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Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar bin Khathab, an Alim who practices his knowledge

The son of Umar bin Khathhab is many, but the one who most closely resembles him is Abdullah. Abdullah bin Umar also had many children, even more than his father's children, and the most similar to Abdullah was Salim.

Let us continue the story of the life of Ibn Abdullah, al-Faruq's grandson, Umar bin Khaththab, who is similar to his grandfather in the manifestation of his physical, moral, religious, and authority.

Salim lives in the city of Thaibah Madinah al-Munawarah. At that time the city was in a prosperous and rich condition. Sustenance and enjoyment abound and have never been witnessed like that before. Sustenance came from all directions, the Umayyad caliphs flooded with wealth that had never been imagined before.

But that did not make Salim enamored with assets like the others, nor did he love temporary and mortal beauties. On the contrary, he always adheres to what is in the hands of men to expect what is in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. He turned away from mortal things to reach lasting pleasure.

Countless times the Umayyad Caliph wanted to give a variety of pleasures to him and to others, but he still adhered to his zeal, not greed for what was in the hands of others and looked down on the world and its contents.

That year, Sultan Caliph visited Mecca for Hajj. At the time of performing the thawaf, he saw Salim bin Abdullah kneeling in front of the Ka'bah in a special manner. His tongue moves to read the Qur'an with tartil and solemn. While her tears melted on her cheeks. As if there were a sea of ​​tears behind his eyes.

After the tawaf and the two rak'ah prayers, the caliph tried to approach Salim. People gave him a place, so he could sit on his knees until he touched Salim's feet. But Salim ignored him because he was absorbed in his reading and dzikir.

Secretly the Caliph watched Salim while waiting for him to pause from his reading and crying. When there is an opportunity, the Caliph immediately greets,

Caliph: "Assalamu'alaika wa rahmatullah O Abu Umar."

Salim: "Waasaikassalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh."

Caliph: "Say what you need, O Abu Umar, I will fulfill it."

Salim said nothing so the Caliph thought he did not hear his words. While close, the caliph repeated his request: "I want you to say your needs so that I can fulfill them."

Salim: "By Allah, I am ashamed to say it. How is that possible, I am in His house, but asking for besides Him? "

The Caliph was quietly embarrassed, but he did not move from his seat. When the prayer was over, Salim got up to go home. People hunted him to ask about this and that hadith, and there were those who asked for fatwas about religious affairs, and there were those who asked to be prayed for. The Caliph of Solomon was among the crowd. Upon learning this, people pulled over to give him a way. The Caliph finally approached Salim, then said:

Caliph: "Now that we are outside the mosque, then say your needs so that I can help you."

Salim: "From the needs of the world or the hereafter?"

Caliph: "Of course from the needs of the world."

Salim: "I do not ask the world for those who have it (Allah), how do I ask those who are not the owners?"

The Caliph was ashamed to hear Salim's words. He passed while muttering, "How glorious are you with zuhud and taqwa O descendants of al-Khathab, how rich you are with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala bless you and your family. "

The previous year, al-Walid bin Abdul Malik also performed the Hajj. When the people had descended from Arafat, the caliph met Salim bin Abdullah in Muzdalifah. At that time Ibn Abdillah was wearing Ihram clothes.

Al-Walid said his greetings and prayers, the caliph looked at Salim's open body, looking so healthy and muscular like a sturdy building.

Al-Walid: "The shape of your body is very good, O Abu Umar, what is your daily food?"

Salim: "Bread and Olives and sometimes meat if I get it."

Al-Walid: "Only bread and olives?"

Salim: "Right."

Al-Walid: "Are you having a taste for that?"

Salim: "If I happen to be not tasteful, then I leave until I'm hungry until I have a taste for him."

Salim is not only similar to his grandfather, al-Faruq Umar bin Khaththab, in physical form and zealousness to the mortal world, but also in his courage to convey the correct sentence even though it is risky.

He once met Hajjaj bin Yusuf to talk about the needs of the Muslims. Hajjaj welcomed him well, was welcome to sit by his side and be respected excessively. Moments later a number of people were brought before Hajjaj, his clothes were tattered, his face was pale and all were in shackles. Hajjaj turned to Salim bin Abdullah and explained, "They are troublemakers on the face of the earth, justifying the blood that Allah has forbidden."

He took the sword and handed it to Salim while giving a signal to the first person, he said to Salim: "Get up, and slash his neck!"

The sword was received by Salim, he approached the person in question. All eyes were facing him to see what he wanted to do. Salim stood in front of the person then asked,

Salim: "Are you Muslim?"

Prisoner: "Yes, I am Muslim. But what is the need for you to ask? Just do what you are told! "

Salim: "Are you praying at dawn?"

Prisoner: "I have already said that I am Muslim. Why do you ask if I pray at dawn? Is there a Muslim who doesn't do morning prayer? "

Salim: "I ask, are you praying at dawn today?"

Prisoner: "May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give guidance to you. I said, ‘Yes.’ Please do the wrongdoing, if not, surely he will be angry with you. ”

Salim bin Abdullah returned to Hajjaj. While throwing the sword in his hand he said, "This person claimed to be a Muslim and said that today he had prayed at dawn. I heard the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said," Whoever prays, he is in the shade of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. "Then I will not kill someone who is in the protection of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala."

Hajjaj angrily heard it and said, "We will kill him not for leaving prayer, but because he helped kill the caliph Uthman bin Affan." Salim said, "Even though there are more people who have the right to demand the blood of Uthman ibn Affan than you." unable to speak.

Among those who witnessed the incident went to Medina and told him everything he had seen about Salim to his father, Abdullah bin Umar. Ibn Umar was impatient to hear the story of the person so he asked urgently, "Then what did Salim do?" The person explained, "He did this and that."

How happy Abdullah bin Umar was. He said, "Good! Nice! Smart ... smart ...! "

When the Caliphate turned to the hands of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the new Caliph immediately sent a letter to Salim bin Abdillah:

"Amma ba'du, I have received an exam from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to take care of the problems of the people without being asked or discussed beforehand with me. So with this I begged the help of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala who had tested me so that I could help me. If this letter reaches you, I ask that you send me books about Umar bin Khaththab, his conduct and decisions as caliph. I would love to follow in his footsteps and walk along his path, may Allah preserve me for this. Greetings. "

After reading the letter, Salim bin Abdillah sent a reply letter:

"You have arrived at your letter stating that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has tested you with the obligation to take care of the Muslims without you asking and without being discussed beforehand with you. And you want the path that Umar bin Khathth has passed. All you need to pay attention and remember always is that you did not live in the days of Umar bin Khaththab and were not accompanied by people like accompanying Umar bin Khaththab. But know, if you have the intention to do good and really want it, surely Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will help you with the officials who accompany you. That will come beyond your calculations, because the help of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to His servants is based on his intention. If the intention is reduced to goodness, then His help will be reduced. If your passions invite to something that is not blessed by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, remember what the rulers experienced before you.

So pay attention to how damaged their eyes are because it is only used to see pleasure, their stomach breaks because it is too full with lust. Imagine if their bodies were placed on the side of the house and not put into a hole. Surely we will be miserable because of the smell and disease caused by rottenness. Wassalamu'alaika warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. "

The life of Salim ibn Abdillah ibn Umar bin Khaththab was full of piety, familiar with the guidance, away from the pleasures of dunai and his temptations, treating them according to the path that Allah favored. He ate hard food and dressed in coarse material, joined the Muslim army to confront the Romans, and always tried to help solve the problems of the Muslims.

When death picked him up in the year 106 H, sorrow enveloped the city of Medina. Everyone came to take the body and watch the funeral. Including Hisham bin Abdul Malik who was then in Medina attending his funeral.

Amazed by the many seas of people who brought the body of Salim bin Abdullah, envy arose in his heart and muttered, "Later it will be proven how many people will attend the funeral when the Muslim caliph dies in their country." Then he said, "Send four thousand young men to the border. "So that year was known as the year four thousand.

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