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The Story of Islamic Leaders - Ahnaf bin Qais, Leader of Banu Tamim

At that time, the city of Damascus was smiling sweetly welcoming the arrival of spring. Proud of the fertility of the land and its beautiful gardens.

That day Amir al-mu'minin Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan was preparing to receive envoys in the palace. When the first opportunity was opened, Umul Hakam bint Abi Sufyan immediately took his seat behind the veil. From there he could hear the talks in his brother's assembly about the traditions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. He filled himself with everything he heard from the chancellor, reports on various things, strange news, beautiful verses or noble lessons.

This noble princess is very intelligent eager to reach the height of dignity. While his brother accepts people who are facing based on his position. Friends of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam always took precedence over others, only then followed the figures of tabi'in, the scholars and the nobility.

Unusually, Umul Hakam found that his brother's first guest brought a rather tense atmosphere and was thrilling. He heard his brother say, "By Allah, O Ahnaf, every time I remember the Shiffin war and how you side with Ali bin Abi Talib then leave us, the resentment in my heart will not be cured."

The opponent's speech was no less decisive. "By Allah, O Mua’awiyah, hatred is still attached to our hearts and the swords we use against you are still in the hands. If you go one step we will advance ten steps, if you go forward, then we will go forward. For God's sake, we are not here to beg from you or because you are snapping your wrath. We came here to strengthen the broken relationships between us, to unite opinions and unite the Muslims. "After that the guest excused himself.

Curiosity appeared in the minds of Ummah Hakam. The closing veil is revealed to see who is being rude to the caliph. Apparently he was a small man, his head was bald, his chin tilted, his eyes were sunken and his legs were bent inward. There is no shortage of bodies that humans have but he gets his share.

Umul Hakam turned to his brother and said, "O Amirul Mukminin, who is that person? Dare to really threaten the caliph in his house. "Mu'awiyah sighed and said," So, if he is angry, surely a hundred thousand residents of Banu Tamim will be angry without knowing why. He is Ahnaf bin Qais, leader of Banu Tamim and hero of the Arabs. '

Let's explore the story of Ahnaf bin Qais from the beginning.

The third year before the Hijriyah, Qais bin Muawiyah as-Sa'di received the gift of a baby boy. He was given the name adh-Dhahhak, but people called him Ahnaf because his legs were bent (like the letter X), a nickname that was more fitting than his own name. So that the nickname seems to have become his name.

Ahnaf's father named Qais was not a leader of his people, nor of a low class. Their position is mid. Ahnaf was born in the west of Yamamah, precisely in the Najd area. Little Ahnaf grew up as an orphan because his father was killed when he was very young. Islamic light shone on the boy's heart since he hadn't grown his mustache.

The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam once sent several friends to the Ahnaf bin Qais a few years before his death to call them to Islam. They met the leaders of the people while giving encouragement to faith and offering Islam

The people were silent for a moment to hear the invitation of the friends. They looked at each other when suddenly the young Ahnaf who was present raised his voice: "O my brothers, why do you have to doubt? For the sake of Allah the messenger who came to you is the best messenger. They invite the noble character and forbid from the reproach. For Allah's sake, there is nothing we see from them other than kindness, so welcome the call of this guidance, surely you will be happy in the world and the hereafter. "

Finally the people embraced Islam simultaneously with Ahnaf. Then they sent messengers to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, but Ahnaf was not included because he was still too young. So he did not get the honor of being a friend. However, he was not deterred from finding the pleasure of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and his prayer to him.

Ahnaf told his story, "Once during the reign of Umar bin Khathab, I was carrying out a thawaf in Baitul Atiq (Ka'bah) and met someone I already knew. He held my hand as he said, "Will I give you good news?" I said, "Yes of course." He said, "Do you remember when I was sent by the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam to call your people to Islam? I persuade them and offer Islam, then you say something to them? "I replied," Yes, I remember. "He continued," Upon my arrival to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and tell me about what you said, he prayed, " O Allah, give your forgiveness to Ahnaf. "

So Ahnaf said, "None of my deeds that I hope can be more beneficial on the Day of Judgment except the prayer of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam. "

After the death of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, a false prophet, Musailamah al-Kadzab appeared, who misled others by his iniquity. So many people who fall away because of it. Together with his uncle Mutasyamas, Ahnaf came to seek clarification about it. At that time Ahnaf was in his teens.

On the way home the uncle asked Ahnaf, "What do you think about that person?" Ahnaf said, "I see he is a big liar to God and humans." His uncle said jokingly, "You are not afraid if I report to him?"

Ahnaf said, "Then I will swear to my uncle in front of him, then do you dare to swear that you do not deny him as I am?" They both laughed and remained in Islam.

Maybe you are surprised and amazed at Ahnaf's firmness in addressing big things, even though he is still young.

But it may be that your astonishment at his hard temper will fade when you know that this young Bani Tamim is a keen analyst, intelligent in his brain, right in his eyes, and pure in his soul.

That is because since childhood he used to sit together with the leaders of his people, participate in their assemblies, attend gatherings and diligently study to the scholars and their characters.

He told his story: "We often go to the assembly of Qais bin Asim al-Minqari to learn about the goodness of life as well as the scholars to study religion."

When he asked, "What did you get from Qais about wisdom?"

Ahnaf replied, "One time I found him sitting cross-legged in the front room of his house, he was chatting with some of his people. Shortly afterwards there was a fuss outside. Next some people entered carrying two young men, one in a state of bondage and one with no life. Someone reported: "Your niece has killed your son the fulan."

For God's sake, at that time Qais bin Asim did not leave his seat or stop talking. Then he turned to his nephew and said, "O son of my brother, you killed your uncle's son. That means you have cut off your own kinship with your hand, you throw yourself with your arrow. "

He said to his other children, "Stand up, and let go of the bonds of your uncle's son. After that your brother's earthiness and send one hundred camels to the mother of this child as diyat because she is from another family. "Then he said to his nephew:" Come and bury his body! "

Ahnaf bin Qais also got a golden opportunity to study with the Companions, especially to al-Faruq Umar bin Khaththab. He attended the assemblies of Umar, listening to his advice and also studying various laws and crimes. He included Umar's students who succeeded and were very colored by the character of the teacher.

He has been asked where to get authority and wisdom. He replied, "From the sentences I heard from Amir al-mu'minin Umar bin Khathab who said,

Whoever jokes a lot will lose his authority

Whoever exaggerates in any case, he will be known by his habits.

Whoever talks a lot, many mistakes.

Whoever has a lot of mistakes, diminishes his shame

Whoever diminishes his shame also decreases the nature of his character

And whoever has a little character then dies his heart.

Ahnaf has an honorable position in the eyes of its people. Although he did not have a high position, neither was his mother's father, who was named by his people. Many times people asked him about his secret, among them asking, "How do your people think of you as the leader O Abu Bahr?" He replied, "Whoever has four things, he will be able to lead his people and will not be hindered from getting that position. "The person asked," What are the four things? "He replied," Religion is its shield, the glory that keeps it, the mind that guides it, and the shame that controls it. "

Ahnaf bin Qais is one of the brightest figures in Arabic, so the nature of the attack is made as an example. One time Amru bin Ahtam once manipulated someone to berate Ahnaf with painful words, but the one who was cursed just fell silent and bowed his head. Seeing the chided one ignoring him, the person bit his finger and muttered, "Woe to me! For God's sake he doesn't want to care because I'm looked down on by him! "

When he almost reached the territory of his people, he turned to the man then said, "O son of my brother, if in your heart there are still hindrances against me, luck will be thrown here all, because if any of my people hear your cursing, surely they will attack you. "

Ahnaf also includes people who persevere in worship, fasting and zuhud with what others have. When a glorious night is dark, he turns on the lantern and puts it on his side. After that, he began to pray in his mihrab, standing trembling like a sick person crying for fear of adzab and the wrath of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Every time he remembered his sins or disabilities and reproach, he put his finger on the fire saying, "O Ahnaf, feel this, what made you do that on that day and then! Woe to you, Ahnaf! If you can't stand the heat of the flame of this lantern and can't be patient, how can you stand the heat of hell fire and be patient with the pain ?! O Allah, if you give me the maghfirah, indeed you are entitled to it, if you torment me, indeed it is worthy of me and you are the one who has power over it. "

May God bless Ahnaf, because he is a role model in every age and a special example for humans.

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