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Zaid Bin Tsabit The Translator of the Prophet

Zaid bin Tsabit radhiallahu hu anhu is a friend of Ansar. He was chosen as the head of the Koran bookkeeping team in Abu Bakr and in the days of Uthman ibn Affan. The great trust certainly shows how much his capacity and position in Islam and the history of Muslims.

Its origin

He is Zaid bin Tsabit bin adh-Dhahak al-Ansari. He came from the Banu Najjar who was the family of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam in Medina. When the Prophet arrived in Medina, Zaid's condition at that time was an orphan. His father died at War Bu'ats. In the first year of the hijrah, Zaid's age was no more than 11 years. He embraced Islam with his family. The Prophet also blessed him.

Zaid sincerity

As a child, he and adults departed to meet the Prophet to participate in the Battle of Badr. But, the Prophet did not allow him because he was too young and his body was still small. Not giving up because he was rejected during the Battle of Badr, when the Messenger of Allah prepared the Battle of Uhud troops, Zaid re-registered. This time he departed with a group of teenagers his age. Hopefully the Messenger of Allah will include them in the Mujahideen forces. And their family moreover hopes that the Messenger of Allah will accept them.

The Prophet looked at them with a gratitude. As if he wanted them to get permission not to come. Come on young people named Rafi 'bin Khadij bring a dagger or spear. He showed off his skill in holding the weapon. Rafi 'said, "I am exactly what you see. I am good at throwing weapons, so allow me. "The Messenger of Allah also allowed it.

Then Samurah bin Jundab advanced. One member of his family said, "Actually Samurah is greater than Rafi." The Prophet also allowed him.

There were six other brave young men left. Among them were Zaid bin Thabit and Abdullah bin Umar. They issued all abilities to persuade the Prophet. Do not work verbally, they persuade with tears. Not yet successful with how to peed it, they show strength by showing their muscles. But their age is still too young. And their bodies are still so small. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam rejected them subtly while entertaining them by promising to invite them to the next war.

Finally, Zaid and Thabit along with their children began to experience their jihad in the Khandaq War. In the year 5 H.

Zaid bin Thabit radhiallahu hu anhu said, "At War Bu'ats I am 6 years old. It happened 5 years before the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam came to Medina. And at that time I was 11 years old. I met with the Prophet. They said, "There is a child from the Khazraj Kabab who has memorized 16 letters." But he did not allow me at the Battle of Badr and Uhud. Only then will I be allowed in the Khandaq War. "

Zaid held the Bani Najjar flag at the Tabuk War. Initially the flag was held by Umarah bin Hazm, but the Prophet took it and handed it to Zaid. Umarah said, "O Messenger of Allah, is there something about me (the bad) that has come to you?" But, those who memorize the Koran more deserve to be put forward. And Zaid memorizes the Koran more than you. "

Please note, first the friends memorized 10 verses-10 verses. When they understand and practice it, they add memorization. So who memorizes the most, the better the quality between them.

Smart Anshar Youth

From Amir, he recounts:

Indeed, the ransom of the prisoners of War of Badr was 40 golden ukiyah Who has the ability to read and write, they are ordered to teach reading and writing to 10 Muslims. Among those who were taught was Zaid bin Thabit. Zaid is a scholar and has privileges in various fields. He is a memorizer of the Koran. The Prophet's clerk who wrote the revelation that came down to the Prophet. He has a deep quality of knowledge and wisdom.

When the Prophet began to deliver the Islamic message out of Medina, making correspondence to the kings and emperors, he ordered Zaid to learn their languages. Zaid also succeeded in mastering these languages ​​in a short time.

Zaid bin Thabit said, "I was met with the Prophet when he arrived in Medina. Some say, ‘This is a child from Banu Najjar. He has memorized 17 letters (previously narrated 16). I read it in front of him. He was very impressed. Then he said, ‘Study Hebrew (Hebrew). I really can't make them believe in my book. I did what he asked. After no more than half a month, I mastered it. Then I wrote the Prophet's letter to them. If those who send letters to him, I'm the one who translates. "

From Thabit ibn Ubaid from Zaid ibn Thabit, he said, the Messenger of Allah said to me, "Do you speak Syriac?" "No," I replied. "Study it. Surely the letters will come to us, "asks the Messenger of Allah. I also learned it in a span of 17 days.

We are reminded of the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam:

إِنَّ اللهَ يُحِبُّ مَعَالِيَ الْأُمُوْرِ وَأَشْرَافِهَا وَيَكْرَهُ سَفْسَافَهَا

"Indeed, Allah loves the best things and hates something that is careless." (HR ath-Thabrani).

What is the influence of the education of the Prophet on the friends In addition to intelligence, of course determination and seriousness also have a big influence. So that Zaid is so fast in mastering these foreign languages.

Al-A'masy said, "There have been letters to Zaid. But he was not interested in reading it, except for those he trusted. From this he was known by the call of the Translator of the Apostle. "

Recitation of the Koran

Since the beginning of Islamic da'wah for about 20 years since the first revelation came down, there are a group of friends who are able to memorize with ordinary abilities. Some are able to memorize everything written. There are also those who memorize all the arranged verses. Among them were Ali bin Abu Talib, Ubay bin Ka'ab, Abdullah bin Masud, Abdullah bin Abbas, and Zaid bin Tsabit radhiallahu hum anhum ajma'in. After the Qur'an was revealed in a perfect manner, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam read it to the Companions in sequence as the arrangement of letters and verses that we know now.

Zaid bin Thabit radhiallahu ‘anhu had deposited his memorization with the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam in his death year. In that year, Zaid deposited his memorization twice. And qiro-at is called qiro-at Zaid bin Tsabit. Because he also wrote and submitted it to the Prophet to be corrected. And the text he read to people until he died.

Early Bookkeeping of the Koran

After the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam died, the Muslims were made busy with conflict against apostates. So that many victims fell from the Muslims. In the Battle of Yamamah (war against false prophets, Musailimah al-Kadzab) for example, a large number of Koran reciters were killed. Umar bin al-Khattab was worried that the reciters of the Koran would continue to fall because the conflict had not yet ended. He discussed the idea of ​​recording the Koran with the Caliph Abu Bakr. Then Abu Bakr was angry. Consult with friends. After that, he called Zaid bin Thabit, "Surely you are a smart young man. I will give you an important assignment ... "Abu Bakr ordered him to book the Koran.

Zaid also holds great responsibility. He was tested with a heavy mandate in this big project. He checked and studied until the collected Koran was composed and divided based on each letter. Regarding this great responsibility, Zaid said, "For God's sake! If you charge me to move the hill from its place, of course it is lighter than you command me to book the Koran. "

He also said, "I researched the Koran, collected it from palm leaves and memorized people." But with taufik from Allah he managed to carry out the great mandate well.

Uniformity of Quran Recitations

During the government of the Caliph Uthman bin Affan radhiallahu hu anhu the number of people who embraced Islam was increasing every day. This happened in various regions. Of course this is very positive. However, this is not without gaps. These areas receive a different history of qira-at. And they don't know the variations. So they thought that different people reading the Koran were making new readings. A new problem arises.

Through the proposal of Hudzaifah bin al-Yaman's friend, the Caliph Uthman bin Affan also made a policy of uniformizing the recitation of the Koran. Uthman said, "Who is the most trusted person to write?" The people answered, "The author of the Prophet, Zaid bin Thabit." Uthman again said, "Who is the most fluent in Arabic?" People answered, "Said bin al- Ash. He is one whose dialect is most similar to the Messenger of Allah. "Uthman again said," Said who dictated and Zaid wrote. "

Zaid bin Thabit sought the help of other friends. The Companions also brought copies of the Koran that were in the home of the Prophet of the Faithful Hafshah binti Umar radhiallahu ‘anha. Friends help each other in this great and historic event. They make memorizing Zaid as a benchmark. Ibn Abbas radhiallahu ‘anhuma said," Surely the reciters of the Koran from Muhammad's friends knew that Zaid bin Thabit was a person who was very knowledgeable. "

The virtue of Zaid bin Thabit

The figure of a Zaid bin Thabit has a high position in the community. Muslims respect him very much. One day Zaid drove his riding animal. Then Abdullah bin Abbas took the reins and guided him. Seeing that, Zaid said, "Leave it alone O son of the Prophet's uncle." This is how we should respect our scholars, "Ibn Abbas answered.

The First to Obey Abu Bakr

Abu Said al-Khudri radhiallahu ‘anhu recounts:

When the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam died, the Ansar people spoke up. One of them said, ai O Muhajirites, actually if the Messenger of Allah commissioned one of you, he would make one of us as his companion. Therefore, we see that after him this leadership was held by two people. One of you and one of us.

The Ansar voiced this. Then Zaid the son of Thabit stood up. He said, ungguhnya Indeed, the Prophet came from the Muhajirin. And that leadership is on Muhajirin and we are their helpers. As we have become the Prophet's Ansar.

Abu Bakr stood up and thanked Zaid for the calm atmosphere. Abu Bakr said, ai O Ansar people, what your friends say is true. If you do that besides, of course we don't justify it. '

Zaid reached Abu Bakr's hand, then said, ‘This is your friend. Beat him.

If Abu Bakr had pilgrimage, then Umar and Zaid bin Tsabit who replaced him as caliph. Zaid was also given the mandate to divide the ghanimah in the Yarmuk War. He was also one of six fatwa experts: Umar, Ali, Ibn Mas'ud, Ubay, Abu Musa and Zaid bin Tsabit radhiallahu hum anhum ajma'in. Umar and Uthman did not exaggerate anyone in matters of justice, fatwa, faraidh, and qiroa-ah compared to Zaid ibn Thabit.

Anas bin Malik related that the Prophet sallallaahu ahu alaihi wa sallam said,

أرحم أمتي بأمتي أبو بكر وأشدهم في أمر الله عمر وأصدقهم حياء عثمان وأعلمهم بالحلال والحرام معاذ بن جبل وأفرضهم زيد بن ثابت وأقرؤهم أبي ولكل أمة أمين وأمين هذه الأمة أبو عبيدة بن الجراح

"My most loving people for others is Abu Bakr. The most solid in carrying out God's commands is Umar. The most honest and shy is Uthman. The one who knows the most halal and haram is Mu'adz bin Jabal. The one who knows the science of fara'idh (the distribution of inheritance) is Zaid bin Tsaabit. The best recitation of the Koran is Ubay. Every Ummah has a trusted person. And the people of this faith are Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah. "(HR at-Turmudzi 3791).

A prominent tabi'in, Muhammad bin Sirin, said, "Zaid bin Thabit defeated the people in two ways: the Qur'an and the Faraid."

His death

Zaid bin Tsabit radhiallahu ‘anhu died in 45 AH during the reign of Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan radhiallahu‘ anhu.

On the day of Zaid's death, Abu Hurairah said, "Today has died the request of this people. May Allah make Ibn Abbas his successor. "

Ink is an expression for the breadth of knowledge. Because in ancient times, writing science needed ink.

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