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Tabi'in: Zainul Abidin Ali ibn Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib

That year, the history of the Persian empire was over. Yazdajird, the last emperor of Persi died in exile, while all property, soldiers and courtiers became prisoners of the Muslims. All of them were transported to Madinah al-Munawarah.

The victory of the Muslims produced a large number of prisoners, from a respectable circle and never had the residents of Medina seen the results of the ghanimah as much and so valuable as that. Among the prisoners were three emperor Yazdajird's daughters.

People pay attention to the prisoners and a few moments later some of them buy it, while the pay is put into baitul maal of the Muslims. There was nothing left behind other than the beautiful princesses who were still young.

When offered for sale, they all bowed to the earth feeling despicable and low. Tears melted from their cheeks.

Ali bin Abi Talib felt sorry to see him and hoped that the people who would buy the daughters were people who could respect their dignity and be able to care for them well, because the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam once said, "Have mercy on the despised nobles."

Immediately he approached Amir al-mu'minin Umar bin Khathab and proposed: "The princess of the emperor should not be treated like other captives." Umar Radhiyallahu 'anhu said, "You are right, but how?" Ali said, "Announce their prices as high as possible, then give them the freedom to choose people who are willing to pay for it. "

Ali's advice was approved and immediately implemented by Umar. The first daughter chose Abdullah bin Umar, the second daughter chose Muhammad bin Abu Bakr, while the three who were summoned by Shah Zina chose Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib radhiyallahu ‘anhu, grandson of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam.

Shortly after, the third daughter immediately embraced Islam and had a good Islamic faith. So he was lucky with a straight religion, also freed and made a wife by Hussein after he was a slave. After that he abandoned all matters relating to paganism (idol worship) and changed the name "Shah Zinan" which meant the queen of the women became "Ghazalah."

Ghazalah was very happy to be the wife of the best and most deserving husband to get the king's daughter. So that he no longer dreams of getting a gift from a child.

Some time later, Allah also glorified him, not long after he was blessed with a handsome child. He gave him the name Ali, the same as the name of his grandfather Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu ‘anhu.

It's just that, happiness was not long felt by Ghazalah. He immediately fulfilled his Rabb's call due to continuous bleeding after giving birth. So there is no chance for him to have fun with his child.

Now, the child is being cared for by a slave girl. He is loved like the blood of his own flesh, kept better than his own son. So the little one grew up without knowing another mother besides the slave girl.

In his teens, Ali bin Husayn was very diligent and enthusiastic about studying. His first Madrasa was his own home, the noblest house and his teacher was his own father. The second Madrasah is the Ash-Sharif Nabawi Mosque which is crowded with remnants of the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam and the first generation of tabi'in.

They were so enthusiastic in educating the main sons of friends. Teaching Kitabullah, jurisprudence, as well as a history of the traditions of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam according to the target and the object he was aiming for. Also tells about the journey and the struggle of the Prophet, about the Arabic poetry and its beauty. Filling their hearts with love, fear, and piety to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. And finally they succeeded in becoming scholars who wanted to do good deeds and became guides for those who got instructions.

It's just that Ali bin Husayn's heart was not related to anything beyond his heart's attachment to the Book of Allah. There is no other thing that is more admired and feared than the sentences, promises and threats that are in it.

If the verse that he read mentions heaven, it seems that he has a longing for him. When reading verses about hell, trembling trembles as if seeing and feeling the heat of fire on his body.

Entering adulthood, he grew into a young man who was rich in knowledge and devotion. The inhabitants of Medina found him as a young man of Banu Hashim who deserved to be exemplified by worship and his devotion, respect, knowledge and knowledge, reached the peak of worship and his piety. To the extent that every time ablution was seen his face was pale as if in fear. When asked about it, he replied, "Duhai wretched, don't you know who I will be facing and who will I talk to?"

Seeing his personality, his people gave the nickname "Zainul Abidin" (Ornament of experts of worship) and this nickname was better known than his real name. In addition, due to prolonged prostration, residents of Medina also referred to it as "as-Sajjad." And because of its clean soul, it was also dubbed "Az-Zakiy."

Zainul Abidin believes that the marrow of worship is prayer. He himself likes to pray at the curtain of the Ka'ba with his prayer, "O my Rabb, You make me feel Your mercy on me as I feel and You give me pleasure as You have given me, so I pray in peace without fear and ask how I like without shame and doubt. O my Rabb, I bless you with the care of a weak servant who desperately needs your mercy and strength to carry out your obligations and fulfill your rights. Then accept my prayer, the prayer of the weak, foreign and no one is able to help except you alone, O Akramal Akramin ... "

Thawus bin Kaisan had seen Zainul Abidin standing in the shadow of Baitul Atiq (ka'bah), gelagapan like a drowning person, crying like the lament of a sick person and praying constantly like someone who was desperately desperate for needs. After Zainul Abidin finished praying, Thawus bin Kaisan approached and said,

Thawus: "O great grandson of the Messenger of Allah, I see you in such a state even though you have three virtues that I think can secure you from fear."

Zainul Abidin: "Is that O Thawus?"

Thawus: "First, you are the descendants of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam. Second, you will get intercession from your grandfather and thirdly, God's mercy for you. "

Zainul Abidin: "O Thawus, my line of descent from the Prophet did not guarantee my security after I heard the word of God:

"... then the trumpet was blown again, so there was no longer any connection between them that day ..." (Surat al-Mukminun: 101)

As for my grandfather's intercession, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has revealed His word:

"They do not give intercession but to those who are blessed by Allah." (QS. Al-Anbiya: 28)

As for the mercy of God, look at His words:

"Surely the mercy of Allah is very close to those who do good." (Surah Al-A'raf: 56)

The destiny of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala desires, the piety of Zainul Abidin is truly not exceeded by others. Its policies, generosity and true nature. No wonder the story of his life always enlivened the history books and scented his pages with his nobleness. Among them is the history of Hasan bin Hasan:

There had been a dispute between me and my uncle's son, Zainul Abidin. I went to him when he was in the mosque with his friends. I cursed it all out, but he just kept quiet until I came home. At night someone knocked on the door of my house. I opened it to see who was coming. Apparently Zainul Abidin. I don't doubt anymore, he will definitely repay my treatment this afternoon. But it turned out he was just talking, "O my brother, if what you said was true, may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala forgive me. And if what you say is not true, may He forgive you ... "Then he passed after saying hello.

Feeling guilty, I chased after him and said, "Really, I won't repeat words that you don't like." He said, "I have forgiven you."

Another story told by a young Madinah narrates, "When I saw Zainul Abidin coming out of the mosque, I followed him and immediately cursed him. It turns out that it makes people angry. They crowded around me. Had they really done it, I would have been battered. Fortunately, at that time Zainul Abidin said, "Leave this man alone." So they allowed myself.

Seeing me trembling with fear, he stared with a friendly face and reassured, then said, "You have harmed me as far as you know, even though what you don't know is even greater. Do you have a need so I can help you? "

I became very embarrassed and said nothing. When he saw my signal, he gave me a shirt and a thousand dirhams. Since then, every time I see it, I say, "I testify that you really are indeed the descendants of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam. "

The next story was told by his aides, "I am the servant of Ali bin Husein. One time I was told to fulfill one of his needs, but I was late doing it. As soon as I came I was whipped by him.

I cried in anger because he had never whipped anyone before that. I said, "Allah ... Allah ... O Ali bin Husein, why when you told me to fulfill your needs, but after I fulfilled you just hit me?"

He was shocked and then cried to hear my words. Then said, "Go to the Nabawi Mosque, pray two rak'ahs then pray, Allah O Allah, forgive Ali bin Hussein." If you want to do it, you will liberate me. "I followed his words. I pray and pray as he asks. When I returned to his house, I had become a free person. "

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala gave the gift of abundant wealth to Zainul Abidin. His trade was always profitable and his farm was fertile, managed by his slaves. Increasingly progressing trade and agriculture are increasing in wealth.

But Zainul Abidin did not have fun with his wealth. His attitude does not change. His wealth is used to build the path of goodness to the hereafter. That is, wealth becomes beautiful in the hands of righteous servants. Among the good deeds that he likes are charity secretly.

As the night began to get dark, he carried a sack of flour on his back, out through the darkness of the night when people slept soundly. He went around the house of the needy who did not like to stretch his hands.

No wonder there are many poor people of Medina who live without knowing where they fall from. After Ali bin Husein died and they no longer received the sustenance, then they realized who the generous human was.

When Zainul Abidin's body was bathed, there were black marks on his back, so they asked those who bathed him: "What is this former?" After the death of Zainul Abidin, the help of the needy was cut off.

Massive slave liberation by Zainul Abidin was spread by nomads to the east and west. His behavior seems like a tale that is engineered and exceeds the count of those who count it.

Zainul Abidin used to free slaves who worked well in return for them. He also freed slaves who had been beaten or persecuted as ransoms. It was amazing that he had freed a thousand slaves and had never used the power of a slave for more than a year. Most of them were freed at night edul I care Fithri, a night full of blessings. He asked them to face the Qibla and pray: "O Allah, forgive Ali bin Husein," before they left, he gave him double provisions to widen so that they felt multiple happiness.

He was loved and respected by all residents of Medina. When he walks to the mosque or returns from him, people always pay attention to him from the side of the road.

Ever Hisham bin Abdul Malik, who was serving as Amir al-mu'minin, came to Mecca for Hajj. When he thawaf and wanted to kiss Hajar Aswad, the guards ordered the people to make way for him. But they did not want to step aside and ignored Amir al-mu'minin's entourage, because it was the house of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and all humans were His servants.

Meanwhile from a distance there was the sound of tahlil (laa ilaaha illallah) and takbir, in the midst of the crowd a person with a small figure, his face glowing, seemed calm, and authoritative. He wore a cloth and a robe, on his forehead was a former prostration. People stand in line, welcoming with a view full of love and longing. He continued walking towards Hajar Aswad then kissed him.

A bodyguard turned to Hisham: "Who are the people who are respected in such a way by the people?" Hisham said, "I do not know." Farazdak was present nearby, then he said, "Perhaps Hisham is not familiar, but I know him. He is Ali bin Husein. "Next he poems:

This person, the rocks he stepped on also knew

Haram and Baitullah also knew him

He is the best son among all the servants of God

Devoted, holy, clean, and the breadth of his knowledge

He is the grandson of Fatima if you don't know her yet

Great-grandson of the person whom Allah closed the Prophets with him

Your question "who he is" does not reduce his fame

Arabs and Ajam know, even though you don't know him

His hands are like rain, all of them use it

Humans need a helping hand

Nobody was disappointed by him

Never said "no" other than in his tasyahud

Even if it's not because of shahadah, surely there is only the word "yes"

Spread goodness in the midst of humans

Sir, tyranny, poor and poor

If the Quraysh saw him it must have said:

Is that so high?

Bowed his eyes in shame at him

Feeling dwarfed by his greatness

Never forget to smile when speaking

In his hand was a stick that smelled of aroma

From the hands of intelligent humans, the nose smells the fragrance

His descendants of the Prophet were originally

What a noble origin, morality, and temperament

May Allah be the great grandson of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and he is pleased. Indeed, he is a portrait of a man who is afraid of Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, both alone and in crowds, fulfilling his soul with fear of the torment of Allah and the hope of His reward.

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