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Tabi'in: Al-Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr ash-Siddiq

How come the news to you about this great tabi'in? A young man collected on him praised from all sides, none of his praise escaped him.

His father was Muhammad bin Abu Bakr ash-Shidiq, his mother was the daughter of Yazdajir, the last Persian king. Whereas his father's aunt was Aisha, the First Mother of Believers. In addition, above his head perched the crown of piety and knowledge. Do you still think there is a victory that is higher than the win that everyone competes for and competes for?

He was al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, one of the seven jurists of Medina, the most important of which was his knowledge in his day, the sharpest intelligence of his brain, and the best in his wara 'nature. Let us open the sheet of his life from the beginning.

Al-Qasim bin Muhammad was born at the end of the Caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan radhiyallahu ‘anhu. Along with the growth and development of this child, the storm of slander is increasingly devastating to the Muslims. Until it resulted in the killing of the zuhud caliph, worship expert, Dzun Nurain Uthman bin Affan as a martyr, while the Koran was in his arms.

Shortly after that a major dispute arose between Amir al-mu'minin Ali ibn Abi Talib radhiyallahu ‘anhu with Mu’awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan bin Harb, governor of the Syam region. In a series of precarious circumstances and tense events, the child found himself and his younger sister taken from Madinah to Egypt, following his parents. His father was appointed governor of Egypt by the caliph Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu ‘anhu.

In this city he had to watch the slander claws gripping further and further until finally his father died in a cruel manner. Then he moved again from Egypt back to Medina after the power was held by Mu'awiyah radhiyallahu ‘anhu. Now he is an orphan. Al-Qasim tells of the journey of his life which is full of suffering:

"After the killing of my father in Egypt, my uncle Abdurrahman came to take me and my younger sister to Medina. When he arrived in this city, my aunt, the First Believer, sent someone to take the two of them to be taken to his house and kept under his supervision.

It turned out that I had never met a better and greater mother and father than she did. He fed us with his hands, while he did not eat with us. When we leave our food, then he eats it. He loves us like a mother who is still nursing her baby. He bathed us, combed our hair, gave clean white clothes. He always encouraged us, to do good and train us for that with his example. He forbade us from committing evil deeds and told us to leave him far away. He also taught us to read the Kitabullah and narrate the traditions that we can understand. On holidays, love and gifts are added to us. Every evening on Arafah, he cut my hair, bathed me and my sister. In the morning we were given new clothes and then I was told to go to the mosque for Id prayers. When finished, I was collected with my sister and then we ate udhhiyah meat.

One day he put on a white shirt for us. Then I was seated on his lap, one was my sister in the other's lap. Uncle Abdurrahman arrived at his invitation. Then Aisyiah's aunt began to speak, she began with praise to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, truly I had never heard before and after that either a man or a woman who was more fluent in verbal and better said words from him. He said to uncle. "O my brother, I see you seem to have moved away from me since I took and cared for these two children. For God's sake I did it not because it was presumptuous to you, not because I put a suspicion on you, and not because I did not believe that you could fulfill both of their rights. It's just that you have more than one wife, while at that time these two children could not take care of themselves. So I worry if both of them are in an unfavorable and unpleasant situation in the view of your wives. So that I feel more entitled to fulfill their right at that time. But now both of them have grown up and have been able to take care of themselves, so bring them and I leave their responsibilities to you. "That's how, finally my uncle Abdurrahman took us to his house.

It's just that, the heart of the descendant of Abu Bakr is still adrift with his aunt's house, Aisha. Missing the floor of the house mixed with the coolness of nubuwat. He developed and was cared for by the care of the owner of the house, he was full of love. Therefore, he divided his time between his aunt's house and his uncle's house.

Her aunt's house really impresses her heart. The cool environment revives the heart during his life. Consider the impressions that are attached to his heart:

"One day, I said to my aunt Ayesha:" O mother, show me the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam and his two best friends, I would love to see it. "

The three tombs were inside the house, closed with something to obstruct the view. He showed us three graves which were not uploaded and were not strangled. All three were sprinkled with red pebbles as they were sprinkled on the courtyard of the mosque. I asked, "Which is the tomb of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam?" He pointed at one of them: "Here." At the same time, two tears rolled down his cheeks, but immediately around so I did not see him. The tomb of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was somewhat more advanced than the tombs of his two friends.

I asked again, "Then which is the grave of my grandfather, Abu Bakr?" While pointing to a tomb he said, "This one." I saw my grandfather's tomb parallel to the shoulder of the Prophet. I said, "This one is Umar's grave?" He replied, "Right."

Stepping on a teenager, this grandson of Abu Bakr had memorized the Book of Allah and drew the traditions from his aunt, Aisha as much as Allah wanted. He diligently went to al-Haram an-Nabawi and was in the halaqah-halaqah of knowledge which lay in every corner of the mosque like sparkling stars scattered in the clear sky.

He attended his assembly Abu Hurairah, Abdullah bin Umar, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Zubair, Abdullah bin Ja'far, Abdullah bin Khabbab, Rafi 'bin Khudaij, Aslam aide Umar bin Khathab and so on. Until in turn he became mujtahid imam and transformed into the most clever man in the sunnah of his day.

After perfect equipment for the young man who was the grandson of Abu Bakr, many people studied him attentively. While he gave his knowledge selflessly or sold expensive. He was never absent to go to the Nabawi Mosque every day, then pray two rakaat tahiyatul mosques then sat in the former place of Umar radhiyallahu ‘anhu at Raudhah, which is the place between the tomb of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam with its pulpit. Then gathered students from all directions to learn from fresh and clean sources, relieve souls who are thirsty for knowledge.

It did not take long, finally al-Qasim bin Muhammad and his aunt's son, Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar, became two trusted Medina priests. Both of them become figures who are obeyed and heard, even though they do not have a position or power. The community raises both because of the nature of piety and wara '. Also because the inheritance in his chest is in the form of knowledge and understanding, coupled with the zuhud nature of what is owned by humans and hopes for a lot of things that are on the side of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

The dignity of both reached its peak until the Umayyad Caliphs and his subordinates respect him. These rulers never decided on a complicated problem except after listening to the opinions of the two scholars.

For example, when al-Walid bin Abdul Malik wished to expand the noble al-Haram an-Nabawi. This plan could not be carried out without dismantling the old mosque in all four directions and displacing the houses of the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam for expansion.

This problem is vulnerable to division between Muslims and hurts their feelings. In view of this, the caliph wrote a letter to Umar bin Abdul Aziz, guardian of Medina, whose contents are as follows:

"I see the need to expand the Ash-Sharif Nabawi Mosque to 200 square feet. For this need, the four walls needed to be torn down and the houses of the Prophet's wives were forced to expand. In addition, the surrounding houses need to be purchased and the qibla is advanced if possible. You are able to make that happen, considering your position among your uncles is the descendants of Ibnul Khathab and the extent of their influence in society.

If the residents of Medina reject it, you can seek help from al-Qasim and Salim bin Abdullah. Include both in this restoration and expansion plan. Don't forget to pay compensation for people's houses at the highest possible price. For you a good reward like that of Umar bin Khathab and Uthman ibn Affan. "

Immediately, the governor of Medina Umar bin Abdul Aziz invited al-Qasim bin Muhammad and Salim ibn Abdullah bin Umar and the leaders of the Muslims of Medina. When they were read out the order of the Caliph who had just been received. It turns out they were happy with what Amir al-mu'minin planned and prepared to support the plan.

Elsewhere, Muslim forces continued to get glorious victories. They succeeded in overthrowing enemy fortresses in Constantinople and captured city after city under the leadership of an agile and courageous commander, Maslamah bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan. This was the beginning of the opening of Constantinople.

The Roman Emperor heard of plans for the restoration and expansion of the Prophet's Mosque, so he wanted to please and take care of Amir al-mu'minin. Sent 100 kilograms of pure gold accompanied by 100 architects from Rome and brought beautiful marble tiles. The assistance was sent by al-Walid to Umar bin Abdul Aziz. This Medina guardian would only use it after first having a discussion with al-Qasim bin Muhammad.

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