf as a companion, invite him to consult in all matters and pay attention to his proposals."

Join Ahnaf under the banner of Islam and invade eastern Persia. He was able to prove his heroism. His name is more famous and his achievements are getting brighter. He and his people, Bani Tamim, contributed to conquering the enemy with great sacrifice. Many cities and regions are controlled, including the city of Tustur and captivating their leader, Hurmuzan.

He was the strongest and hardest Persian leader and had tricks that were skilled in war. The victory of the Muslims this time succeeded in forcing him to surrender. Many times he betrayed the peace agreement with Muslims and thought he could do it constantly and felt he could win the Muslims.

When he was pushed in one of his strongholds in Tustur, he still said, "I have a hundred arrows. And for the sake of Allah, you can't catch me before you finish the arrows. Even though you know that my shot never misses, you can't catch me before a hundred of you are killed. "

Islamic forces asked, "What do you want?" Hurmuzan replied, "I want to be tried under the law of Umar bin Khaththab. Only he can punish me. "They said," Alright. We agree."

He also put his arrow to the ground and surrendered to the Muslims. The Muslim forces bound him then sent him to Medina in strict guard and the war heroes under the leadership of Anas bin Malik, aides of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and also Ahnaf bin Qais, students and cadres of Umar bin Khaththab.

The group accelerated the road to Medina. All hope that Amir al-mu'minin will be satisfied with the victory. They brought wealth for the Baitul Maal, which is one fifth of the proceeds of Ghanimah. Also not less important is that Hurmuzan who always betrayed the promise could be punished by the caliph in proportion to his crime.

Arriving at the outskirts of Medina, they told Hurmuzan to wear his oversized clothes made of expensive silk studded with gold gems. On his head was a crown full of diamonds that were expensive.

As soon as they entered the city of Yatsrib, large and small, old or young, crowded people watching the captives dressed in luxury were amazed. He was immediately taken to the house of Amir al-mu'minin Umar bin Khaththab, but he was not home. Someone said, "He went to the mosque to welcome guests who came to visit."

The group walked towards the mosque, but it was not visible inside. Meanwhile, more and more people gathered. When they were still busy searching, the children who were playing there asked: "Are you going back and forth to look for Amir al-mu'minin Umar?" They said, "Right, where is he?" The boy replied, "He fell asleep on the right side of the mosque with its turban resting. "

Indeed, Amir al-mu'minin departed from his house to meet the envoys of Kufa. But after they returned home, he felt sleepy so he slept beside the mosque.

Hurmuzan is herded to the side of the mosque. They found Amir al-mu'minin sleeping soundly. They sat down waiting until he woke up from his sleep.

Hurmuzan doesn't understand Arabic, doesn't know what people are talking about, so he doesn't expect that Amir al-mu'minin to sleep in front of him. Indeed, he had heard of the simplicity and injustice of Umar bin Khaththab, but he did not think that the person was sleeping. People who conquered Rome and other kings, slept without pillows without bodyguards. Seeing people sitting with him, he thought they were preparing to pray and wait for the Caliph.

Ahnaf instructs people to calm down so as not to awaken the caliph from his sleep, because as long as his knowledge in accompanying Umar radhiyallahu ‘anhu, the caliph never sleeps at night. He always stood in prayer at his mihrab, or disguised as a patrol around Madinah to investigate matters concerning his people or guard his houses from the crime of thieves.

Then when Hurmuzan saw Ahnaf's signal to the people, he turned to Mughirah bin Syu'bah who could speak Persian. He asked, "Who is the one who sleeps?" Mughirah replied, "He is Amirul Mukminin Umar bin Khaththab."

How surprised Hurmuzan was, then he said, "Umar? Then where are the guards and bodyguards? "Mughirah replied," He has no bodyguards or guards. "He said," Then he is a prophet. "Mughirah said," No, there are no prophets after Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was just acting the behavior is like a prophet. "

People are getting crowded and the voices that are generated are getting louder. Umar Radhiyallahu hu Anhu woke up from his sleep and was surprised to see people crowded around. He also saw someone wearing oversized clothes, with a crown on his head and a stick studded with beautiful gems in his hand. Umar turned to look at Ahnaf's face then said, "Is it Hurmuzan." Ahnaf answered, "Right, O Amirul Mukminin."

Umar again observed the sparkling silk and clothing worn by the Persian leader then turned away while muttering, "I take refuge in Allah from the fire of hell and from this world. Blessed be God who has subjected this person and such people to Islam. "

Then he said, "O Muslims. Hold on to this religion and follow the instructions of your wise Prophet. Never be fascinated by the world, because the world is tempting. "

Furthermore, Ahnaf bin Qais expressed the good news about his victory. Ahnaf said, "O Amir al-mu'minin, Hurmuzan has surrendered to us on condition that he will accept your provisions on his director. Please speak to yourself if you wish. "

Umar said, "I did not want to talk to him before you took off the clothes of grandeur and arrogance." They also stripped all the luxuries that Hurmuzan used and then gave him a robe to cover his nakedness. After that Umar met him and said, "What is the result of betrayal and breaking your promise?"

With a disdainful bow, Hurmuzan replied, "O Umar, in the time of ignorance when there is no Rabb between you and us, we always win over you. But once you embrace Islam, God is with you so we lose. You win over us because of that, but also because you are united while we are divorced. "

Umar glared at Hurmuzan and said in a stern tone, "What caused you to break your promise, Hurmuzan?" He said, "I'm afraid you killed me before I answered him." Umar replied, "No, before you answer." the answer, then he said, "I'm thirsty."

Even though immediately ordered to take drinking water, then someone offered water in a thick container. Seeing that, Hurmuzan said, "Until it dies, really I can't drink from a container like this. '

Umar told his officers to get water with the container he liked. Hurmuzan received it with trembling hands. Umar asked, "What's wrong with you?" He replied, "I am afraid of being killed while drinking this water." Umar said, "You will be safe until you finish drinking this water." But Hurmuzan poured the water directly on the ground.

Umar said, "Bring more water and don't kill you in thirst!" Hurmuzan said, "I don't need water, I just need security for me." Umar said, "I will kill you!" Hurmuzan replied, "You promised to guarantee my security (until I drink the water I threw away earlier). "Umar said," You lie. "

Anas bin Malik said, "He is right O Amir al-mu'minin, you have guaranteed his security." Umar said, "Don't be foolish, Anas. I guarantee the safety of the person who killed your sister, Al-Barra bin Malik and Majza'ah bin Tsur ?! Not! Impossible!"

Anas said, "But you said," You are safe until you drink this water. "Ahnaf supported Anas' words, as did the others. Umar looked at Hurmuzan furiously, "You fooled me!"

Finally Hurmuzan embraced Islam, then Umar gave him a share of two thousand dirhams a year.

The thing that made Umar upset his heart was the frequency of the Persians breaking their promises to the Muslims. Then he gathered the envoys who had come with Hurmuzan and asked, "Do Muslims like to disturb the dhimmi people and pressure them so they violate the agreement?"

They said, "By Allah, O Amir al-mu'minin, none of our officials do evil to them, violate promises or cheat." Umar asked, "So they always turn around whenever there is a chance when they are bound by an agreement?"

Umar Radhiyallahu ‘anhu was not satisfied with the answers of the envoys. At that moment Ahnaf spoke up, "I will try to explain what Amir al-mu'minin wants from your question. Umar said, "Say what you know." Ahnaf clarified the answers of the envoys, "They want to say," You forbid us from extending power in Persia and order that we be satisfied with the territories in our hands. Though Persia still stands as a sovereign empire, it still has a living emperor. No wonder the Persians always subvert us, because they want to reclaim the houses and property in our hands. Their friends who are bound by the agreement we try to join every time there is an opportunity and opportunity to win. Indeed, there cannot be two powers united in one region, one must definitely get out. If only you allowed us to conquer all of them, then they would stop fighting and finish the matter. "

For a moment Umar pondered to hear the description, then said, "You are truly O Ahnaf. Now there are things that have not been reached by my mind about the people. "

Later, thanks to the advice of the Ahnafiah, major events finally followed. Ahnaf's advice is very visible affecting the wheel of history.

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