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The story of the Prophet Moses and Harun aih Alaihimasssalam Part 5

The story of the Prophet Moses and Khadhir (Prophet Khidir)
Once the Prophet Musa berkhutbah in the midst of the Children of Israel, then he was asked, "Who are the people in the most knowledge?" He replied, "I am the person who in the most knowledge." So Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala blamed him for not returning knowledge to -His. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala then revealed to him what he said, "That one of the servants among My servants who lived in the meeting place of the two seas was more knowledgeable than you." Moses said, "O my Lord, how do I meet him?" So it was said to him, "Bring the fish (which are dead) in a basket. When you lose the fish, that person is there. "

Moses departed with his student Yusya 'bin Nun by bringing fish in a basket, so that when they were both on a large rock, both of them lay their heads and slept (on the rock), then the fish escaped from the basket and took the road to the sea and how the departure made Moses and his students feel strange.

The two of them left for the rest of the night until the morning arrived. When in the morning, Moses said to his students, "Bring our food here, really we have felt tired because of this trip." Moses did not feel fatigue except after going through the place he was told to go.

The student then said to him, "Do you know when we searched for shelter on the rock, I forgot to tell about the fish, and nothing made me forget to remember it except Satan," Moses said, "" That (place) we are looking for. "

Then the two returned, following in their original footsteps. When they arrived at the big rock, suddenly there was a man who covered himself with cloth or covered with cloth, then Moses greeted him. Then Khadhir said, "Where are the greetings in your country?" Moses said, "I am Moses." Khadhir said, "Is Moses (Prophet) the Children of Israel?" He replied, "Yes." Moses said, "May I follow you so that you teach me the true knowledge that has been taught to you (to be) a clue? "Khadhir said," Surely you will not be able to be patient with me, O Moses? "Surely I am above the knowledge of the knowledge of Allah that He taught me that you did not know, so also you are above the knowledge that He taught you and I do not know it. "Moses said," You will find me inshallah as a patient person and I will not disobey your commands. "

Both of them went walking on the seafront, while the two of them did not have a boat, then there was a boat that crossed the two of them, so the two spoke to their passengers to catch them both, and it was discovered (by the occupants) that the Khadhir was asking, then they also transport both without wages.

Suddenly there was a bird and then went down to the edge of the boat then pecked once or twice into the sea. Khadhir said, "O Moses, my knowledge and knowledge that comes from God is nothing but the pecking of this bird to the sea (nothing in front of Allah's knowledge), then Khadhir comes to the board between the boards of the boat and then pulls it out." the situation) Moses said, "The person who has brought us without asking for compensation, but instead you hole the boat so that the occupants sink." Khadhir said, "Did I not say to you, that you will not be patient with me." Moses said, thou hast judged me for my sins, and thou shalt not impose me a difficult thing.

For the first time Moses forgot, then both of them left, suddenly there was a child who was playing with other children, then Khadhir held his head from above, then pulled his head with his hand. Moses said, "Do you want to kill a clean soul not because he killed someone else." Khadhir said, "Surely you will not be able to be patient with me."

Both of them walked, so that when they arrived at the inhabitants of a village, both of them asked that the residents entertain them, but were not given. Both of them got a wall that almost collapsed, then Khadhir straightened it, Khadhir did it with his hand. Moses also said, "If you want, surely you can ask for a reward for that." So Khadhir said, "This is the separation between me and you."

Then Khadhir conveyed the reasons for his actions, he said:

"The ship belongs to the poor who work in the sea, and I aim to destroy the ship, because before them there is a king who seizes every ship. - And as for the young man, then the two (his parents) are people believers, and we are worried that he will encourage his parents to go astray and disbelief. –And we want God to replace them with another child who is better in his holiness from his child and deeper in his affection (to his father's mother ) .– The wall of the house belongs to two orphans in the city, and beneath it is treasure for both of them, while his father is a righteous person, so your Lord wants them to come to maturity and take out his savings, as a mercy from Your Lord; and I did not do it according to my own will. That is the purpose of actions that you cannot be patient with. " (Surah Al Kahf: 79-82).

The story of the female cow
At the time of the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) there were some strange things, including the story of the killing of one of the Children of Israel who was not known who was the killer. They have searched for who killed him but still do not know who the killer was. When they were tired of looking for it, they remembered that in the midst of them there was the Prophet Musa aih alaihissalam, then some of them came to him and asked him to pray to Allah so He would tell who was the killer.

Then the Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah to resolve the problem, then Allah revealed to the Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) that he commanded them to slaughter a female cow.

When they heard the order, they were astonished and thought that it was only making fun of them, so that the Children of Israel did not immediately carry out the order, even asking again about the characteristics of the female cow and asking for a more detailed explanation of its characteristics.

Because they did not immediately carry out the order even burdening themselves by asking more in detail about their characteristics so that they were given a burden with a heavier burden, they were told different characteristics from other female cows.

Allah told them to slaughter a cow that was not young and not old who had given birth a lot, but the cow was still strong who had given birth only once or twice. If they do it right away, it will certainly be easy to get it, but they instead ask the Prophet Musa for its characteristics; they asked what color it was, so Prophet Musa "Peace be upon him said," Verily Allah said that the female cow was a yellow female cow, whose color was dark yellow, again pleasing the people who looked at it. "

They continued to ask about the female cow so that they were burdened with even more burdens, namely the order of the Prophet Musa 'peace be upon him next, "Verily Allah said that the female cow was a female cow that had never been used to plow the land and not to irrigate crops , no blemish, no stripes. "

They also said, "Now you explain the true nature of the female cow".

then they looked for the cow with difficulty until they finally found it and bought it at a price that was quite expensive, they slaughtered it and almost they did not carry out the order. "(See. QS. Al Baqarah: 69-71)

Next the Prophet Musa peace be upon him approached the cow and took part of his body, then he used to hit the murdered person, then suddenly the killed man could move after Allah returned him to him, then he told him who the killer was, his brother's son, then he died again. This includes a great miracle from God to show the truth of Prophet Musa aih Peace be upon him.

The story of Moses with Qarun
Qarun including the people of Prophet Musa aih Peace be upon him. He is a rich man, many assets and savings, even the keys to his wealth cannot be taken except by strong people.

However, Qarun disobeyed the Prophet Moses and Aaron, he did not accept the advice of both, and he thought that the wealth and enjoyment he got was because he had the right to own it and that he obtained it because of his knowledge.

One day, Qarun went to Medina with large jewelry and lots of equipment while wearing good clothes. When he passed humans, some people approached him to give him advice by saying, "Don't be too proud; surely Allah does not like those who are too proud of themselves. —and seek what Allah has bestowed on you (happiness) in the Hereafter, and do not forget your part from (worldly) pleasure and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not do damage on the face of the earth. Lo! Allah does not like those who do harm. (Surat al-Qasas: 76-77)

So Qarun rejected the advice arrogantly, he said, "Indeed, I was only given the treasure, because the knowledge is mine."

He thought that the property he acquired was due to his intelligence and abilities.

One time the Qarun came out before the people with a procession complete with guards, servants and all their luxuries to show their splendor to their people. At that time, some humans were slandered (astonished) with the wealth and jewels of Qarun, they wished if they had as they had Qarun, but the pious people among them said, "The reward of Allah is better for those who believe and do good works. "

When the Qarun continued to be arrogant and arrogant, then Allah buried Qarun and his house into the earth, and no one was able to help him, and at that time, the people who yesterday aspired to the position of the Qarun, said, "Oh, God is right enlarge the sustenance for whom He wants from his servants and narrow it down; if God does not bestow His gift upon us truly He has immersed us (also). O, it is not fortunate for those who deny (Allah's favor). "(QS. Al-Qasas: 82)

Death of Prophet Musa Musa Alaihissalam
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam told about the death of the Prophet Moses aih Peace be upon him as follows:

جَاءَ مَلَكُ الْمَوْتِ إِلَى مُوسَى عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ. فقال له: أجب ربك قال فلطم موسى عليه السلام عين ملك الموت ففقأها, قال فرجع الملك إلى الله تعالى فقال: إنك أرسلتني إلى عبد لك لا يريد الموت, وقد فقأ عيني, قال فرد الله إليه عينه وقال: ارجع إلى عبدي فقل: الحياة تريد ؟ فَإِنْ كُنْتَ تُرِيدُ الْحَيَاةَ فَضَعْ يَدَكَ عَلَى مَتْنِ ثَوْرٍ ، فَمَا تَوَارَتْ يَدُكَ مِنْ شَعْرَةٍ ت،عِيشُ بَهَا سَنَةً ، قَالَ: ثُمَّ مَهْ؟ قال: ثم تموت, قال: فالآن من قريب, رب أمتني من الأرض المقدسة, رمية بحجر, قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «والله لو أني عنده لأريتكم قبره إلى جانب الطريق, عند الكثيب الأحمر»

"The angel of death came to the Prophet Moses' peace be upon him, then the angel said to him," Fill your Lord. "So the Prophet Moses immediately struck the eyes of the angel of death and striking, then the angel returned to Allah Ta'ala and said," You sent me to a servant who do not want to die. "And he strained my eyes, then God returned his eyes and said," Return to my servant and say, "Do you want to live?" If you want to live, then put your hands on the back of the cow, then your life until as much time as the feathers are covered by your hands. You can still live a year. "Then Moses said," Next what? "Allah said," Then you die. "Moses said," Then now immediately. "O my Lord, turn me off near a holy country whose distance is as far as throwing stones "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," By Allah, if I were near there, of course I would tell you the graves on the side of the road, near the red sand dunes. "(Narrated by Muslim)

It is stated in the history, that the angels who took care of his funeral and who overtook him. At that time, he was 120 years old.

Finished with the help of Allah and His taufiq, wa sallallaahu ‘alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad wa‘ alaa aalihi wa shahbihi wa sallam.

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