Rufai bin Mihraan, nicknamed Abu al-Aliyah, included clerics among Muslim clerics, figures among memorizing figures of the Qur'an and Muhadditsin (hadith experts). He included tabi'in who knew the most about the Kitabullah, most understood the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, at most the level of his understanding of the Koran al-Aziz and most deeply understood the intentions and secrets contained in it. So let us trace the history of his life from the beginning.
His life history is full of exemplary attitudes and glory, abundant with valuable advice and lessons.
Rufai bin Mihraan was born in Persia. In that country he also grew up. When the Muslims entered the country of Persia to expel the population from darkness to light. Rufai was one of the young men who fell into the hands of loving Muslims, then was taken to their laps which were full of goodness and glory.
Then a few moments he and others who pay attention to the nobleness of Islam, then compare with what they profess as idol worshipers, finally they enter the religion of Allah in droves. Then they began to study the Book of Allah, they were thirsty for the traditions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
Rufai tells about what he experienced:
I and some of my people became captives of the Mujahideen, then we became slaves to a group of Muslims in Basrah. Soon afterwards we finally believed in Allah and were interested in memorizing the Book of Allah. Among us there was someone who redeemed himself to his employer and there was someone who remained devoted to his employer. I am one of them. At first we recited the Qur'an every night, but it was very burdensome for us. Then we agreed to keep the two nights closed, but it still felt hard for us. Then we agreed to recite the Qur'an every three days, but we still felt it was hard because we had to work a lot during the day and stay up late at night.
Then we met some of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and complained about our situation which had to stay up last night to recite the Kitabullah. They said, "Take care of every Friday." So we did what they suggested. We read the Koran on a part of the night and could sleep part of the night and after that we did not feel objections.
Rufai bin Mihraan is owned by a female employer from Bani Tamim. He is a steadfast, intelligent, and respectable employer and his soul is full of piety and faith. Rufai helped in part of the afternoon and rested for another part of the afternoon. He uses his free time to read and write. He used it to deepen religious knowledge without the slightest disruption of his duties.
One Friday, Rufai ’made his ablution and enlarged his wudh and then asked his employer's permission to leave. His employer said, "Where are you going, O Rufai? Rufai replied, "I want to go to the mosque." The employer asked, "Which mosque do you mean?" He replied, "Jami Mosque" "His employer said," Then let's go with me. "So the two went to the mosque and entered the mosque like the others . But Rufai did not understand the purpose of his employer.
When the Muslims had gathered, Rufai's employer spoke up, "Witness O Muslims, in fact I have freed my slave (Rufai) for expecting God's reward, asking for His forgiveness and pleasure. And that it is not worthy for someone to take a way but a good way. "Then he turned to Rufai and prayed to Allah:
"O God, I made it as a saving in Your side on a day when there was no benefit to wealth and children."
When finished praying, Rufai had walked alone while his employer had walked on his own.
Since that day Rufai bin Mihraan often went back and forth to Madinah al-Munawarah. He had met ash-Siddiq radhiyallahu ‘anhu shortly before his death. He was also lucky to be able to meet the emir of the believers (Umar bin Khaththab), study the Koran to him and pray behind him.
In addition to struggling with the Kitabullah, Rufai whose nickname is Abu al-Aliyah is also familiar with the traditions of the Prophet. So he tried to listen to the hadith history of the tabi'in whom he met in Basrah. But a strong desire in his soul will appear to be more than that. So often he took the time to go to Medina to hear the hadith directly from the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, so that there was no limit between himself and the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam but one person or two people.
He narrated the hadith from Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Ubai bin Ka'ab, Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, Abu Hurairah, Abdullah bin Abbas and other friends.
Abu al-Aliyah is not only enough to take hadith in Medina al-Munawarah. But he did not hesitate to hunt down the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam wherever he was. If it is said to him there is someone who has knowledge, then he pulls the bridle of the vehicle even though it is far away, even though it takes a long time. If he arrived, he prayed behind the intended person. If he gets the prayer not really and is inconsistent with the sunah, he does not pay attention to the rights of prayer, then he turns away while muttering, "Surely the person who underestimates prayer is certainly for matters that are otherwise more disparaging. Then he took his provisions and returned home.
Abu al-Aliyah achieved achievements in science soared far from all his peers. One of his friends said, "I saw Abu al-Aliyah ablution, water dripping from his face and hands, he did thaharah on the limbs as he should. I greet him and say. "Indeed, Allah loves those who repent and like thaharah." Then he said, "O my brother, what is meant (the verse) is not people who do thaharah with dirty water, but they are thaharah with fear of sin." what he said, then I got that he was the right one while I was wrong. Then I said, "May God reward you with kindness and add knowledge and understanding to you."
Abu al-Aliyah used to encourage people to be enthusiastic in seeking knowledge, and show them the way to reach it. He said, "Busy yourself to study and multiply to ask about it. Know that knowledge will not perish for those who are ashamed (in terms of knowledge) and arrogant people. A person who is shy does not want to ask because of shame, an arrogant person does not ask because of his arrogance. "
He also encouraged his students to study the Koran, take care of it and hold fast to what was contained in it and turn away from all the things bid'ah that was being invoked. He said, "Study the Koran, if you learn it, then don't deviate from it, take the right path, that is Islam. Stay away from you lust and bid'ah, because he will arouse animosity and hatred among you. Do not discard the things that have been taken by the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam before they split."
The words were delivered to Hasan al-Basri and he commented, "By Allah Abu al-Aliyah really advised you correctly."
In addition, he also guided his santri how to memorize the Koran, he said, "Study the Qur'an five verses, five verses, because it is easier for you to remember and more likely for you to understand. Because Gabriel reduced the Qur'an to the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam five verses-five verses. "
Abu al-Aliyah is not just a teacher but also an educator. Because he fills the brains of his students with useful knowledge, nourishes their hearts with good advice, often collects two things in his advice. Among them is his advice to them:
"Verily Allah has decreed for Himself, that whosoever believes in Him Allah will give him guidance. The argument is the word of Allah Ta'ala:
"And whoever believes in Allah, surely He will give guidance to his heart." (Surah At-Thaghabun: 11)
And God decreed that those who put their trust in Him would surely suffice. The argument is the word of Allah Ta'ala:
"And whoever put his trust in Allah surely Allah will fulfill (his need)." (QS. Ath-Thalaq: 3)
And Allah will determine whoever lends to Allah, Allah will replace it. The argument is the word of Allah Ta'ala:
"Who wants to give a loan to God, a good loan (spend his wealth in the way of Allah), then Allah will multiply the payment to him by multiplying a lot." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 245)
And whoever prays to Him surely Allah will grant it. The argument is the word of Allah Ta'ala:
"And when my servants ask you about me, then (answer) that I am near. I grant the request of the person who prays when he pleads with me. "(QS. Al-Baqarah: 186)
He also advised his students:
"Reside with obedience, and accept those who are obedient because of their obedience to God. Stay away from immorality and enemies the perpetrators of immorality because of the immorality he did. Then hand over the business of the person who has the accusation to God, if Allah wills, he will be admonished and if He wills it will be forgiven. If you hear there is someone who is noble in his soul then say, "Indeed, I love for seeking the pleasure of Allah and turning away from this because of fear of Allah", then you are beyond borders. "
Abu al-Aiyah is not just an amilun cleric, nor is he merely a counselor and guide, but also a mujahid fii sabilillah. He took the time to plunge into the fields of jihad with the mujahidin, or ribath (just in case) the arrival of enemies on the border with the murabithun. He preferred jihad against the Romans in Sham and also Persia, the country across the Jihun river. He was the first time a call to prayer in these countries.
When there was a war between Ali and Mu'awiyah, he had an attitude, he told me:
"When there was a war between Ali and Mu'awiyah, I was a passionate person. The war I preferred was more than cold water in the dry season. So I prepared the equipment and went to them. It turned out that in front of me had stood two rows of troops facing the invisible end. If one line chants takbir, the other lines shout out takbir. If one shouted La ilaaha Illallah, the other group shouted La ilaaha Illallah. Then I asked myself: "Which of the two groups of troops do I consider infidels and will I fight? Which do I consider believers so that I will strive with him? Then I leave both of them and leave. "
Abu al-Aliyah throughout his life still felt disappointed, because he did not meet the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. So he replaced it by approaching the main friends, who were closely related to Muhammad the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. He prioritized them over him while they prioritized him over themselves.
As proof is when Anas - the assistant of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam gave an apple present in his hand to him. Then he took it and kissed it and said, "The apple that has been touched by the hand that once touched the hand of the Prophet, the apple that has been touched by the hand that has been honored for ever touching the hand of the Prophet."
Another example, when Abu al-Aliyah met Abdullah bin Abbas who was then governor of Basrah under the rule of Ali bin Abi Talib. Abdullah bin Abbas welcomed him very well, he sat on his bed and sat on his right side. At that time the Majlis was attended by Quraysh officials. They glanced at each other and whispered among themselves: "Don't you see how Ibn Abbas seated the slave on his bed?" Ibn Abbas who saw their signs turned towards them and said, "Indeed, the knowledge adds glory to the noble, and elevates the degree of its owner in the midst of men and sit the kings like captives. "
One year, Abu al-Aliyah was determined to go to jihad fii sabilillah. So he prepared his supplies and tied him on his vehicle with the mujahidin. At dawn, there was a severe wound on one of his feet. Then the pain increases gradually. When a physician looked at him, he said: "This is famous aklah." He asked, "Is that aklah?" The physician said, "That is a disease that will kill cells and propagate little by little until it hits the whole body. his agreement to cut his legs to half a calf, then he agreed.
So the physician prepared amputation equipment, a knife to cut meat and saws to cut bones. Then the physician said, "Will you take an anesthetic so that you don't feel pain when you cut and cut off his legs?" He replied, "But there is something better for me than that." The physician asked, "What is that?" reciter 'who reads the Book of Allah, ask him to read to me verses that are easy and clear. If you see my face has turned red, my eyes are pointing towards the sky, then do as you please. "So they carried out the request and they cut off his legs.
When the amputation was finished, the physician said to Abu al-Aliyah, "As if you do not feel pain when amputated." Then he held his foot with his hand and he looked at him and said, "If I meet my Rabb on the Day of Judgment and ask if I have walked with you (the leg that has been cut) to an unclean place for 40 years or me have you walked in a place that is not allowed? Surely I will answer, 'Never' and I am honest with my words, God willing. "
After that, because of the piety of Abu al-Aliyah and because he felt close to the Day of Judgment and his preparation to meet his Rabb, he had prepared a shroud for him. He used the shroud once a month then he returned it to its place. He has had his heart 17 times even though he is still healthy and fresh. He gives limits to each testament. If the time limit has expired he sees it again, maybe he replaces it or resigns it.
In Shawwal in the year 93 AH Abu al-Aliyah departed to meet his Rabb by bringing his holy heart, convinced by God's grace and longing to meet his Prophet.
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